Director Annoyed And Wants To Quit - His Wife's Birthday Party Wasn't The Same As His

Hi Prachi,
What you have done is the best to the interest of the company. Most of the organisations have policy not to recruit spouse of employee or even couples. But one great learning for us here is not many organisations have policy on two employees getting married. We dont land up in challenges as long as they are in different departments. But when it comes for the same department its really hard to manage.
I suggest you to assign a day to hear employee suggestions or grievance so that these sort of things could be handled even before it keeps you occupied for days. As you said its not good to have different treatment for different levels of people which will always cause disturbance.
This act might be hard in many ways may even create an embarrassment among your employees. So communicate to your employees why you have to go for such a hard decision ( Atleast with Senior Staff)without embarrassing the Director. This can be done either in a planned or unplanned fashion.
Hi Prachi
This is purely a case of inflated ego and misplaced expectations. You have celebrated wife's birthday as per norms of the company . Nothing less and nothing more. If that is the case then what this senior man is sulking about ? His wife being a junior company employee will not attain the status of a senior employee just because she is now married to him ! Threatening to leave the job on this count is an immature reaction.
I would suggest that let some other equal rank senior executive or a director of your company talk to him frankly over the issue. I am sure this guy will see to the reason and realise that the issue is too trivial to deserve tendering resignation.
Best of Luck
Hi Prachi,
This is the case of Positional Power confused with Personal Power.
This is very common in corporate due to immatures occupying higher positions.
Let the efficient director leave to make room for another one, but you will be able to set a precedence that no person, even if very efficient is powerful than organisation
no doubt you are in confusion that he is an efficient person and to lose such an person is great loss.
So what you say that for keeping his words you will violate organization policy matters.
secondly he is sitting at such an senior position than he should professional enough to follows organisation policies, what he does is an resemblance to other employees in the organization.
Dont make to feel that he is important member of organization try this and you will see that he will not quit
Abhijeet sawant
(Manager P&HR)
Maya Sharma
Hi Prachi,
I think if anyone has mentally decided to leave the company you should never stop such employee as HE HAS DECIDED to leave BEING A DIRECTOR, issue very trivial.
Secondly if he really wanted to go he could have resigned and would have not waited for you all to stop him and pamper him. Organisation will always run. Never bend your policies for one employee.
Thirdly if you are planning to retain him think of what precedence he is putting in front of you.
He basically wants to be pampered and change rules of the company for him.
Take all top managment in confidence and have a grand farewell party for him.
Maya Sharma
Hi Prachi,

Well it may be a striking coincidence that even we faced somewat a similar kind of situation in our company. We have a policy on birthdays of employees and we give out Sodexo passes to the employees on their birthday. The worth of the Sodexo passes depends upon the level at which the employee is working.

One of our senior most person and his wife (was in a middle level) were working in our company. So obviously there was a difference in the worth of Sodexo passes that were given to both of them. This did not go well with that senior person and he blamed the HR dept and threatend to resign.

We@HR were in a fix as he is a seniormost employee and we cant afford to lose him, hence we have taken a special approval from our CEO and had issued extra Sodexo coupons to his wife.

We felt that this a loophole in the policy as this situation might replicate with other employees also. Hence we had a meeting with our steering committe and CEO and we have ammended the Birthday policy saying that " ALL EMPLOYEES IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR GRADE AND LEVEL WOULD BE GIFTED EQUAL WORTH OF GIFT COUPONS". We defended the change in the policy saying that this is to promote equality among the employees.

The change was well accepted by all the employees. Hence I feel these kind of immediate action measures will help us to overcome such strange and difficult situations.

I request our HR friends to share their feedback and also share their strange experiences..


If this person is senior enough to don the role of the Director of the company, he must also be able understand how to drawn the line between the personal and professional life...I suppose this is why it is safe to say that spouses shouldnt work for the same can cause such issues
Dear Prachi
You deserve special appreciation for understanding the route cause of the situation. Many of the times, either the personal ego's or the family matters cause a lot at work place. It is always better to have a common policy for the celebrations, rather than inviting problems & dissatisfaction among employees.
I feel the this Director is acting in a total unprofessional manner. He might have already received some good offer and is merely using this incident as an excuse to presurrize the HR dept. It would be prudent enough if some senior member of the company speaks to him and enables him to see reason.
This is indeed weird. I mean, to see someone at a director level, who should lead by example, behave like this. Doesn't he even have the capacity to think about the other employees? After reading through, i wonder how efficient he really is. If he were my colleague, I'd happily show him the door, because one rotten apple, can ruin the whole bunch. I think he should get a grip and learn to look at his personal and professional lives as two different entities. Godddd... some people can be really difficult, ey? And stan, i totally agree with you. For all you know, he might've gotten another offer.
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