Have U Become What U Wanted To Be???

Ash Mathew
Hi Everyone,
When we were young we had dreams of pursuing one particulr field and that kept changing over a period of time. Life has given us the time to think... chose and pursue...
Have u continued to pursue ur dreams from the very beginning or have they changed? Pls share...
My dreams kept changing over a period of time and they were...
I wanted to become a Scientist
Then Artist (Interior work)
Then felt this would be better - Software Engineer
I loved Criminal / Corporate Law so I wanted to become a - Lawyer
Criminal Psychologist
Human Resources ...
And I landed with Human Resources :-D
Pls share urs...
Initially, i wanted to become Teacher as i love teaching, then wanted to join a NGO... and then wanted to work as a lecturer .. afterwards i start liking interacting with different people the, wanted to enter into Media to fight against the BAD and corrupted people in India as i Love my Country and have passion toward my country... then at last Joined MBA.. and Finally HR...
Now i want to leave my job and relax.. :-D:-D
Dear Asha,
Rocking Intiative...
Very true ,We ll dream or Passionate for something But the circumstances will takes u some where else....
Ie life...
For me its a big list...
Right from Army,Enertainement,Cricket,media,coroporate..It kept changing with Change in circumstances,perception and ground reallity...
Still am young lets see where i ll land... Hope so Not in an Alien land......
Ash Mathew
Thanks for adding ur comments Vivek...
I see a lot of difference from what Men want to become and what women want to become (I mean during the growing Stage)
I feel - Boys, in the growing process - think of "Danger & fun" involved tasks.
Girls - think on the softer side - interacting side..creative work.
I am not concluding with just three views. If more peopel could add their comments... it would be interesting to see how it varies gender to gender. And also fun to know where we have landed at this point of our life!
Hai Everyone
Really its a nice topic.
From mychildhood onwards i want to become pilot.I am very passion about that job.
No second taught before doing MBA after that decided to become as HR and i done it.
But still i want to work in aviation atleast as HR.
Initially in school days, I wanted to become pilot:icon6:, then wanted to become a doctor, then in grads i decided to become a scientist and
I finally landed with HR.:-D
hi ash,
early i wants be a artist than in school time(11 std) i wants to become a software engineer as i love programming n computers, than in college i wants to become a lecturer coz m impressed with one my teacher than my accounts teacher was doing CS so i also want to join t same n finally m a MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER now i wants to land in HR.:icon10:
Believe in yourself.. All things r possible.
Ash Mathew
Hi Uday:

Interesting… An MBA degree and then u took HR. Keep trying hard and am sure u will make it in the Aviation Industry!

Hi Asmita…

That’s cool. Pilot – Doctor – Scientist – HR!!!


Great Going! Wish u gud luck in ur hunt for a HR field related career!!
Trust me – It’s a great field.
Thanks everyone... and ppl who are viewing this... pls take time to post.
Even after typing ur childhood dreams here, after looking at it - u will feel happy abt the long way u have come thru - taking us to our own past!
This is a real interesting exercise!
As for my dreams and aspirations, there have also been so many - IFS Office, do a PHD, Psychologist, Interpretor of 5 foreign languages, Philospher, and finally down to HR cum Training Professional.
From here, it would be into freelancing as a Training Professional!!
i started as bcmin a Pilot...........coz i likd Ray Ban glasses nd blue jacketz
den... thought of becomin astronaut....coz i likd watchin documentriez abt space...
den...wantd to b a model...
den...an RJ,,,
den...n Anchor...
finally ,,,till nw...@ 23...hv landed up wid a profile of a Behavioral Trainer...abt which I had never thought abt...
diz z lyf...one never knwz whr it wd take us tmrw...so live tdy.....b happy nd share happynesss..:)
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