Foot On The Table - Jpg Download

prepare a circular for the same in which pls mention that maintain discipline and decorum in the office.
Hi hrqq,
I think if he is senior to you so dont tell him directly as he might get offended and can also create some problems for you. As this seniors do not prefer to be guided by some juniors . Please ask some other senior, with whom u have a good rapport, to instruct this person as saying that I have got to know from 1 of the employees that you are misbehaving in the office. I am sure it will bring change in his manners.
Ask that employee to hold the meeting and you just watch from back side and give him responsibility to maintain discipline in meeting hall for one month.
Raj Kumar Hansdah
Dear friend,

Considering that you do not have much experience of the wonderland of Indian Corporates, I have the following opinion about the matter in your hand :

Case - 1 : How do you know, he is doing it when he is alone ????

Do you spy on him ????

Case - 2 : Is he doing it in your presence ?????

In the first case, let the senior old gentleman take his rest. He may be having varicose vains, for all you know, and his doctor has recommended that he put his feet on a higher level. In that case, it is nice of him to do it when nobody is around.

Moral : Be sensitive to the peculiar health needs of employees.

In case, you are spying on him, you are displaying the typical HR mentality of playing the Big Brother and never letting the employee work in peace. Please shun you ego, let others have a relaxing time too.

In the second case, if he is doing it in your presence, then any of the following may be the reason:
  • he is too senior to even care about you
  • he is trying to show you your place
  • he is having a very good opinion about you
  • he is just trying to drive you crazy

Moral : Forget all your HR Policies and work-place discipline; just don't mess around with the senior person, untill you have found another job for yourself.

I hope your dilemmas, doubts, queries etc. have been taken care of satisfacorily.

the idea of sending out an office ettiquette email is a good one. you could even put up some pictures in the conference room of correct ways of sitting in a chair. i am sure you can find some great pictures showing of back problems from incorrect postures. stress on "NO FEET ON THE TABLE".
On a lighter the man a Foot Stool for his next birthday or something....I am sure he will get the message!
Thought of ignoring this post as an irrelevant issue but the volume of responses for some action are prompting this response. Please do not take offense because none is meant - the intent is only to help us think.
a) A lot of people seem to have an understanding of HR as the Headmaster of a school - talking about discipline and seniors and juniors, etc. Is this THE most important HR function?
b) Many experienced people have posted their learnings on various topics which are very useful for our career growth. However, topics like the present one are the ones that get the most responses. Isn't it time we question how we are spending our time? Is this the most challenging question that is facing HR at this moment?
On a lighter note, maybe we all have a lot more time on our hands now that hiring has come to a standstill. :-)
Hi Vijay
I have also noticed this trend and was thinking just as you have written,and also looking at the posts one can easily make out we are really not busy...and all of us really enjoy responding to this kind of stuff.
So is it our fault to accept that we are out of assignments/tasks ?
Or can any one share how they are making use of their (work)time ? I have started very recently contributing on this site,though have been a very old member here. So this site is one of the ways to spend my work free time reading/posting etc...
Monil Sanghvi
hi hrqq,
dont take it in a serious manner.Wait for a correct time to reprimand him,but till then,dont take any action as u had already said that he i not listening to any warning
Asanka Moses
I agree with all you guys, Sending out a general mail is good, but how effective it is will depend on who he is... if he is not someone high up, u might as well just walk up to him and tell him thats what he is doing is not nice.
some thing you could do no matter who he is you could just walk up to him or talk with someone when he is around (make sure he hears), start scolding saying that some idiot has been putting his leg on the board table, say u found a mark or some shoe polish on it or something. just scold and pretend not to know who is doing it. i think that will be very effective.
and hrqq, if you saw it, then others may have seen it too... simple as that.
and remember that others may follow in his foot steps too.
I would say fix this problem before it becomes a company wide habit.
try it out.
Actualy i faced the same problem when i was new to my concern. He has 11yrs of experience (6yrs in US) - Project manager.

On the first day i saw him talking to his friend over phone and he placed his legs on the conference table. one week later we had a official meeting and in the middle of the meeting he placed his legs on the chair next to him. It was very odd. I couldnt actually bear it so after the meeting i asked him to stay back and politely i told him tat it was an official meeting and before i could complete my sentence he bounced back saying so what?????

I didnt place it on the table, it was not straight to anyone's face. this is how am and till now no one questioned me. This is wat the problem with indians. In US no one consider it at all and so on..................i didnt utter a word and exactly did wat he did. I could see the change in his face. He stopped talking for a second and continued i interupted him.

I said i could feel how u felt when i placed my legs on the other chair. This is how we too felt. Secondly u have plcaed ur feet on the chair wearing shoe n see the stamp marks on it so how come others sit here. Today u may not feel anything but tomorrow ur team member does the same in front of u so will u keep quiet. If u question him he may not bounce back but surely he will say u too do the same so y do u question me and though he doesnt utter a word u can understand his feelings.

Being a project manager u should stand as a role model to others. May be in US they dont consider but in INDIA we do consider. U were not born n brought up in US so there is no need for me to procede more on this as i practically showed u how do others feel when someone puts there legs on the table. To be on the safer end i explained the same to my HR Manager and CEO and to my surprise they brought him in and in a polished manner they explained him the Do's n Don't.

My friend it may not be a serious issue as of now but later he may do the same while official meetings or else his juniors may do the same when they are along in the conference room. If u question them they will say see XXX person did the same but u didnt question him why is it so????????so instead of facing all these consequences its better to find a solution at the earliest depending upon the attitude of that person
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