A couple in my organization spoiling the working environment

Hi all,

The 'couple' matter is getting too complicated. Of course, we all are HR guys and want to keep up the rules /regulations and uphold the company culture. Of course, this matter is a serious one that can pollute all. True!

Fine that is not all. We have different faces to wear besides HR personnel. We need to look at things as a psychologist, investigator, counsellor, brother, sister, boss, team member, friend, family man and above all approach human problem with humane nature.

Hiring and firing is not the solution and ultimately we are the less satisfied souls if such firings happen. Though we are paid salary for our work, what satisfaction do we get ultimately if our hard work for 'hiring' goes wasted in 'firing'?

So handle the grievances or any matter related to employees' behavioral attitude in a delicate way and see to that they are treated with dignity. Above all maintain secrecy and confidentiality in all that you deal. Other members should not be aware of such things. If not, the 'firing' order gets passed on as gripevine news before HR could react or type a Memo.

Since I have managed many incidents in a BPO office in Chennai, thought I can share the experience with you.

I am not satisfy with the answer given by you, I am also on HR field from last 19 years, because the work place is not meant for any of employees love affair, we came for work , this is a very deadly trend coming to India, where the employees meet for their sexual lust/desire. We can not say this as love. This has to be totally banned in work place, you want to love go for some other place, work place is only meant for work. I think you will not misunderstood me.........
with regards to all
shish ram uniyal
Guess you are at the right place for your queries. Personal life is personal when work is not the lead cause for you to be in a place, in this case your office. I believe, they should be well warned about this, if the team leader, as Mr. Peer Mohammed Sardar has quoted, keeps a track of their performance and reports to you as below expectations. You would not have to worry about anything in doing the right thing at the right time. But I suggest, not to get too personal about their relationship as long as you are professionaly dealing with it.
A case of personal behavior effecting work is a NO good for any organization. Please review their performance reports and conduct one on ones with those who are ignorant to mingle outside their realm to help work get executed and make it clear that their office space is for work where as they can do their socializing outside after working hours...
Pallavi ramdurg
i faced a similar situation,here the girl had a problem with one of her colleuge and she did not trust anybody else than this guy.. everybody doubted their relation, at end this case went to a Sr GM, were thes truth came out. and further action was taken. now every thing is back to normal.
Yep, i too agree with RK's suggestion. Its time to make a clear policy & let all employees know every contents very clearly.
Quite interesting subject. You can do the following.
1. First talk one to one with both at differnet time.
2. Seek their involvement
3. Get all the information from their reporting officers about the project, work, colobration and others.
4. Make it point blank to them that they are not only spoiling themselves but the entire organistion for not completing their work.
5. Try to get information form their colleagues about their family relationship (should be confidential) & their family background
Most important, know why they are going back?
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HI Deepak, i cannot agree more on this.. i guess I real "HR professional" would not have FIRING as his only solution.
As much as you would not not want to be bothered by a relation between two people it, you are clearly bogged down and increasing its intensity.
If it hampering the team dynamics, then i would suggest you check to what extent it is impacting the prodcutivity of the induvidual and the team.
if it is really low and needs utmost importance, then please meet them 1: 1 (and not together) and discuss this.
its a sincere request that you donot converse regarding the relationship in this meeting.
what they want to make out of thier life is their look out.
i think all of us have personal ambitions and goals.As long as it does not affect our professional life, its fine. but once it does, some one should point it out!
Hope this helps!
It is the common things now days, how can you say young couple is doing this, married personnel also do the affairs. In such cases you have to called them first inform about their job roles and responsibilities. Later on if you find they are doing same things then called them and informed about our break timings and the things which they carrying impact on others and compnys work. As other are like to gossip on the same.
Take the feedback from other perosnnel in the dept before making such decission as labour laws does not permit to retrench on the above clause, if they are sincere then informd them that one should change the job as both person should not be in one compnay for their betterment or future.
Counselling is the only one solution but they will not listen as love is blind and no one like the other person is interfering in the same.
Good Morning to every one. The Same problem i am also facing. But the thing is she belongs to HR department
K.V.Satish Kumar
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