Appraisals Based On Competencies

Hello all!
I am new to this community and I am hoping to get some guidance from other HR professionals. I am restructuring my company's current Performance review process. Our current reviews consists of a rating scale (outstanding, excellent, good, etc) and rates skills such as job knowledge, organization and planning, dependability, interpersonal skills, communication, etc. I would like to create an appraisal system based more on job competencies versus just skills. I am wondering if any of you have experience in this and could provide guidance on how to go about this type of project. I have been reading books and have a pretty good idea of what needs to be done but getting this started and figuring out what I should do first is a bit difficult.
Can anyone provide any guidance?. Please feel free to send me a private message as well. Thank you all in advance.
Hi MD,

I saw ur question, but found it unanswered. Thought that i'll share my experience.

When u wanted to appraise or review a person based on thier comptency, first we need to look at the following points.

- What is the compentency level/skill sets required for performing a particular job.

- Look at whether the person who does that job, has all those skills or not.

You can gauge a person's skill/competency by following methods.

1. Ask his/her immediate supervisor to evaluate his work performance, where his strenghts are , where he need to improve.

2. Dont go for forms, where in they will encircle or tick few parameters, and leave. It will be biased.

3. Have as many as personal review sessions, allow the reviewee to talk.

4. If this is followed, the end of the day, u find the competencies that the person posses.

Match his performance/competency to the existing standard (which is expected of him). If it matches, he is a outstanding or good performer. If it does not, he must be a poor or slow learner.

Hope this gives u some insight on what u wanted to know.


Rajesh Balasubramanian
Competency based PMS follows these practices generally
1.identify competencies
2. translating them into measure able behaviours
3. Assess the competencies
4. Use critical incident method as well for the same
Competencies for variours roles and levels are to be clearly defined
Behavioural translations - the various scales are to be differentiated precisely. Eg good,average,Poor etc - what behaviour traits determine what rating etc?
Competencies and KRA's - what is the wieghtage for both, while computing the overall performance?
I tried to give some inght, and hope this will be useful
Rajesh B
Vineet Sir,
If u ned help pls contact me .
Ask Or tell me which competencies u need to asses and then only u can test them.
I do Competencies testing!!!!!!! for some industries.
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Ajmal Mirza
This is extract from the small project that I had roughly drafted for a friend of mine.... Maybe it will help you too...


What the Competency Mapping will attain?

It will help in recruiting the right person for the job / role

It will help in doing the gap analysis and develop training programs for the removing the same

It will help in promotions and succession planning

How to did I Implement it in our organization?

Step 1

I started with conducting a job analysis by asking incumbents to complete a position information questionnaire(PIQ).

Step 2

Using the results of the Job Analysis, I developed a competency based job description, carefully analyzing the input from the represented group of incumbents and converting it to standard competencies

Notes for preparing Job Description

During preparation of competency based job description, be as objective as possible and always keep in mind that individuals would be evaluated for their performance compared to their job descriptions. So each measure should be measurable.

Step 3

With the competency based job description, I prepared the assessment sheet for the performance evaluation. This evaluations were much more objective based when compared to the previous evaluation system and diminished the chances of inaccurate evaluations.

Notes for preparing Assessment Sheet

During the preparation of the assessment sheet, draw it heavily from the job description itself as it will give a more objective assessment of the work performed.

Select the rating scale that is easily acceptable in your organization

Step 4

Do the actual evaluation based on the assesment sheet prepared
Very helpful Ajmal.
How did you come up with the questions that you used during the job analysis part? That is the only portion I'm stuck on. How should I go about conducting the job analysis?
Documenting competencies is not an easy task in itself. Wish you luck! How to asses them also requires skill. You will need to consider how to train managers in the assessment of competencies too.
Ajmal Mirza
Hi MD,
If you could give the type of industry you are working in, maybe i can give you more accurate information about the PIQ..
But, some suggestions
1. Ask questions which can be quantified... [i.e. How many items do you produce in a day? or How many calls do you make in a day?]
Though it is not possible to quantify everything, keep the subjective matters to the minimum....
Dear All,
I would like to know first of all the process of competency mapping , without which it is not possible to assess the competency based performance.
If you have information regarding the competency mapping process, pls. send it to me.
Prasant Parlikar
[Life is a continuous journey with only one destination, i.e. death.][/quote]
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