A couple in my organization spoiling the working environment

I know its a tough situation as u r the only single HR to manage but i completely agree with RK and deepak,as far as my opinion firing the people is not a solution,but defintely u can put this issue in front of their team managers,and analyse all the above said ideas and take a final decision
I think that the situation is the worts in the organizations. If these people are committed to each other than make them boss-subordinate-boss. They would automatically check each other performance and appoint a new boss as leader of team and check the performance of the team leader very tightly and give him strict schedule and very short time lines.
Hope that works for your situation.
In this kind of situtation.My suggestion is to meet all of them individullay & inform about the company policy, professional enviornment, carrer grah, their Job Description & Position etc.. Also explain how its going to affect thier future growth if they do not be professional at work place. etc. take their suggestions how the work place could be better just to make them feel that they are important as well as thank them in advance for their co operation. At the same time give an strict work schedule with deadlines by co ordinating with their managers.Also keep an tract of their activities.. I am sure things will change.. Thanks..
I am a prehistoric creature in the job line, so I can say out of my experience through all these years, this here is the very best advice and should be considered! This kind of behaviour happens all the time all over the world, some are dealt with severely, some are overlooked because of the managements lack of experience how to handle it, but I would say this here would be the way to go.
Hi Urvashi,
I do understand what an awkward situation you are in right now. But now is the time when you have to be stern and make it clear to the employees that they can take their person life outside the organization and when they are in the office their personal life should not affect the projects or their productivity.Which is basic work etiquette and like RK was rightly saying, Please make put in place some HR policies about conduct at work, work timings, warnings, termination etc..
i am also agree with RM. firing someone is not the solution for this problem even it can create dissatisfaction among your other employees.
So sit with them and try to make them understand that what is corporate culture and how should they behave as a professional.
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Hi Urvashi,
I would suggest that you personally have a discussion with each & the discussion should be straight to the point but in a friendly way.
Hi Urvashi,
I would suggest that you personally have a discussion with each & the discussion should be straight to the point.
Mention about the professional life & personal life. Since you dnt have right to interfere in their personal life similarly they dnt have right to get their personal life into professinal life (working hours).
Performance shall be one of the point included in the discussion. You can say that because of their behaviour they are not only disturbing or hampering the working environment but also hampering their own performance which will be badly affected.
Also it seems that your office have flexible timings & lot of freedom to employees. Taking this into consideration you can tell them tht you dont want to make any strict rules & policies
In this way it will help them understand that they are creating problem & that they will never repeat it again in future.......
Well friend i say in dealing with this approach ask them to separate their work from their love issue, tell them you value them and want them to keep working there. Be fartherly in your appraoch. Now let me tell you this they are good for the working environment because true love bring many things positive and it effects others in a positive way. Tell me do you want an environment blessed by hard cold beings or loving beings. Cheers
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