The Satyam Employee's Mail....Amazing **must Read....**

I think it is not just the story of selfish, self-centered employees from satyam which is revealed by this mail but, one can see almost the same kind of picture in other organizations too........unless and until if we do not start introspecting our self and ask " did I earn my pay today or was paid for just swiping my attendance card?" ........the picture may not be different..


Prashant Talpade
hi sahil....
That's really very true and appreciated as the first thing is to start with ourselves and peep within that what we did for the a time like this if all the Satyam employees think like this, can make a change in the present situation. all the best to all Satyam employees............Go ahead..........
amazing mail... its worth reading n one should introspect before pointing fingers to others
Dear Sahil
I really appreciate u............abt this mail............
If satyamites should join their hands together they can change the situation which is going on rht now................vdth this they can make a andhra very proud ....
Dear Shail, Thanks for showing the reality of the other side. Really we need to look on the other aspects too. 57k jobs for 57000 Indians is not a small deed. We should salutue the courage of accepting the mistakes by Raju R.
hi sahil,
good effort..
yes, the satyamite is bold enough to tell his views.. lets hope for the best to happen to all satyamites n its chairman too.
pinaki samant
Bravo sahil!
you really spoked the naked truth and that is fantastic ! but ultimately people will not understand this ,they only need the outercover to be neat &clean
this post is a real insight into satyam and the man Mr. Raju.
I think u know he could have absconded somewhere taking all the money
instead he accepts his mistake and chooses to stay.
As everyone has said all the satyam employees should come together and
pull the company out of this problem.I hope the people who didnt do their work honestlt read this post and start introspecting.
good day!
Hi Sahil,
I also feel the same, Mr Raju has done all theins positive to save a big ship like satyam. I feel A as a captain of Titanic ship can't save like the same he can't save the things. But in last 10 yars ho much he has done to save all people life and salaries and jobs. This will be a wost thing for upcomming Enterpernuer who mayu not able to take risk like Relaince, or Satyam to florouish their business.
Mr raju should be treated not like big criminals. He is a knolegable professional.
I appreciate Sahil you are very loyal to the organization.
But what about others the inoocent investors in the company even the middle class people also invested their hard earned money buying shares etc.
donat ed 12000 crores from his personal pocket from where he got so much money? when he was having so much of money he would has invested that money for satyam instead of showing losses

Thru out world people have very bad immpression on India specially AP

Even other companies will also suffer.

They have done Forgery (auditors signatures) showed all assests which were duplicate, so much has happened without his notice.

He is so smart that he confess the truth to whole world becuase there is no other go he has branches all over the world.
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