Busines Knowledge For HR [Question - Answer]

Kaizen is related to Continuous Improvement.
Chaitali Shah
Winners never quit and Quitters never win:-P
Abraham Maslow is associated with Need Hierarchy Theory which has five levels such as physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs ans lastly salf-actulisation need.
Chaitali Shah
Winners never quit and Quitters never win.:-P
Probably, the answer is boudry spanner, correct me if I'm wrong.
Chaitali Shah
Winners never quit and Quitters never win:-P
The answer is "Adam Smith", he was an Economist.
Chaitali Shah
Winners never quit and Quitters never win:-P
Question If the human element is handled properly by the manager he can make two plus equal to five.
Question The two dimensions of leadership which emerged from the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire were 'consideration' and '________'.
Question ________ are the rules of pattern and behaviour that are expected from all team members.
Question Fatigue can be defined as the tiredness of the body as a result of continuous ________ activity.
Question Frequent absenteeism of manager who talks about punctuality to his subordinate is a way of ________ behaviour.
Question Organizational________represents a complex pattern of beliefs, expectations, ideas, values and attitudes shared by the members of the organization.
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