An Interesting Training Video To Share!! - XLS Download

Hi Good evening all members..:icon6:
Lets share training videos .

here is a video for GOAL Setting and try until you succceed....:-P:-P
and IF any one has a assignment on Soft skills to train College Students / any corporate training assignments I am interested kindly send me a private message or mail me at [Login to view]
Soft Skills Trainer:-P
Hi Avin!!
This is Very inspiring !! Can you share some more such motivating videos plz. I work as a Training Co-ordinator and these videos would really help me.
This video is indeed a perfect example of goal setting and ensuring no matter what the goals are achieved. thnak you for sharing this one. please share a few more if you have as well.
Very very good!
Effective! :)
Carina Cadima
Skillup, The Ultimate Tool to Assess How Effective Training is
I have somthing for the winners
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

madhu c nair
Thanks a lot for sharing the fantastic piece of work.Waiting for more surprises from your side.
Madhu C.Nair,
Training Manager,
LULU Hypermarket,
Dubai &Northern Emirates
sujit acharya
its a good collection. we can learn so many things out of it. only thing is that to understand the motive of the advertisement. thanks if more pl share.
Iam a freelancer right now.Iam specifically into training final year College students ,want to take up corporate level and want to take up a Full time Training job in a mutually beneficial environment.
Soft Skills Trainer
Hello,this is Imran i am trying to open the file but it asking for user name and i loggen in again i click the file but it is asking to log in three times it happen but also it is not opening,can u help me to open the file as i am a new in HR without HR qualification working for a company as a HR Supervisor.Please help me to improve myself.I will be waiting for your positive response,i feel that i will get good response from you.Take careThankyou.
hi avin,
cant find the video will you please email to me or properly direct me on how i can upload
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