Frequent Resignation? - Doc Download

dear all
thanks alot for the replies. im planning to have a meeting with all team heads & team members separately. i had exit interview with the persons who is in notice period, they are telling the answer as for a better opportunity they are resigning the job.will slove this issue as quick as possible will inform to you all. thanks alot for your support. Thank you once again.
Their can be multiple reasons due to which employee turn over is high. I think you should go for climate survey in you should cover all factors which directly and indirectly effect employee towards their job. The results of climate survey will going to clear the picture why emplyee turn over us high. I will suggest you should conduct climate survey through some consultants.
Zakir Tahir
There are many reasons why people resigns.
1. If the Employee is under paid(Salary issue)
2. If the employee is less utilized (less usage of his/her talents and caliber)
3. Most important(His/her immediate supervisor ), may be the attitude of the supervisor forced the employee to resign.
4. If the employee is unnecessarily over work loaded
5. Sometimes the work culture and the office environment force the employee to resign.
6. Poaching of the employees by competitors.
To know the real reason please conduct the exit interviews with employee who is leaving the company.
Find out the grivences if any with the people going out and shorted out if any issue in
salary part discuss with the management and solve.and check with floorlevel staff
and find out the reason confidentialy anything serious put up the matter to top management immedietly. don't delay ok......
I think the relationship between the management and the employee is not congenial. When you give increment to someone and ignoring the others, even though their performance is not satisfactory, the working atmosphere becomes imbalanced.
According to me this is a serious issue, pls take exit interviews for all those people who are leaving and find out the exact reason for the same their can be many issues . I think the department in which most of the people are leaving the issue may be their releation with the boss and their policies.If this is the issue then please talk to that particular person so that the problem can be solved at the earliest.
prakash k
Exit interview will help u certain extent to know the reasons for their leaving. Casual interaction with other team members will really help u. Also have personal interaction at your level and don't quote them. Work to arrest such environment if you receive any negative feed back about the company or bosses.
This is a major issue which many companies face I suggest you to do the following
1. Try to get the exact reason from the employees why they are resigning
2. Take a meeting will all the employee (10 employees at a time) and then with TL and then Managers
3. One serious issues may be the new supervisors i.e for eg if I am working in a company for 3 or 4 months and the compnay appoints a senior to me who doesnt even have 1% knowledge about the process and if he just keeps on giving orders then thats a problem.
4. Try to be fair to all employees i.e First try to promote those employees to the next level who work hard and if there is no one suitable for that post within the company then only we should look for people outside.
5. Try to check what market rates/remmuration other companies / competators are giving and try to increase the same at your end.
Hope the above helps
Andrew Reed
Hi Earlystar

I'm based in the UK, and whilst our cultures may be different, the problems you are experiencing are similar to ones in a previous company I worked for.

One of the first things to realise is that money is never a long term motivator. Lack of it can be a long term demotivator, so it is worth ensuring that your salary scales are comparable to the industry.

Secondly, in general, people leave people, not organisations. It is the way they are led, managed and motivated that really matters. If people are truly enjoying their roles, they will remain, despite any salary differences.

We managed to curb resignations in the following way:

Target Managers for retention of staff and make it bonus/salary rise related. (We had 2 targets - retention of staff within 6 months at 95% and at 12 months at 90%)

Conduct robust Inductions WITH follow up forums at 3 and 6 months. (To include what;s going well, what's not and what they would have different in the company. Ensure action is taken on the suggestions)

Conduct a robust and honest INDEPENDENT exit interview with any leavers, and ensure the genuine reasons for leaving are discussed with senior and line managers.

If the company takes it's people seriously, they will invest in the company.

Hope that helps

I would suggest that a questionnaire should be circulated to every member of staff in other to have a feel of their expectations from the management, areas of administration that needs improvement etc so that the management can come up with policies that will address issues raised.
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