Complete Training Module - includes all minute details for implementing

HR Prop
Objective of HRM should be measurable and achievable
Like :
  1. The recruitment will happen within 45 days after receiving a Manpower requirement.
  2. Attrition Ratio wil be reduced from 30l% to 15% this year
  3. Employee Turnover will be...............
HR Prop
Neha Chellam
Dear HR Prop,
You are really a great started e-library and now shared so much of materials on Training.
Thanks a million!!!

Dress Code
It is advised that you come to work dressed according
to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes &
carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well
financially & therefore do not need a raise. If you
dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money
better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, & therefore
you do not need a raise. If you dress just right, you
are right where you need to be & therefore you do not
need a raise.

Sick Days
We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof
of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you
are able to come to work .

Personal Days
Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year.
They are called Saturday & Sunday.

Bereavement Leave
This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing
you can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers.
Every effort should be made to have non-employees
attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where
employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should
be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to
allow you to work through your lunch hour &
subsequently leave one hour early.

Toilet Use
Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet.
There is now a strict three-minute time limit in the
stalls. At the end of three minutes, an alarm will
sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall
door will open, & a picture will be taken. After your
second offense, your picture will be posted on the
company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders
Category". Anyone caught smiling in the picture will
be sanctioned under the company's mental health

Lunch Break
Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need
to eat more, so that they can look healthy. Normal
size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced
meal to maintain their average figure. Chubby people
get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time
needed to drink a Slim-Fast.

Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here
to provide a positive employment experience.
Erefa Fynecontry
Thanks a lot for the training modules and the PPT. i have been going through them since i down loaded many hours ago. Its very useful. Thanks again and keep sharing.
muskan singh
hello sir i m a student of MBA(HR) Sir can you please help me.i m doin trainingin reliance and my topic is "training needs assessment based on development", if u have some material on this topic please mail it to me on [Login to view] thanks in advance
Dear Muskan,
Saw ur request...even i did my project on Training needs analysis - will check for some materials available with me......will mail u...
All the best...
HR Prop
Good Going guys...........
Keep up the good work...........
Thansk for all the appreciation......
sunita agrawal
Hi all, i am looking for some classroom activity related with communication/ettiquete to make my class more interesting. thanks and waiting for your response .Sunita
barbara ngonyo
Hi HR prop,
Your presentations are awesome. I have found the training module especially helpful to me as I plan and prepare training schedules for our members of staff.
Keep up the good work in enlightening members.
Neha Chellam
Hai members,
Attached here is a ppt for Change Management.
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

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