Forklift Registration And License - PDF Download

Dear Sirs,
I would like to have an information on the following
1. Do we need to have the industrial forklift registered under motor vehicles act. If so can I get the relevant act cluse number
2. Do the drivers of forklift need to have a specific forklift driving license ?
Note : I am referring to Karnataka state.
An input in this regard will be highly appreciated.
To my knowledge Forklifts do not require any registration under Motor Vehicles Act in any State.
Prashant B Ingawale
siddi10;2080495]Dear Sirs,
I would like to have an information on the following
1. Do we need to have the industrial forklift registered under motor vehicles act. If so can I get the relevant act cluse number. - Regarding registration I am not aware
2. Do the drivers of forklift need to have a specific forklift driving license ? - In Mharashtra separate licence issued by RTO for Forklift Driving
Note : I am referring to Karnataka state.
An input in this regard will be highly appreciated
Employment Lawyer
Dear Siddi,
It is not mandatory to register any vehicle that does not ply on public road, and the opposite is also applicable. So if the forklift is never going to leave your private premises it need not be registered, I have been part of a major litigation wherein the RTO had sued one of the biggest cement company in Karnataka as they had not registered their dumpers (as they never left the mine area), the company won the litigation ultimately in the Supreme Court of India. But so far as licence is concerned the driver needs to have the required licence for operating a forklift. Communicate if you need any professional assistance in this regard.
Dear Sir,
No Registration is required.
But the Forklift Driver requires Driving Licence and he should be a trained one.
If anything goes wrong, the owner and the driver is responsible for liability.
HR & IR Consultant
pradeep metals
Dear Sir,
1] For safety of the Company and Insurance purpose it is better to have Forklift registered with RTO.
2] Forklift Driver should posses valid RTO License issue by RTO.
Finally Principal Employer where Forklift services are used is responsible.
Nagesh Deshmane
Yes, it need to be registered under non-transportation vehicles, if I am not wrong it is referred in Rules and not in the Act, ..... I also suggest you to refer the ; and also Transport Department - Govt. of Karnataka <link updated to site home> ( Search On Cite | Search On Google ) ......for more accurate details.....
in , you will have the felicity to ask the questions, there must be a separate page for that.......
Karnataka motor vehicle taxation speak of the same, if such vehicles are not registered how do you expect the tax being raised......
have a nice time......
I am requesting to put a copy of the supreme court judgment for the benefit of our community. We are also facing same issue here in AP, where RTA authorities are demanding tax.
Forklifts are used for lifting and loading heavy materials or vehicles. This is the most dangerous job. It must be necessary for all the forklift operators to be well trained. They must be registered and should have license to drive these heavy vehicles. For more forklift safety measures browse this site
Dear All,
For your kind information
Yes.. we have to do the registration for fork lift machine
its comes under section 2 CA MVA
We have to pay life tax amount for fork lifts ,its calucalated by Total value of the machine (including customes charges) *7.5%
Registration fees 5000/-
Note: If u failed to pay life-tax amount ,2% of penalty is applicable (, ie will calculated form the life tax amount
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