Gm Hr Proposes Hr Officer - Pdf Download

Hi Aks,
I personally feel that you should first take few of your colleagues in confidence, but then please be carefull in terms of what you tell them,,(at times the information you tell might get used against first trust them fully n then tell)....Secondly you being in HR department, can help forming a right sexual harrasment policy....slowly you can approach the second person in ladder.......try getting out the GM's intentions of doing this....and is it done only with you or with other female colleagues also......
I guess to fight need to get deep into it...if the GM is like this with other female staff then it will b easier for you to fight against him and you can set an example for others to stop such dirty act in office.....
Hope it helps you out...
Hi all HR Professional friends,
Cite HR one site that’s always help to contribute all HR msg’s, and also from this site we learn much more, we share our problems, suggest about HR difficulty of jr., My request to all of friends please don't comment others. Let’s ignore all misunderstanding and help our HR friends like before. Please ignore all of matter. and help each other, if any one need suggestion, and you have sufficient knowledge then guide other. Don't misguide, misconduct, misbehave because we are HR professional. My opinion for our friends please ignore this matter.
just ignore him and be very professional and next time when he tries to talk something like that just be very open and refuse him.
This is not a issue to break your head so much and ask people.
You must be matured enough to handle such guys, it doesn't matter whether he is your boss or not. Just be straight on his face and don't panic..
You must be brave and act professional.
Don't be so frustrated. Just read the attachment..
Take care
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Just wanted to ask one thing that if the girl had been your sister or daughter, what would be your reply? If your reply is same then we can uderstand where is the fault.....
See badloser only the wearer knows where the shoe pinhes? When there is fire in your home only then you will understan. if we can not become the earser of someone sorrow then dont try to become pensil of the same.
Hey AKS, Its really a difficult situation. Whenever you pass through or go into your GM's cabin, its difficult to talk and moreover being a female its again difficult to express it. But yes sexual harrasment act can help you, you collect all the proof like SMS (if he send any) call records, better if u can record his conversation, you can take the help of HR people, higher authorities (specially female) from your co. If you don't react this time, it means you are encouraging him.
This is really unpredictable situation. ur boss hv done very bad with u. he knw that u r more junior than hem so if u refuse his proposal, he cn spoile ur career he knw it's a recession time. he want to get sucess in his evil work & he has taken d support of recession time. Bt be bold n do u work. put a strong mail to the company's head in this respect and mark cc to other top members, u cn also make it the matter of sexual harassment. I hope they'll help u coz it'll also affect his company's market value.
hi ask..........:)
dont b afraid & b brave..................
take care..............
dont b upset.............:(
plz ignore this kind of nonsense things and concentrate on ur work.......
:icon6: smileeeeeeeeee
take care
If this would have been with my daughter or sister she definately would have talked to family members and not on this forum at least because its matter of common sense that this is not theplace to discuss your personal problems.
You don't share here with whom you are dating on this site then don't discuss who proposed you and whats wrong if his intention is truely wants to marry what we are supposed to do........If she don't like tell him you are not fit into her choice and status thats all.
This is not sexual harrashment or any exploitation it happens in all offices people do engaged in affairs and what not who cares..........But they don't discuss on professinal forums....
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