All India Cite HR Meet - January 2008

Hi Umesh,
Good to hear this, please count me for volunteer team.
Be happy if it happens in Bangalore as well.
Bangalorean - CHR group will look forward for it
Hi Bhaskar & Mukez,
It is really happy to know your interest to join the meet. Kindly fill up your details in the prescribed format which is uploaded by Mr.Hari in this post and send it to him, which helps us to have a count on the participants.
Hi Umesh,
When are you going to organise kick of meeting in Bangalore for this All India Meet. Do let me know. So that I can join you guys.
Hello People..
FYI i am posting the link for the registration form.
<link no longer exists - removed>
Mr. Umesh yesterday no one has sent the form. Meanwhile shall we discuss about the possible location and date.
Hi Hari
It is ok. Later people will join us once we finalise the event. As you told it is better to finalise the date and location first.
My suggestion for date is January 19 or 26, Saturday. And location should be central location, i.e somewhere in Central Part of India, So that it will be easy for all to travel.
Raaj, Tikam, Anuraag, Sanjukta, and others who has taken lead, please put in your suggestion also, so that we can finalise the date and location.
Hi Sumi,
Can I have your contact details. When you are planning to schedule this meet. Lemme know.
I would say 19th is better.. Coz 26th is republic day. So its better to be on the safer side.
We have to lookin to a sunday and also need to draft the duration of the meet.
If we prefer some hillstation that will be much cool and nice environment.
It also serves as a Relaxation for those who are travelling after their long busy working hrs. There mind will be free..
If possible they can bring their family also..
Anyways its my suggestion.
Before that let us have a deadline for registration based on that we can study the Majority people's location.
Few places i suggest will be...
Coorg, Munnar or any cool hillstation from northern karnataka or Madyapradesh.
Any more places suggestion.. please welcome..
Lets make this even Infotainment
Hi Hari,

It is nice to see your suggestions. Coorg is a nice place where we can have this meet. But January is a holiday season we need to book the hotels at the earliest. People may enjoy the new type of accommodation, that is "Home Stay" where the people can share the accommodation the coorgi community people and their culture with the privacy.

Munnar is extreme south, so it will be difficult for the people from northern part of India will find it difficult. I feel it should be central location or central part of India. In my opinion ideal location is Goa and its surroundings.

But let us wait for suggestions from other parts of India like North, East & West.

As far as the date is concerned, why I suggested is after 19th or 26th is from 14th onwards the holidays are starting , many people may plan their vaccation, and they may not be available on 19th. But for 26th though it is Holiday, but for one day and for returning back to work on Monday will be ideal as they get one day for rest on Sunday.

This is my opinion. I am open for others views and suggestions. After that let us decide the date and location.

All volunteers and HR fraternities please put in your views and suggestions.


Hi All,
As Raaj Bhatia mentioned in one of his post here, the event should contain some knowledge sharing. It should not be like just a get together. I am planning this as a workshop or seminar based event for HR people, which comes with a cost.
For that, one of the suggested topic by me is "Traditional Vs Modern Recruitment Methods".
All of you please contribute to select a topic which is need of the hour. (In my opinion, the Attrition & Retention was discussed and handled in many of the seminars and workshops. So I suggest leaving this topic recommend any other burning topics)
Waiting for your replies. Raaj,Sanjukta and others what happened? No replies from you all.
Cite Contribution
Congrats ......
Its great to see this post. I was waiting for this initiative to come from our members .
I request Mr. Siddhartha Roy to take this further and help us run this program successfully.
Finally a request, please count me in . Looking forward to contribute my bit to the Site that have given so much to me and taken me ahead in my career.
(Cite Contribution)
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