Recruiters plea to job portals like naukri/monster/timesjobs

Hi naveen i do agree with, but many times we are not giving feed back who has attended the interview with us. so mistake is happening from our side also. we will use to make call has been shortlisted. But at the same time we have to see the who has not been shortlisted list and atleast we have to send the mail regarding they have not been shortlisted. Being in recruitment is quit tough and challenging job... so don't fedup.....
i am totally agree with you. If Job portal add this feture hten its gr8.
ashwini rege
Hi Naveen ,

If i understand your problem correctly ...You are agitated by the fact the "Candiadtes do not join" after taking up the offer.

You can review the situation on two counts as a Recruiter and as a probable candidate ( When you would be looking for a job ).

As a recruiter :-

1. You are following a tedious process as outlined by your management
Review this process so ascertain if there are any process gaps or flaws which prohibit you from the recuitment objective. The process as a matter of fact could be so lengthly that the process compliance takes you away from the purpose / objective ofthe process.

2. Your eXperience 3-4 yrs in the recruitment field
Having spent a couple of years in this domain i am sure the "offer rejection" phenomenon is not new to you.Your focus now should be study the reasons for which offer is rejected in greater detail. An excellent recruiter is the one who is able to use is expertise (gained with experience and exposure) to find the right fit. You should go beyond just getting in desired numbers on board and be able to review the recruitment scenario as a whole.

As a Candidate :
Lets look at answering few questions here :-
1. Would you prefer as a candidate , having recruiters write comments about you ?
A Job Portal caters to the candiate as much as it does to the recuiter. A job portal also needs to provide the widest range / number of resume for the recruiter to optimise the search. Hence a candidates consent / agreement is equally important.

2.Do you feel disappointed / dejeceted when a recruiter does not come back to you with your interview status ?
Both the recruiter and the candidate have an equal onus of updating each other on the status. I understand that the recruiter may have to update several candidates for not being shortlilsted , but effective communication is a two way process. In this context both the parties should be able to have a open dialog and expectations right from the onset.

Naveen , here i am mentioning just a few points for you to access the situation and your probable course of action. The core message is that your objective should be to have a better "Hit Ratio" Or closures. I can assure you that a recruiter writing a comment about a candidate in ajob portal will definately not solve your issue.

The most feasible option is to study your selection process, sourcing options, current recruitment scenario and previous recruitment trends !!

Lastly Recruitment / HR deals with managing people and thats where lies the challenge.

All the best for your recruitments ...

Best Regards

P.s :- Naveen : pl reply to my post , would like to here your comments

dear HR friendsEven i had faced same sort of situtaion most of the times, especially with IT Industry this is common, a candidate who is to join, inspite of we following them up continuesly, they are not joining in the stipulated time. but for the issue Mr.Ravi had raised, i would like to tell one thing, that most of the HRs do have the curtosy of sending a sorry letter to the candidates who gets rejected.regardsrupha
prathima ksheerasagar
Hai Naveen,
I can understand because all are facing the same problem. I accept all the discussions.They should be a feedback coloumn in the portal but it should not effect they career.We as recruiters have to motivate them mould them and we should be in touch with the candidate till he is selected and joining. we have to take the time to time feedback. Then only we can be sure of his/her joining.

Yes I do agree with this problem. We as recruiters, all face this problem at some or the other point of time. As aswini said, lot many things come into picture in this process, job portals with two way perspective, candidate/recruiter’s both, choice with the candidate join/not join etc.

So what I feel is, rather than wasting our time & energy in compelling & commenting such un interested & unethical(some) candidate’s, better to use the same efforts much on understanding the candidate’s need for the job change & getting the right candidate on board.

what i think is comments will not help really, but supose you select any candidate, and wants him/her to join deliberately,then after selection just try to call him/her after every 3-4 days till the candidate joins u ,and ask about him / her present status.......and try to read the person , the person really interested to join your org. or not...i know its a bit tough bt it really helps....rather than waiting for the person till his joining date come. i apply it and really found it good.........
I think we (recruiter) should request govt. / HR Guru's to help with a proveed solutions maybe like awebsite for Blacklisted candidates to help us getting our efforts (Time, Energy, Money etc.) cost atleast.
As per present senario recuriter end result is going dow as much as 10:3.
Dear Naveen Pls. keep me in Loop.
Dear Naveen,
I agree with ur points, even iam facing samr problems especially the expericed person they were giving more pbms they finish all the process and atlast they will upscond fromthe place but we have to take some steps to stop, otherwise it will be hectaic for the recruiters.
Hi Naveen,
I totally agree with you in this regard. and must say the suggestion given by you is really appreciative. in this way the candidate will think twice even before applying for a job..........
but if we look on the other side wht abt the recruiters who'll use this just to take revenge??????...........
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