Question Time...!!

Before I answer your question I would like following information from you:
  • Can you give Job Description for both of your Juniors. That is to say- is it a routine job or a challanging one with volatile situation which requires quick response.
  • Please tell me whether the sincere fellow is under performing entirely on account of lack of some skills for which he can be given by training or mentoring.
  • Fellows like the more efficient guy tend to be difficult- not a good team boy-. Have you tried to counsel him with a view to improve his team behaviour and failed.
  • has your company issued some policy guidelines for pruning manpower? Normally the junior most goes first other things being equal.
  • If you have rated them in past please provide your performence appraisal ratings.
I compeletely agree with Ashfaque, this would resolve the problem and the organisation would be benefited and along side let us provide both of them the necessary training on " Attitude " etc etc etc which would be use full in their life time, and would remember us always.
One & Only
pramod pandey
Very embarrassing question, First thing stubborn, disobedient and unpunctual can not give 85% performance . If we can not motivate 2nd executive either we have to leave are he has to be removed . this type man power alway create problem for the growth and development of organization, we have to think our future growth and development. instead of spoiling organizational discipline please remove 2nd executive and improve fist one to give 90% performance.
Thanks ,
Pramod Pandey
Head - Personnel & Admin.
Tha Crescent Group.
Sonia juneja
layoff is nt t end result...laying an employee means losing as asset recession tme job can be shared ....
frst emloyee s delivering t output...nt sttng i wnt layoff t emplyee who is gvng atleast 50%
and team work matters...:)
Thanks guys, Now let me tweak the situation a little.

Situation 2:

After your request, Management gave both the employees one more chance to prove themselves. They were given 2 months to improve on their drawbacks.

At the end of the 2 months:

First executive was able to improve his performance marginally. But he follows all your instructions without fail as he understands that it would help him do his job better. He stays in the office till late to finish the work alloted to him. Ensures that he puts that extra effort.

Second executive has shown 10% imporvement in his performance, but on the attitude front, he has become more stubborn, he doesn't follow the office discipline in terms of working hours, leaves office early and comes in late. Yet his performance has shown an improvement.

Situation : Management has called an emergency meeting and its decided that your team has to let go of one person.

Who would be your choice and WHY?

Think....(there might not be a correct answer...its all about ethics & attitude).


Ash Mathew
Are you writing a story?
I will still layoff the person who does not value company ethics and has a stubborn attitude.
I will again support the first employee as he is improving, without any doubt lay off the second emplyee who is creating negativity in my organisation......

Glad that people here are enjoying situational questions.

Situation 1: Well, i feel its for the manager to decide whether they should be given another chance or if one of them should be taken out.

Attitude is something which needs a lot of effort to change. If you are keeping the employee with attitude problems, you may soon be seeing problems around you. The critical issue is the department this particular employee is serving. HR department is more like a link between employees and employer. If you have someone with a wrong attitude as the link, then there are chances that the relation between the employee and employer goes down the drain.

Now about the person whose performance is satisfactory. Well, He is listening to the manager, doing everything as per the instructions and still is able to achieve only 50-60%. This is a case which would need a microscopic look. What are the reasons for him not being able to perform, Is he able to understand your instructions, Is he an active listener? What are his improvement areas? These would be about the about the manager: If the manager is able to communicate things correctly to the employee...If he is an effective communicator. Well...maybe the manager needs to improve on his skills of communication. Coz the instructions given by him are heard by both the executives, the one who listens to his manager performs 50-60%, the one who doesnt performs 70-80%. Surely there is an issue with the manager here.

Situation 2: Both the employees are given a chance and still there is no significant improvement in their performance. In this case, its not that the executives have failed, but surely the manager. The manager has not been able to bring any significant change in the performance of the first executive and attitude of the second. In my view, the person who should be shown the door is the MANAGER.

This is my view.

Your comments are welcome.


Hi Arun,

Earlier your question was who should be layed off by the manager among the 2 employees?
so I tried to draw conclusion by analysing 2 employees, in which I supported first employee who is obedient , team player but average employee.
I would still lay off secong employee who is impunctual and ill mannered too.

According to me both the employees need the training for as per to their TNA.
As Both of them are working under so called Manager,if they are lagging behind either in their performance or attitude. so I sense that there is communication gap between the employees and manager. Manager is not able to provide proper training.

Arun,I agree with you to some extent he should be layed off, but theI want to know
what about recruiting cost of hiring an experienced sales manager at this recession time?
Will he be able to train both of these employees?
Why second employee who was not listening to his first (old) manager would listen to his newly recruited Manager?

I am looking forward to your reply.........

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