Plz Reply On Employee Issue - Doc Download

Dear all,
In such case you have limited choices.
1. You try to get details of present employment and write to them.
2. Do not pay any thing and send notice at the address.
3. Publish in news paper.
4. Threat them for legal action.
5. Best way is forget the happening and continue to search further.
6. Go for leagal battel but of no use.
7. In my openion write to his / her past and current employer about his / her behaviour.
Pls give details how he was employed without an appointment letter. Weather he was provisionally appointed?. When he have accepted the appointment letter he is no longer an employee and question of notice period or resignation does not arise. You need not worry about his discontinuance. But may check with other office......
K.Mohan, Advocate.
Point 1. Ensure that appointment letter is given on the date of joining. That's a must.In this case since he has not accepted the letter, technically he is not in the muster rolls.hence he is not an "employee" !
Point 2. Salary: There's no point in debating about it. He must be politely told to go and fly kites.If he makes a written request then ask him to reimburse the time spent for his recruitment etc.
You can’t take any action against him, because there was no employer and employee relation. If he accepted the appointment then only such relationship will create. Simply leave it as it is.
Dear ,
As you have not taken acknowldgement on appointment letter so he is not aware the terms and condition of noticeperiod or any other terms etc .
go for mutual understanding and close it thats better i think .
Hi all
When he has not accepted the appointment order
by signing "I Accept" on the duplicate copy,
He is not at all an employee of that organisation.
therefore you cannot take any action. Those four
days period he was just a visitor.
He has at least resigned, so that you can hire some one else.
What would you do for a person 4 days old in the company,
not accepted offer letter ( or he may say offer letter not given or prepared after i resigned)
and not turned up to work? just forget it and recruit another person.
S N Rao
hi all.i beleive this fellow is important to you becouse you selected him/her out of many others.what you do try consultation,maybe have a time with him especially in a tea shop.ask him in depth and voluminous why he decided to join in the first place and why he is resigning now.having told you everything if you fail to bring him back after your charms then your policy in place should take effect.i hope before him/her signing the contract he read very well the handbook of your company/detailed policy and you have a policy in place that talks about the right of an employee when he resign or terminated or probation period,notice period?
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Dear All,
Its a common thing that happens and there is no remedy to it, the best way is to keep always a backup, as far as the case of the employee he is although absconding, but whats the use of declaring him absconder? he has not done any harm to your company, and as he has submitted resignation that itself prove that he has knowledge of his appointment whether or not it was issued to him in physical form. anyway forget it, it is not so serious as far as company is concerned. Do not involved in to any legal action. it will simply waste your time.
Yashpal Singh
as rightly pointed new joinees leaving with in a week is very common among all functions including HR people.
probably he would have had another offer/waiting for another offer from some other place.
better to leave matter as it is- without wasting your time on reasoning out why he left etc- look for alternate if possible with in.
Dear Neelam :
The ex-empl has been in ur service from Nov 26 to Dec 1. Since he has not signed the approintment letter, though he may have been issued with the offer letter, nothing could be done legally. Max that cd be done is, as some other members have opined, hold back his salary and close the case.
For ur corrective action, obtain rasons for his leaving the Org and may initiate corrective actions if the reasons are valid.
Hope the above meets ur requirement.
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