A couple in my organization spoiling the working environment

You need to take this issue very seriously. Talk to their PL/TL and involve him/her . Counsel the couple seperately as well as jointly. If things don't improve, send them a written note. If they don't desist from their routine, you need to show them the door. That will serve as warning to others .
One thing has to be made absolutely clear to all employees that this kind of behaviour would not be tolerated and would be tackled ruthlessly
hey urvashi,
i guess it would be better if you talk to them directly
like have an open door talk with them..this will also help you to know why they are behaving so unprofessionally..
this wil also help you to let them know what you want....
guess this can be simple but you will have to do it very carefully...
take care..kip smiling
Sevel Kannan
You have every right to find fault with them for spending their office time in balconies and cafeteria. You can call them individually or collectively and give them bit of advise not to indulge in wasting their work time in chit chatting. If they repeat their inspite of your warning, you will have to issue them memo and call for their explanations why disciplinery action should not be taken.
Hi Deepak

I agree with you on "Firing them" not being a solution to the problem..After all Retention of Employees is the an important duty of HR.

But looking at the problem now..

It's true the organisation or representatives of the management do not and cannot hold ties on the personal lives of employees. But is conduct at the work place not part of sevice rules and regulations?..is it not the responsibility of every employee not to expose their personal relationships at their work place??

And what is the impact their behavior is going to cause on their collegues?? Especially the other females at the office?? And what is the situation if their work is interlinked with that of the other departments. THeir negligence and procrastination would obviously be hindering the work flow of the entire organisation. It creates irritation and restlessness in the other employees as they cannot voice their opinions in issues that the management has not bothered to put a check on and it stings them to see that employees with bad character are equally considered for appraisals with other sincere employees. Such characters usually find a way out to manage their TL's or Managers.

I sincerely feel that if such acts are not questioned at the right time lots of disturbances will occur at later stages. Sorry if i overreacted but i have seen one such case where i work. They changed the whole scenario of the organisation.

Talk to them immediately.

Sir ,

I have newly joined this forum . Iam working as an Hr Executive in an IT Co. Its a small sized co. When i joined this co. i was a fresher in Hr Field and i started my MBA (HR). when i was in delhi i was working in a MNC as a customer care officer and i have seen the persond how they used to work . I tried to give my ideas to the co. where iam working rt now about how to maintain employee realtions but nothing was done . Since begining they gave me the task for recruiting people apart from that nothing as the co. is small so the requirement is also not much . 2 Months ago they hired a Sr.Hr but he is not able to communicate with the employees as i used to and still they come to me and share the problem. Now that Sr.Hr .unnecessarily scolds me that why iam speaking to employees and moreover he doesnot know how to speak with women there are couple of issues came up because of him but no action has been taken . Now the thing is as it is a small co. there is nothing to do . Please help me . please suggest me some good books so that i can enhance my knowledge . And tell me how to deal with this guy .

Payal :icon1:
i know it's a tough situtation where u can't make them fire from the job nor even left them as they are ....becozzz it would definately effect the working environment .....in my opinion i think u should first talk to the them personally ........tell them what ever relation they r sharing it should not be a show off in working hours.....in office you should be like a coleuge after office hours it's totally on you how u live.......if still they didn't understand that ..then give them warning n pass some policies ...regarding office workings....nj there performance.....toooo

Dear Urwashi,
You can refer the policy of the company and check if any policy is voilated.Still if you feel that it is affecting the environment of the company and hindering the growth than after consulting your other fellow colleagues can modify the policy so that healthy environment can be maintained in the company.
M. Peer Mohamed Sardhar,Deepak Dwivedi
are experianced people in the HR Field i really appreciate them both for sharing their valuble suggestion and taking time for us .

G.L Rajitha
Your concern is very genuine one. Now a days young people have a tendency to go in for fun relationships and do not understand serioussness behind the relationship and that is why so many incidents are happening perticularly in IT/ BPO industry.
As suggested, clear and thoughtful policy will help you to eliminate such problems in the organisation.
For you problem you have to become littile bit of police and colect data of such persons like how many times they are noticed in cafeteria, balcony, how much time they spend in these areas and than talk to them one by one and say that they are being noticed by top managment.
Make them clear that indecency in office will not be tolrated and they can nurture their relationship out of office premises.
Once your policy is ready you can also draft a good circular for all employees which will give the message you want to
Kamlesh Kanojia
Hi Urvashi,

This is very common in young/growing companies. According to the laws of nature, getting attracted to the opposite is very natural. When it comes to work, one has to differentiate between Personal & Professional life.

It is very obvious here as to what you are facing. Please try and deal with this situation very tactifully as this is one experince that you will face repeatedly in any organisation. As the HR of the company, it is your responsibiltiy & duty to ensure that the policies of the company are not broken. Please call either one from any of the so called couples and talk to them on a one on one basis. Also, please ensure that you have their immediate seniors or a third person present while you talk to them. This is just to safegaurd your ownself. It is obvious that all this will be denied as they will be taken aback by the emabarrasment that they will suffer while you talk to them in the presence of their senior or some third party. The presence of another person also ensures that you are not quoted wrongly in case the matter does not seem to be heading in a positive direction.

I have had to go through this in the past and trust me, not only does it work well, but also sends out a signal to the others that they are being watched. You should start seeing results immediately.

Hope this helps

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