Hr Is Boring, Is Not It? - Doc Download

Dear Shiv,
I dont think HR field is boring.May be sometimes will feel its boring but working with different clients and different environment leads to learn new things.I think now,you have get into other parts of HR otherthan recruitement may be then you will feel HR is not boring.:icon1:
Dear Shiva,
If after 3 years working in HR , you feel it's boring , than better introspect within , whether your skills are in alignment with the current profession as such kind of feelings come in that case only.
I am also HR professional , feels that HR is very dynamic , completly depends how you shape it .
But at the end of the day you hav to plan your career and to comment on any professional is completely relative , applies to any profession , so better choose such a field , for which you hav genuine passion .All the best!
Aparna Sethi
Hi Dear,
If you are doing same type of job like marketing, sales, or production etc. it is obvious that anyone tend to get bore. So don't say HR is boring specifically. It’s HR's responsibility to make job interesting. It is up to you... its just a start of your career if you are getting boar now then you should seriously think about your career options.
Aparna Sethi
Dear Shiva,
Please stop joking/entertaining through peculiar self made imagine question.
enough is enough.
Dear Friends,

We are from a nation that always respected/loved/adored/worshiped people.

The following para is Gandhiji's Talisman printed in every book in NCERT syllabus. Every New Year our teachers used to stress us read this before starting the academic year. Pl go through this.

“I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?
Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away.” - Gandhiji

I have chosen HR as my profession because of this and this remains as the basic foundation for the rest of my life. Because growing in this certainly gives me a living, respect and recognition, love from people when I solve their queries and most importantly keeps me close to my heart.

I have found an excellent posting in the internet which translates Gandhiji's Talisman into corporate language.

"Whenever a decision needs to be made, or a policy needs to be created, apply the following test. Recall the face of the lowest grade employee who works for you, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away."

I am grateful to god for landing me into such a wonderful profession where I deal with people.

As far as the clerical/daily activites which take away most of my time, I realise that by involving in the activities I am in fact making the lives of my people more comfortable. I am not bored of this as I am sure as I grow in this profession, I will have my chance to evolve into a strategic HR.

May be I think people who are bored of HR should test themselves for “Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you,”
Hello Shiva & Sharmila Ji,
2 introduced myself, m totally fresher in diz (HR) field. I hv don MBA in HR thru distance learning....hving 4+ yrs. of work exp. in admin , office co-ordinator & Recruitment. Recently i hv joined the co. in wch m hired 4 d post of HR - Exe., n here m getting a lots of HR related tasks nt proper HR bt its Personnel viz Handling PF, ESI, Salary Computation, Personal Files, Joining Formalitiies n other misc. wrk n njoying a lot ......boring na na zara vi nai......wV all 9, wrk makes a man perfect...n if u r perfect in ur field......ur goodwill will rise in short, whereever u want 2 go, u can reach dere w/o any problem......
1 more thing, Asha Mathew is rite, go on long drives wid loud music n get back 2 ur wrk wid full energy....hv a nice weekend...
thank u,
Dear Shiva,
It's seems through this post, you are evaluating people's thoughts rather than focusing on your problem. Relax, think and analyze you present situation and future aspirations. Rather lengthening this thread, focus on innovative HR practices that can enhance your growth and brush-a-side your Boredom.
Life is yours and you have to drive that. We only can put our thoughts and beliefs; it’s you who want to take it as a philosophy or valuable points. Please don’t encourage people to waste their time like this.
Dear Shiv,
After reading soooooo many replies .....
Whats your decision be in HR OR out of HR OR still confusion ..
Decide something ya and if your decision is to be OUT of HR,Kindly let others know about your vacany .... they will fill your place and enjoy their work.
Plz dont lengthen this thread ya...
Like Asha and others have said any job that’s done repetitively without reflecting on what we do, why we do, and how it can be improved is boring. I am no HR expert. I have changed jobs (And I have been extremely lucky), when ever I felt I reached a stage when I was constrained to improve what I was doing. To me the operative word is “constrained”. Finally, I found a profession (University Teaching and a place (in UK) where I had the freedom (within limits) to continuously improve myself, the system and the process for the benefit of our clients/customers.

To me the HR profession, in general, gives such a freedom, variety (as people keep changing, technology keeps improving, globalisation increases the competition) and challenge to keep up-to-date with the law that’s passed. Hence, if one is good at person-management, has the freedom to innovate, and is creative, then for such a person the field will be invigorating rather than boring.

Have a nice weekend
A retired academic

I think this post become boring .................................................. ........................
Hey shiv what is ur job profile ????????????????????????????????????
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