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janet smith
hi to all,

here is an another article from the hope you like it.

Applying the Law of Attraction

Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
- Mark 4:25

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives that which aligns with our dominant thoughts. For example, think thoughts that align with poverty, and you'll be poor. Consistently think thoughts of wealth, and you'll attract financial abundance.

Many people believe that their conditions give rise to their thoughts. For example, you may think about being alone because you are alone. But the Law of Attraction suggests the opposite is also true -- your thoughts create your conditions as well. This implies you can actually create different conditions by consistently holding thoughts that no longer reinforce your current reality but which instead align with the new reality you wish to create. For example, to attract a new relationship, you would begin thinking the thoughts and feeling the feelings you'd have if the relationship were already part of your present reality.

The quote above is from one of Jesus' parables, and it can be interpreted as a description of the Law of Attraction. Whatever you believe you already have, you'll attract more of. Whatever you believe is scarce in your life, you'll eventually lose. The phrasing of the quote also suggests some kind of third-party action at work. Your results are either "given" to you or "taken" from you as a result of universal law.

The line Jesus spoke immediately preceding this quote is: "With the measure you use it, it will be measured to you -- and even more." The Law of Attraction isn't an all or nothing endeavor. If you use it to a magnificent degree, you'll get magnificent results. If you use it weakly, you'll get weak results.

I've noticed a fairly consistent pattern with those who successfully manifest major life changes with the Law of Attraction. These people do not merely dabble. They go over the top in shifting their thoughts away from what they don't want, away from what they're already getting, and onto what they want to create. Such people are able to hold these intentions because they immediately begin turning their new thoughts into habits. This ensures they successfully hold their intentions long enough to dissolve the old thought patterns.

On the other hand, those who fail to get results with the Law of Attraction also follow a consistent pattern. They never turn their intentions into habitual thought patterns. After they create positive intentions for their desires, they still spend most of their time thinking about what they don't want or about what they're already getting. So in accordance with Jesus' quote, these people are just "given more" of the same, and nothing really changes.

If you focus on what you already have, you'll continue to get exactly that. But you can manifest major changes in your life by learning to focus your thoughts on your desires instead of your pre-existing circumstances.

If you're already delighted and fulfilled by your present circumstances, that's wonderful. Focus on them all you want. Feel grateful for them. Allow yourself to attract more of the same because it's all good.

However, if you find yourself experiencing circumstances you'd like to change, then you must -- absolutely must -- begin to withdraw your attention from those circumstances and get yourself thinking about what you want.

What gives you the ability to do this is the power of conscious choice. Regardless of your present circumstances, you have the ability to choose what you think about. It's too easy to get sucked into the pattern of dwelling what you're already getting, so you need to take steps to ensure that you're able to stay focused on your desires. In other words you must turn your new mode of thinking into a habit. If you fail to do that, your efforts with the Law of Attraction will be in vain.

Once you form a new intention, I suggest you alter your physical environment in such a way that it's impossible for you not to think about the intention several times each day. Post the intention on your walls, use it as your computer's background wallpaper or screen saver, or post sticky notes all around your house. Literally stick your intention right in front of your face, so you can't help but notice it.

For your most important intentions, I recommend you create an intention shrine in your home and/or office. Select a specific physical location, and fill it with symbolic representations of your desire. For example, in 2005 I assembled a wealth shrine in the corner of my home office to represent my intention to manifest greater financial abundance. I used an old printer stand for the base of the shrine. On top of it I placed a fountain, representing the flow of wealth; two "lucky bamboo" plants, representing good fortune and growth, a small turtle statue, representing stability; two candles, representing energy; a mirror, representing multiplicity; and a small crossbow replica, representing clear aim and focus. The total area used by the shrine is only 1.5 feet by 2 feet, and setting it up was easy.

Every time I enter my home office, I see my wealth shrine. It's only 2 feet from my desk chair, so I can't help but notice it. Right now as I type this, the shrine's fountain is running, and the candles are burning. The shrine is very low maintenance, but I must occasionally tend to it by watering the plants, adding water to the fountain, and lighting and replacing the candles, so it's always refreshing itself in my mind. To anyone else it simply looks like a collection of interesting decorations, but to me it's a symbolic representation of my intention to live in the flow of abundance. Even when I don't think about it consciously, I know my subconscious mind is always getting the message.

Erin was initially amused when I first created this wealth shrine, figuring it was just another of my wacky experiments. At least this one seemed relatively harmless. However, after my income increased by a factor of 20 over the following year, she began to take the idea more seriously. Eventually she created her own wealth shrine, and since then her income has doubled as well. Once we shifting our thinking to a mindset of financial abundance, our reality gradually changed to reflect it. As part of our original intent to experience this change "for the highest good of all," we're freely sharing these ideas so you can benefit from the same process.

I'm not suggesting the shrine itself has any magical power. The benefit of an intention shrine is that it serves as a constant physical reminder of your desires, helping you permanently shift your thoughts towards what you want. A shrine helps to amplify your intentions. By using symbolic representations that hold meaning for you, you bypass left-brained resistance and deliver your intention straight to your subconscious. Whenever you catch a glimpse of your shrine, even if you don't consciously notice it, it will reinforce your intention in your thoughts.

Whenever you form a new intention, take the time to make it a part of your physical reality. Don't waste time vainly trying to hold your desire as pure thought. Make it real and give it form immediately, so that on some level, you're proclaiming that you already have what you desire. Then in accordance with Jesus' statement, you will be given more, and your intention will soon begin to manifest.
hi Madhura,
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janet smith
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janet smith
here is another article of the steve pavlina.

Lighten Your Load

As I noted in the recent article The Joy of Solving Problems, I like to view life's problems as growth challenges rather than as obstacles. Problems don't pop up in your life to beat you down. Their purpose is to help you grow stronger.

Despite the beneficial nature of problem-solving, there may come a point where you feel so overwhelmed with problems that you begin developing learned helplessness. You feel like you're drowning in difficulties, and you can't see a way out.

This means that the weights in your life are too heavy for you to lift. It's like going to the gym and trying to lift a 300-lb barbell. It just won't budge, so you feel powerless and stuck. The solution is that you must reduce the weight.

Even when most of the individual problems in your life are small, the sheer volume of them can become overwhelming. Hence the expression, death by a thousand cuts.

When you feel overwhelmed, you must find ways to lighten your load. You need to dump some of your burdens until you're facing a situation you can reasonably handle.

If you ever find yourself in such a situation, here are some practical ideas for lightening your load:

1. Capture and prioritize.

Make a list of all the problems, challenges, and activities that are currently on your plate. Then sort them into three sublists: (A) must do, (B) should do, and (C) nice to do. The simple act of writing things down and prioritizing them can be a real stress reliever since it helps to clarify that not everything is urgent. Give yourself permission to attend only to the items on your A-list for a while, allowing your B- and C-lists to slide until you feel caught up.

2. Cancel commitments.

If you're feeling over-committed, see if you can pull back from any commitments that aren't essential. I'm not suggesting that you break your promises to others, but it's reasonable to renegotiate stress-inducing over-commitments when possible. Look at your calendar, and drop or cancel the non-essential items.

3. Accept no new commitments.

When you're feeling overloaded, do your best not to add new items to your plate. Learn to say "no" liberally. Give yourself time to work through your existing challenges before you think about taking on new ones. A polite way of turning people down is to simply say, "I appreciate the offer. I'm currently over-committed though, so I must decline. I hope you understand." I find that people are generally very understanding when you decline their requests in this manner.

4. Postpone.

Pace yourself by spreading new commitments over a longer period of time. When my plate gets too full, I sometimes designate a commitment blackout period. I don't want to miss good opportunities, but I can't keep adding items to an already-full plate. When someone makes a request of me, I only say yes on the condition that we proceed after a certain date, not immediately.

5. Declutter.

Clearing out clutter can be a great stress reliever. Last weekend my family and I reorganized much of our home and garage, including eliminating a lot of accumulated clutter. Afterwards I felt lighter and ready to take on new projects. Every time I look at the garage, I feel relaxed instead of being reminded of all the things that I have yet to handle. At the very least, get all visual clutter out of your field of view. Better to have a messy closet that you can forget about for a while than a messy desk that distracts you multiple times per day.

6. Request help.

You don't have to go it alone. Ask someone to help you. When I feel overwhelmed, I often ask Erin if she can take on a few items from my to-do list. Then I might thank her with a nice massage when my schedule is lighter.

7. Batch small items.

If you batch up several small items together and do them all in a row, you may feel significantly lighter afterwards. Batch up all your errands and do them all at once. Process all your emails, phone calls, and other correspondence together. When you get some of the small items off your plate, you'll feel more capable of tackling the bigger ones.

8. Exercise.

Exercise helps to boost your metabolism, so you feel more energetic throughout the day. Even though this adds something to your plate, the benefits more than make up for the extra time. Exercise also combats stress and serves as a potent mood enhancer.

9. Reduce interruptions.

Tell others not to interrupt you during certain times, so you can free up blocks of time for catching up on your to-do items. As I mentioned in the article Productivity 101, I post a special sticky note on my door to warn others not to interrupt me when I'm writing and need to concentrate.

10. Renew.

Take time for personal renewal. Read an uplifting book. Take a hot bath. Meditate. Listen to audio programs. Go for a walk. Clear your mind and focus on restoring your energy, so you can come back to tackle life's challenges with renewed strength.

Real life can throw a lot at you sometimes. In those situations it's important to practice good time management, but it's even more important that you manage your energy and attitude to avoid burning out or feeling helpless. Even if you do feel burned out, all is not lost. If you can lighten your load a little, you'll find that the weight you must lift no longer seems so heavy and daunting. Soon your attitude will shift from "I hate this" to "I can do this."
here is another article for you. i think you like it.

Noticing What Works - A Powerful Life Lesson

Many years ago I met a businessman who said he'd turned his $40,000 per year business into a $400,000 per year business in just 2 years. He asked if I wanted to know how he did it. I replied that of course I wanted to know. At the time I was struggling with my computer games business. I was able to pay my bills, but I wasn't getting ahead.

The lesson he taught me was quite simple. In fact, it's so simple that you're likely to dismiss it as obvious. I agree that it sounds like common sense, but it's not commonly applied. When you really put this idea into action, you can take your results to a whole new next level.

In a nutshell this was the lesson:

In life you will always have your ups and downs, your successes and failures. Sometimes things go well for you. Sometimes they go poorly.

When you succeed or fail, there's always a cause. You can backtrack your results to figure out what caused them. You might not be able to do this perfectly, but you'll usually have a pretty good idea of the contributing factors.

What caused your income, your health, and your relationships to improve over the past several years? What caused things to get worse? Can you identify the specific causes of your best and worst results?

Once you know the contributing factors to your hits and your misses, your goal is to deliberately do more of what causes the successes and deliberately do less of what caused the failures.

Of course some of the contributing factors may not be under your direct control, but some of those factors will be. Focus your efforts on what you can control, and don't worry about what's outside your control.

I must admit that it was hard for me to take this exercise seriously, but I decided to try it anyway. The businessman was certainly doing a lot better than I was, so maybe he knew something I didn't. I figured I had nothing to lose.

Let me give you a specific example of how I applied this to my games business.

When I first did this simple exercise, I noticed that my sales went up whenever I released a new computer game, and they tended to decline if I went too long without releasing something. That probably sounds obvious, but it was a powerful distinction for me at the time. You see... most of my time was actually spent developing games, which is definitely not the same thing as releasing games. I thought that as long as I was working on creating new games, I was doing intelligent, productive work that would eventually benefit my business financially. How wrong I was!

I got the idea that maybe I should turn my attention to releasing games instead of spending so much time and energy developing them. So instead of developing a whole new game from scratch, for my next project I created an expansion pack as an add-on product for my most successful game. The original game took six months to develop, but the expansion pack only took two weeks because it didn't require any special programming. It was just a pack of 20 extra levels for the same game.

This expansion pack earned about 35% as much money as the original game, which was an excellent return for so little effort. How would you like to permanently increase your income by 35% just by doing slightly different work for the next two weeks?

Next, I released a second expansion pack for the same game. This time I didn't even create the levels myself -- I had someone else do the work. Again there was a similar jump in sales. We're talking sustained increases, not a temporary surge followed by a drop.

Later I released a new version of the same game with five times as many levels as there were in the original release. Most of those levels were created by other people, so all I had to do was bundle everything together. I raised the price to reflect the added value, and that new version sold well for many years, earning many times what the original release earned. If I'd stopped at the original version, I'd have left most of the potential sales untapped.

Then I turned around and licensed that game to other companies, so I earned royalties from their sales as well. When another publisher released one of my games to their audience, my income went up again. It was the act of releasing games that made the difference. I didn't have to be the one to do it personally. I just had to set the cause in motion in order to enjoy the result.

Finally, I went on to publish other developer's games, paying a sales-based royalty to the original developer. By introducing other developers' games to my audience, I was able to release many more products than I could develop with my own team. This was a win for me, a win for the developers, and a win for my customers. In one month my business managed to release three new games whereas previously I was lucky to release one game per year. For my small business, that was quite an achievement.

I stopped publishing games years ago, but to this day I still receive monthly royalty checks. The checks are admittedly quite small now, but it's a nice reminder of the power of noticing what works.

By noticing that my results were improved by releasing games, not by developing them, I found a way to do more of the work that caused my sales to increase and less of the work that didn't. My business began to thrive, and it was profitable every year after I started applying this simple yet valuable lesson.

I used a similar strategy to build my personal development business, especially during the first year. When I somehow managed to get a small traffic increase, I figured out what caused it and tried to do more of it. When my traffic stagnated or went down, again I figured out the cause and tried to do less of it. Once I had a decent level of traffic, I did the same thing with respect to generating income.

When I was first launching, I didn't know how to build a successful business in this field, but by noticing what worked and what didn't, I was able to adjust course to increase the hits and reduce the misses. Some of those lessons seemed counter-intuitive at first, but the hard data doesn't lie.

You can apply this same idea to improve your results in any area of your life -- your income, your career, your relationships, your health -- even your spiritual development. Notice what creates a hit for you, and do more of it. Notice what causes a flop or a dry spell, and do less of it.

A corollary to the above is that if you haven't had a hit for a long time, you can basically throw out whatever you're currently doing in that area because it clearly isn't working. You'll have to experiment more to figure out what does work. If you already know that your current efforts aren't working, there's no point in continuing along the same path.

You aren't doomed to become a victim of your past, but your past surely contains clues that can help you enjoy an even better present and future.

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.
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janet smith
here is another article which i like to share it is from and i hope you like it.

“You are worthwhile. “
“You are full of promise.”
This post is going to be a bit different than the others you’ve read or listened to here. I want to tell you about a friend of mine–an amazing man, Bob Danzig. This post, more than any of the others, is a must-read.
Because of Centerpointe’s huge success, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet many amazing people. Bob Danzig is certainly one of the top two or three. Just spending time with Bob Danzig leaves you feeling good about yourself and more confident about your own value and what you can accomplish.
One reason why Bob is so amazing has to do with his sad and difficult childhood–and his amazingly successful and inspirational adult life. For twenty years Bob was CEO of the entire Hearst Newspaper Group, a multi-billion dollar company, working his way up from office boy in a small newspaper in Albany, New York. Considering where he started, his story shows how anyone, with the right encouragement from people who care, can create a life that matters.
Bob never had a family. Instead, he grew up in a series of foster homes. In one home, he slept in an attic with no lights. The family he lived with would leave his dinner on the bottom step of the attic stairs. He ate in the attic, alone, in the dark.
For his entire childhood Bob owned one pair of much-too-large scuffed black sneakers that he grew into over several years by taking out bits of the tissue paper stuffed in the toes as his feet grew. His other possessions consisted of two shirts, two pairs of jeans, two pairs of socks, and two pairs of underwear. ”When I had to move to a new foster home,” Bob says, ”I would reach under my mattress, take out the folded black plastic trash bag I kept there, put my clothes in it, and move to a new home.”
Today, Bob is in his 70s, and is one of the kindest, most gracious, most inspirational–and most well-dressed–people I’ve ever known. As I learned more about his childhood, I understood why dressing well is so important to him. When he got his first job at the Times Unionnewspaper in Albany, New York, each pay period he took a part of his paycheck and bought himself one nice piece of clothing–a quality shirt, a cashmere sweater, a pair of Italian slacks, a silk necktie, and so forth.
He never wore dungarees or blue jeans–they brought back too many painful memories of his childhood. He was embarrassed about the two sets of plain and wrinkled clothing he alternated every other day. “The other kids had clean, unwrinkled clothes. They looked like someone cared about them. I wanted someone to care about me.”
No one ever took Bob to the beach. No one took him fishing. He never had a baseball card collection. His few friendships didn’t last because he never lived in one place for very long.
Despite his lonely, sad childhood, Bob Danzig became a Fortune 500 CEO and an inspiration to his employees and to thousands of other people, including me. Today he writes books and speaks to thousands of people each year, donating all the money he earns to help foster children.
Bob had to leave the foster care system when he graduated from high school at age sixteen. “You’re probably thinking that a guy has to be pretty smart to finish high school at sixteen,” he told me. This happened, however, because of a mistake. When he was moving from one foster home to another, the school made a mistake and placed him in the wrong grade. As he told me, “Then I just drifted through those grades.”
Can you imagine what this was like? Never having a family, never doing what normal kids do, moving from place to place whenever a family couldn’t keep him or didn’t want him, never staying long enough to make friends or create a close connection with anyone, and then being totally on your own at age sixteen?
One important incident from those years never left him, and he still talks about it. Mae Morse, the social worker who met with him periodically and who would send him on to his next foster home when his foster family ”didn’t want him anymore” said something to him that changed his life forever. At the end of each of their meetings, he told me, she would take his hands in hers and say, “Bobby, don’t you ever forget this. You are worthwhile.”
Here’s how he described his reaction in his book, Conversations With Bobby:
“Just like that, she uttered such a simple, pure sentence. But the funny thing is, the reason I remember it so vividly is because I know she meant it. I could tell she was genuine and sincere. She truly wanted me to know that I, Bobby Danzig, was worthwhile. She had no motive for saying what she did. I had nothing to offer, she had nothing to gain. I was worthwhile–not because I would shine shoes. I was worthwhile–not because I would carry coal. I was worthwhile–not because I would make no trouble. Just me, I mattered.”
This, he said, was like “warm milk pouring over me, the idea that I had some sense of possibility and promise.”
When Bob left foster care, he got a job at Montgomery Ward in the wholesale mattress department. His job was to climb up onto catwalks high above the floor, find the mattress the foreman wanted, and push it over the edge onto a trampoline on wheels, after which it was wheeled out to the customer.
One day he must have mistaken the number the foreman called out, because when he pushed the mattress over the edge, there was no trampoline. Instead, the mattress hit his boss, and he was fired. That night, he told a friend what had happened. The friend had just been promoted from office boy to clerk at the Albany Times Unionnewspaper. “If you get down there fast, you might be able to get my old job,” his friend told him. “But you look kind of young. You’d better get a hat.”
So Bob went to a men’s clothing store, bought his first hat, and went to the newspaper offices. Nine others were waiting to see about the job, and Bob was the last to be interviewed. The woman who interviewed him looked, in his words, “like a pitbull.” The first thing she said to him was, “Why are you wearing that hat in here? Don’t you know it’s rude to wear your hat indoors?”
Bob had never owned a hat, so he didn’t know anything about hat etiquette, but for some reason this woman–the office manager–saw something in him she liked, and he got the job. It was the lowest possible job at a newspaper, but Bob eventually became an advertising salesman, then head of the advertising department, and eventually the publisher of the Times Union. Later he became CEO of the entire Hearst newpaper group, managing a considerable number of newspapers, many popular magazines (Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Harpers Bazaar, Popular Mechanics, Country Living, Colonial Homes, and many others), and 27 television stations.
A few months after starting as office boy, the office manager called him into her office. “I’ve been watching you,” she said. “Oh, no. Fired again,” he thought. But she continued, “and I just wanted to tell you that I believe that you are filled with promise.”
This had such a powerful effect on him that even after becoming publisher of that newspaper, after the Hearst Company later sent him to Stanford University on a journalism fellowship, and even after he became head of the entire Hearst newspaper group, he never stopped hearing those words.
When I heard this story I was reminded just how powerful what we say to others can be, especially if you’re a parent or in some other position of respect and authority.
I want to tell you how I met Bob Danzig, because he has had a powerful effect on my life.
In the late 1990s, during the dot-com days when venture capitalists were giving new internet companies millions of dollars, I thought I’d should try to get some of that money, too, and start an internet company.
An advisor told me that the first thing I should do was to put together a board of directors of prominent business people. I didn’t know any prominent people then, and I wasn’t sure how to find any, much less convince them to be on the board of my start-up company. I told Jim Hennig, a friend who had been the president of the National Speakers Association, about my idea. Jim, who knew many prominent business people, said, “I know who you should get. Bob Danzig.” He told me a little bit about Bob and made an introduction.
I was a bit awed to be speaking to someone like Bob Danzig on the telephone, but he was warm and gracious and even invited me to come to New York to have dinner with him at the Harvard Club in midtown Manhatten. The Harvard Club was just like what I’d imagined a private Ivy League club would be: dark wood panelling, expensive rugs, overstuffed chairs around warm fireplaces, old and beautiful artwork, and richly attired and attentive staff. Bob was friendly–and impeccably dressed. He seemed genuinely interested in me and my idea. Fifteen minutes into the conversation he said, “I have a feeling we’re going to do big things together.”
When he said this, you could have knocked me over with a feather. You have to realize that at this point in my career Centerpointe wasn’t very big. I had six or seven employees and our “headquarters” was a small down-in-the-heels building that had once been a print shop. My spartan little office looked like the office of a warehouse manager. No art, no ferns, no credenza.
Every day I would show up for work, sit in my office all day, and do whatever needed to be done. I didn’t know more than two or three other people in the personal growth world–Hale Dwoskin at Sedona Training Associates and Pete Bissonette at Learning Strategies Corporation, and maybe two or three others. I had no business education other than the school of hard knocks. I was living in my own introverted little world, running Centerpointe with little or no communication or feedback from other personal growth leaders or business owners.
Other than the fact that Centerpointe was reasonably successful (the year I met Bob Danzig our sales were about $2M), I had no idea if my business skills were mediocre, competent, or something else. So what Bob said to me really meant a lot. “Wow,” I thought. “This guy was CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, and he wants to do something with me?” An hour later, when I asked if he’d be willing to serve on the board of directors of the new company, he said, “I’d be happy to serve on the board of any company that had Bill Harris as the CEO.”
I was stunned, and very happy. Now that I know more about Bob, his childhood, and the way he worked his way up from office boy to CEO of the entire company, I can see that he was doing for me what important mentors in his life had done for him–looking past my flaws and inexperience and seeing the promise in me–promise I didn’t yet see in myself–and then communicating it to me in a way that helped bring it out.
Literally days after I’d finished putting together what turned out to be a rather impressive board (Bob was the biggest, but not the only, ”star” I recruited), the stock market crashed and all the start-up money for internet companies disappeared. The company never got off the ground. Instead, I turned my attention back to Centerpointe. Because Centerpointe has grown by about 900% since then, I’m glad it happened the way it did. I still stay in touch with Bob, though, and he still inspires me every time I speak to him. Just as he never forgot the people who told him, “You are worthwhile,” and “You are filled with promise,” I’ve never forgotten what he said to me because it significantly boosted my confidence.
Several years ago, after he’d become publisher of the Albany Times Herald, he tracked down Mae Morse, the social worker who had said to him, “You are worthwhile” when he was just a small boy. She was in a nursing home, old and frail. Here’s how Bob described their meeting inConversations With Bobby:
“They had set her up in the parlor chair of the nursing home. She beamed when I walked in. I can see her so clearly, her knit shawl hung over her shoulders. I walked over to her and put my hands in hers. Before I could utter a word, she said to me, ‘Didn’t I always tell you that you are worthwhile?’ I was in awe. I told her how I looked forward to this day–the day when I could share with her my gratitude for the confidence and value she placed in me. I said to her, ‘In a life stuck in the shadows, you, Mae Morse, gave me my first shining moment that penetrated the darkness.’”
Other than the fact that Bob’s story is so touching, there’s another reason why I’m telling it to you. Somehow, out of my own painful childhood and my struggles to master my anger and depression and lack of success, hundreds of thousands of people now look up to me for help and seek my guidance. Believe me, in light of where I started and the person I used to be, no one is more surprised about this turn of events than I am.
Many people tell me that they benefit from Holosync and that they’ve had many “ah-ha’s” from the information I share. It’s obvious, however, that my focus is not motivational or inspirational. What I teach is more theoretical, intellectual, and informational rather than inspirational.
So as we all do our best to navigate our way through some very difficult and scary times, I want to express to you something a little more heartfelt–something I’ve unfortunately failed to say as often, or as directly, as perhaps I should:
I value you. Even though I may never meet you in person, I’m glad that you’re in my life. You are worthwhile. You are filled with promise.
Everything I do at Centerpointe is based upon the premise that anyone, if they know what to do, can be happy, peaceful inside, and successful, regardless of their past or present circumstances. If I can do it, anyone can. So I want to express my hope that Holosync, along with all the other information and tools we provide at Centerpointe, will in some small way make is easier for you to navigate your life, and allow you to bring forth the promise that is in you, whether in bad or good times.
Be well.
[I urge you to visit Bob’s website,, where, among other things, you can see a very moving clip of him speaking. Also, please purchase a copy of Conversations With Bobby, or one of his other books. Just go to Amazon and type in Conversations With Bobby. Every cent of Bob’s book royalties and speaking fees go directly to the Child Welfare League of America to help foster children.]
Dear Janet Smith,
Thank you very very much for this nice link. I really appreciate this support you had given to this community and am sure that everyone is felling the same. You save my so much time and energy, Once again thank you very much.
thanks for the feedback. i am happy that you like it. now i am writing a new article from the hope you like it.

Lately I’ve been trying a promising new method for managing my time. It’s similar to timeboxing, except that instead of allocating a certain amount of time for a specific activity, I divide my total work time between three different classes of activities.
Here’s how it works…
First, I define three different classes of activities based on the time period in which I expect them to pay off.
Classes of Tasks
A tasks are expected to yield significant benefits over a 5-year time span and beyond. This could include starting a new business, writing a book, changing my diet, adding a new passive income stream, etc. It’s perfectly fine for an A task to start producing benefits in a shorter period of time, but the idea is that I expect such tasks to still be having a lasting impact 5+ years from now. This has to be a genuinely realistic expectation, not just wishful thinking.
B tasks are expected to yield benefits over a 2-year timespan or less. This class may include writing a new series of articles or blog entries, selling an advertising package, or training to run a marathon. While there could be long-term benefits that extend for many years, the general expectation is that the benefits will be fully realized sometime within the first two years, and there won’t be much additional payoff beyond that. Think of these as one-shot projects. You do them once, gain the benefit, and move on.
C tasks are expected to make a difference only in the timespan of 90 days or less. Most likely I won’t even remember the task or see evidence of its benefits beyond that time. This includes routine actions like answering email, paying bills, returning phone calls, and filing. If these tasks aren’t done, it might create problems down the road, but doing them well isn’t likely to yield a significant long-term payoff.
There’s certainly some ambiguity in these definitions, but I’m OK with that because it allows for flexibility around the edges.
The 50-30-20 for Time Allocation
The 50-30-20 rule says that I spend 50% of my work time on A tasks, 30% on B tasks, and 20% on C tasks. For example, if I work 8 hours per day, that would mean 4 hours on A tasks, 2:24 on B tasks, and 1:36 on C tasks.
The time boundary for C tasks is an upper limit. This means that I don’t spend more than 20% of my work time on C tasks; if I run out of time, I carry remaining C tasks over to the next day. The A task boundary is a lower limit, which means I must spend at least 50% of my work time on A tasks. The B class absorbs the slack if I go over 50% on A or under 20% on C.
I’ve only been doing this for a few days now, and I can already see that it has a lot of potential. It’s similar to other task allocations like Stephen Covey’s four-quadrant approach, but it actually specifies how much time to invest in each type of activity. Although this can be done weekly, I find it best to make the time allocations daily when possible. But if I get overloaded with C tasks one day, I may do virtually none the next day to keep the right weekly balance.
At first I found it very uncomfortable to spend so little time on C tasks, especially when I felt driven to check them off and get them off my task list. But I could see I was spending too much time on C tasks relative to their worth, while high priority A tasks were being sacrificed. When I look at a task and see that it will have virtually no impact beyond the current week or month, it helps me see that relatively speaking, the task is a waste of time. I don’t have time to complete every single task on my to do list, so I have to sacrifice a lot of good tasks in order to invest sufficient time in the best ones. Simply doing what comes up each day is incredibly suboptimal — I know because I’ve tried it.
As previously mentioned I’ve been getting a lot of email lately due to the increase in traffic this year, more than I can personally answer. However, virtually all email falls into the C class. It’s often urgent but rarely anywhere near the importance of A tasks. If I were to respond appropriately to all the email I get, it would consume most of my working hours. Whether I do a great job of answering email or a lousy job, it’s not going to make that much difference in where I’ll end up 5 years from now. Spending more time on email won’t help me accomplish my most important goals except through luck or chance. So I steal time from this area and reallocate it to A and B tasks, since those tasks are actually likely to have a significant long-term impact.
One of my current A tasks is setting new goals for 2006. This could have a significant long-term impact based on which goals I choose. I’ll be spending at least a couple hours on this task today.
Writing a blog entry like this falls into my B class. I’m sure visitors will still be reading this blog entry beyond 90 days, but I can’t predict in advance whether this entry will have a significant impact beyond five years. It’s the long-term strategy of writing and content development (A task) that makes the difference in this time span. The longer the time perspective, the less important any individual blog post becomes.
Processing today’s email is one of my C tasks for today. I probably won’t spend more than 15 minutes total on email. This means that I’ll only have enough time to respond to perhaps 1-2 emails out of every 10 (not counting spam). I’m still able to read it all and extract ideas and suggestions, but my writing time is better spent producing articles to be seen by thousands of people rather than individual emails to be seen by only one person.
Sacrificing the Urgent for the Important
Sometimes it’s hard to sacrifice those C tasks. I’ve been using email since 1989, and this is really the first year where I’ve had to triage my email so ruthlessly in order to free up time for higher priority tasks. It isn’t easy to follow, but I like that this system helps me stay focused on tasks which have significant long-term potential instead of those that will merely be forgotten. By limiting my C tasks to a certain amount of time each day, I create plenty of space for my A tasks.
If you find yourself not getting ahead after years of hard work, perhaps it’s because too much of your time is focused on short-term C tasks like answering email, attending meetings, and filling out paperwork. Maybe you could afford to spend less time on those activities in order to reinvest it in what matters most. Otherwise those little tasks will crowd out the more important ones; the time pressure of C tasks will see to that.
The ratio of 50-30-20 ratio is arbitrary, but it feels about right for me. It gives me enough time to stay on top of the truly urgent, while I’m still putting a lot of time behind the scenes into projects I expect will make a real difference down the road. You may wish to vary these percentages based on the nature of your work and your goals. What’s important is that we remain consciously aware of how our time is being invested.
Rebalancing Your Time Portfolio
If you’re familiar with stock investing, think of this model as your portfolio allocation across different levels of risk. Your A tasks are your high risk, high return investments that may see a lot of short-term volatility, but in the long run, you expect they’ll pay off better than any other type of investment. These are your aggressive growth stocks. The C tasks are your safe, secure investments like a bank savings account. And the B tasks fall in the mid-range. If you haven’t been paying attention to your portfolio for a while, it’s a good idea to go back and rebalance your allocations.
The reason to invest in A tasks is to capitalize on long-term opportunities. These are the whale projects that could make an enormous positive difference in your life. Examples from my life are starting my businesses, getting married, and going vegan. It’s hard to spend too much time on these types of tasks. Ideally we want to invest as much time here as we can manage.
The reason to invest in C tasks is to prevent problems. C tasks keep you out of trouble. You should spend only a minimal amount of time on them… just whatever is necessary to prevent serious problems. This includes paying your bills on time, doing your taxes, and doing a reasonable job of keeping up on your communication. In most cases there’s no real benefit to doing a great job vs. doing an adequate job — the time difference would be better reallocated to A and B tasks.
B tasks usually fall between A and C tasks. They help keep you out of trouble, but they also help you get ahead slightly. They entail moderate risk and offer moderate rewards. They often help reduce the need for C tasks and free up more time for A tasks. Organizing and optimizing would usually fall into the B class. B tasks help put you in a position to capitalize on bigger A task opportunities. Reading this blog entry is probably a B-class activity for you. You might find one good idea now and then which will help put you into a position to do more A tasks and fewer C tasks.
Outside of my work time activities, I also have a personal tasks list. This includes family and home activities. I haven’t yet tried prioritizing those according to the 50-30-20 rule, but if it works well for my business, I might also try it for my personal life.
If you want to try this system for a week, simply divide your to do list by putting an A, B, or C next to each task on your to do list. Then grab a scrap of paper, and make three columns or boxes for tracking how much time you spend on A, B, and C. Estimate how much time you expect to work each day (breaks don’t count), and then calculate the time limits for each class. If you want to use a ratio other than 50-30-20, feel free. As you go through your workday, use a stopwatch to time each activity, and then record the elapsed time in your A, B, or C columns. At the end of the day, add up the times, and then calculate your percentages to see how you did. The first day or two you may want to just measure your current ratio without actually trying to change anything. Most likely you’ll find an imbalance you’d like to correct. For example, if you see your actual ratio is something like 10-10-80, you know you’re just spinning your wheels and aren’t going to make much progress in your career. So you might want to look at those C tasks and see which ones can be reduced, delayed, or cut in order to free up more time for A and B tasks. Even the mere act of measuring will raise your awareness of where your time is going. The more time you’re spending on A tasks, the better.
If you find that you’re overwhelmed with C tasks, steal as much time as you can from them and devote it to B tasks. Use your B time to become more organized and effective, such that you aren’t as urgency driven. Then you can devote some of that savings to A tasks. It’s perfectly OK to change your ratio over time. If you’re at 10-10-80, you may not be able to jump straight over to 50-30-20. You might need to first attempt 5-40-55 and then 20-50-30 to get those C tasks tamed.
In the long run, it’s the A tasks that make or break us. If we don’t do them, we essentially let our potential go to waste. Who wants to devote the bulk of their lives to answering email and paying bills? We need to keep such tasks from taking over our lives, so we have time to tackle the truly great challenges that can make a real difference to us… and to the world.
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