Apprasial Format For Production/QC/R&D Department?

Dear All HR Scholars....
I need your hepl..pls provide me apprasial format for Production/ QC/R&D department..which is linked with their day-2-day activities..if any one working in any manufacturing company pls share your format of apprasial.....pls help me..i have to implement this in my organization from 1st of dec...pls help / guide me..
Hello Vandana,
I have already posted the template to you on this CiteHR. This is not the 1st time you are posting the same thread on this CiteHR. Check out your earlier postings.
Narendra I know...but im unable to prepair that format as what i want is to based on their day - to day activities..i have points which i have to included in AP..but im not having any need a format for that..hope u understand..all my experince is in service industry..but first time i hv joined manufacturing industry just a week before n now Mgt expect that in 5 days AP is on place..where till date i have not understood the procedure of production & QC & Rn D i need help..who are working in manufacturing industry..hope u understood...n help me with any format..
Hi Vandana,
Have you identified / defined the KRAs / quality objecyives for all the departments of your organization???
If yes, then based on those you can compile the template in line with the template that I have sent to you.
Hello , can i get appraisal form for software company ... even i am working on that and i have to implement that ,,, please help me out
Thanks & Regards ,
Rashmi Mehra
Hi Vandana !
For any manufacturing facility first you need to set KRA's for all for the appraisal period. Each KRA to be given some weightage which should total to 100. Which will help to rate the person. Alongwith this you should have employee development related points in the form. The form should speak about employee strength and area for improvements as well as his accomplishments. The form is very imporatnt as it helps us to cater trg requirements for the employee, to know employees strengths, to focus on area for improvements and to award for any special achievenments. The objectives set should be in line with functional and company objectives as it helps indidual as well as function and in turn organisatioon. Best of Luck and am sure you will be able to do justice to this activity.
Hi Rashmi,
Appraisal forms are designed based on what appraisal process we follow in the company like 36o degree, MBO method, Balance Score Card etc. Each copmany will have customized form as per their requirement but considering basic objective/motto the same.Appraisal process is very vast and imporatnt process for any company so simply following some format will not serve the true purpose.
Hello Santosh,
Can you help me out how i move forward in this field i have some parameter . which i have to make .. can you provide me your mail id so i can send you ... so some how you can help me
Dear Santosh,
I have few parameter which i have discuused with HOD..but im nt sure that they have given me full info abt their dept...I wish if i could get any sample KRA or format for thses department...
Hi...these perametrs
Sales: Order precurment, Planingsales,tender search,enquiry , communication, follow up,order rechked...before duedate tender have to submit,(local tender-with in 3 days),status,tender attended,put up, rates reasonable or not..negotiation skill,repetation of customer,new customer development,production plalning,to ensure dilivery of material on time, customer enquires, (all type of rejection/difficency related enquires or complaint will nt handle by sales)
Production: Raise of indent/material,diliver on time,fare work atmospher,NCR,production capacity utilization

QC/Testing: Incoming Inspection, final inspection,customer inspection, 48 hrs for testing of material, Inprocess material testing, no of testing in a day, no of sample tested , paper process in with in a day for material dispatch, customer complaints closing

R&D: new product development target dates, no of product develop,improvment in present product,customer complaint abt new product, certificates due and renewal of certificate.

Now we have started marketing i have to define his work for brand management...and all work related to marketing

Purchase: after getting indent, they have to do costing of material, giv e dreport & order for material..broad line..( we can add few point related to this)

If you want to add any other point related to all this pls do that....

Accounts do all the general work of accounts depat..rasing of invoice, billing, challan, return file..etc etc..

Im nt sure whethr HOD has given me complete info abt thr if any one having any pls
PLs help me...let me know..even few more points for this...
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