Shall We Permit Namas (prayer) During Office Hours?

Dear Peers,
Pls suggest whether we can allow employees to do namas (prayer) during office hours. In our branch few employees are doing this on daily basis for which they take nearly half-an-hour for one time. I have also noted that they well utilize the office working hours that they dont even use the lunch hours.
I want to know whether it is permissible or not and if not how can we correct them without hurting their religious feeling.
What is your organization is it Ownerbased or Limited
Either of the above two what is your boss take on the same???
I think if it is allowed then other community/ religion employee will ask for time-off ..................what is your experience so far???
Dearest Vanitha,
A very simple answer to your question is that u cannot stop someone from doing his/her religious prayers as it is a question of religious feelings and sentiments of the employees working.I was facing this problem in my company to..........! the only solution to this is fix up the time and the duration for which they can offer prayers........! After all its a question of someones religious sentiments which we do not have the right to hurt..............!or you can designate a place for them in your company itself where all of them can offer their prayers for a pecicific time and duration.
For any further queries you can always stay in touch
Thanks and Regards
Ravibhushan Pandav
Human Resources Officer
Dear Prashant,
Ours is a private limited company.
Our boss definitely will not encourage all this, he treats everyone at par.This is being done without his knowledge.
So far there is no complaint from other employees, but i feel this issue will blow when there is heavy work schedule.
Pls suggest how this can be dealt.
Dear Ms. Vanitha
Kindly do revert to queries raised by Mr. Prashant.
With reference to your queries, there are people who pray regularly and also there are people who pray occasionally.
Those who offer their prayers regularly, will not take more than 20MINUTES at the max, even if they have to travel to the near by mosque. Sometimes, you may also find people praying just to kill their time or to escape from their responsibilities, which is unethical and considered as CHEATING in ISLAAM.
Kindly do have open discussions with those employees while trying your best to make them understand the purpose for employing them and the value of salary which they are receiving. Please educate them in the most professional way.
They should deliver their work on TOP PRIORITY BASIS and at the same time, they are allowed/permitted to offer their prayers based on the facilities available without taking much time.
Please understand your employees PSYCHOLOGY/MENTALITY
With profound regards
Dear Vanitha,
Please call those employees & ask those to avoid the prayers ( Namaz ) in office hour & if possible ask them what can be done to avoid this problem?/
Please negotiate with them then please confirm so that I can suggest you further!!!!
Hussain Zulfikar
Hi Vanitha

With reference to your query, you may first discuss with your senior or top management (Owners or Management) and then draft a clear policy regarding taking breaks during office hours, considering Labor Law points, religious freedom and work schedules.

I understand that Offering Namaz (Prayers) takes a little while, but 30 minutes is a fairly long time. depends from person to person, however, 10 - 15 minutes is enough to complete prayers. Also employees shall be prompt in completing the prayers.

Schedule the breaks timings aligned with prayer times.

I m also of opinion that, if productivity is not hampered and targets are met, then employees may be allowed to manage thier work and activities as they are comfortable.

Research or survey on all types of breaks taken by employees - Coffee breaks, prayer breaks, lunch breaks, smoke breaks etc .. and schedule them accordingly.

Ensure clear work allotment to employees, so that thier time during office hours are fully utilized.

Hope this is helpful

Best Wishes
Dear Mr.Shaik,
Thanks for your suggestions.
For prayers they are taking atleast half-an-hour which i have personally observed.
Particularly a female, whenever i saw her either she will be chatting with other employees or she will be performing namaz or simply standing in the terrace. She doesnt seem to show any kind of interest towards her work.
As suggested by you, let me have discussion with them asap.
Dear Mr.Hussain,
As per our company's HR policies, we dont have any specfic rule for this and moreover im willing to sort out the issue within ourselves.
Have noted your suggestions.
Firstly there has to be a clear cut policy before to implement any options, which has to be inline with labor law of the country & keeping in mind the operation runs smoothly.
According to me the best way to solve this is to designate a place for employees within the company itself where all of them can offer their prayers for a specific time and duration which can be scheduled within the breaks timings.
Sandeep Pathania
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