Safety Videos Library Part-ii - Zip Download

raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear all,
Now I am come with one interest video now a days all of men’s(90%) are using helmet while they driving vehicle(two wheelers).I do know why females not use/wear helmet while traveling in two wheelers why????????. . . Please see the attached video how many of women’s are travelled without helmet. . . Whenever u goes outside with your precious wife & kids/ friends (THEY ARE MORE IMPOTANT IN YOUR LIFE) please advice them to wear helmet. . .
Dear dipil,
High power worker video its really terrible . . . Thanks for your video. . .
Thanks & Besafe.
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear all,
Now i come with how to use extension ladder video. . . U can use this video in our training sessions its gives the good/best result to us. . .
Keep on sharing. . .
Thanks & Besafe
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hansa vyas
here is video of hot work that was missed before.
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Good morning to all,
Another one from myside regarding Machine guard. . .Mr.Hansa thanks for your hot work video.
Thanks & Besafe
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear all,
Agai one more from myside regarding Ladder Safety Tips. . .
Thanks & Besafe
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Dear All
Wishing you a great, happy and prosporous New Year... May God bless each one of you to fulfill your dreams in the upcoming days...
I am leaving to my native today... As I am from mobile can't able to attach files... Will be back actively into forum discussions from 17th Jan...
Hope Mr. Raghu, Mr. Firoz, Mr. Rao, Ms. Hansa, etc will keep on moving this thread ahead actively...
Thanks and once again wish you happy New Year 2011.
Dear Dipil, thanks for wishes..
Dear Raghu, Hansa, Rao and Tenrry
Wishing all of you a very happy joyous and safe new year ahead.
Here is another interesting video on road safety....
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear all,
May the dawning of this New Year 2011, fill your heart with new hopes, open up new horizons and bring for you promises of brighter tomorrows. May you have a great New Year 2011. . .
Dear Dipil,
Thanks for your information lets enjoy spend time with your family & friends. . .
Dear all,
Again one more from side regarding PPE.Mr.Firoz thanks for your power nap video. . .
Thanks & Besafe
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear Srinivasa Rao,

What u ask i sending the same to u. . .Your last post "Dry scotch pine tree fire" its not open/working can u upload again. . .
Thanks & Besafe
Kundu B
Dea Raghu,
Again I uploaded the video " Dry Scotch Pine tree Fire". Also I forwading the same to your mail.
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