How To Minimise Attrition? - Doc Download

Dear Friends,
I am working in a medium sized IT company. Recently, we have seen that lot of freshers are leaving the company giving lame excuses. These candidates have not even completed 4 months in the organization. The exit interviews have left me clueless. The recruitment process also has become slower.
Please advice how to minimize attrition? What key areas i should look at?
Hi Abhilasha,
I request you to look at your recruitment at first to arrest the attrition. Pay lot of attention while you recruit so that you can understand the clear intention of people who join your organisation. You also need to build recruitment statergy to help you on this with your technical team.
Provide a good induction so that they get motivated to work with you for a long time. meet them frequently ( Before they put their papers) so that you will l be able to identify the grevieneces if any.
Identify what is the work related complexity and also look at the reporting authority. If there is any problem there pls take it serious and mentor them.
let me know if you need more assitance.
Dear Abilasha,
Don't you recruit freshers on some bond period at least 1yr after their training period,
i agree with you vijay.
but sometimes its not the employees fault...... its almost major part is from employers.
ya true. every hr has to see the problem in deeper sense before it arise. but if a person cannot come out or even cant say the problem to the top management then what? if they put some limitation for HR to take the steps to reduce the atrition then what?
abhilasha, i believe you need to set a few policies to reduce the atrition in your company. make sure that they will convience your top level management and start woking on it. but you need to be very careful in handling the resource which is very much important. you should become ladder for them. they should feel you so close that before they take the step of quiting they should discuss their problem.
if i have talked anything out of the way then sorry........
Dear Vijay,
I felt that i had worked on almost everything, from making the resource feel comfortable with the new environment, mentors and actually monitoring in case they felt lost. Somehow, still i couldn't gain their trust.
I guess your idea of a proper induction process will certainly help. We never had a clear induction system in place and still don't have one although introductions with other resources and one who will act as a mentor is done. First few days, we do give a clear idea of the company policies, objectives etc and also the project specs. But still i feel we could do better with a proper induction process. Can you please suggest how to go about a induction.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Shilpa,
Thank you for the inputs.
Can you please advise me regarding what kind of policies should be framed to curb attrition and what measures i should take?
Thank you for your time.
Dear Srilatha,
No, we do not have any bond after a fresher / recruitee completes his/ her probation period.
I have heard that the the supreme court has given directives against using a bond while recruiting a resource.
It would be great if you could please let me know if there is any other way which can help curb attrition.
Thanks & Regards,
policies are something which attracts new candidates to join in and the present employee to hold themselves.
policies should be in such a way that it should give first priority to employees suggestion, second its should talk about their (company) concern towards employees
and the benefits which company gives them concerns allot.
there should be a correct KRA for each and every employee of the company wherein they can atleast do there minimum job every day and the best they can do it and fast they can do it is plus point for the company and for them too.
there should not be any difference in the work and the position they are holding. both should go hand in hand. position should define them and their work should define the postion.
*its very necessary that u should inform them at the time of interview about the actaul status of the company and the position they are going to handle with.
Thanks Shilpa,
I will definitely work towards defining better policies. Yes, now that you have mentioned that at the time of recruiting one should give a clear picture of the company and work values, i believe, perception handling is of utmost importance.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Abilasha,
I don't say that it is only through bond that we can hold the employees or reduce the attrition, but according to the general perspective companies recruit the candidates especially freshers only on bond, the reason is, it is cost to the company recruiting freshers, since the company has to spend time & resources on training them until assigning them the actual work.
so this could be one of the way through which attrition could be reduced, on the flip side i have even seen people Breeching this bond and leaving in between the promised period which would end up with an absconding letter, Notice period etc, but most of them will strict to it.
Apart from this I do agree that Motivation & work recognition, appreciations, really carries out & increases employees level of stability& boost them.
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