How To Improve My English Skill Fluently - DOC Download

Mahendra12. English speaking is problem for every Indian.In India so many languages but no body can speak fluently any language.On today's culture we are also forget our own language.So many Indians do not speak fluently their mother tongue also. But it's so good we will try and try again but don't cry. Good luck.
[QUOTE=vaidya.keshav;1531081]Headhunting is the practice of taking a person's head after killing them. Headhunting was practised in historic times in parts of China, India, Nigeria, Nuristan, Myanmar, Borneo, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Micronesia, Melanesia, New Zealand, and the Amazon Basin, as well as among certain tribes of the Celts and Scythians of ancient Europe. In fact, it occurred in Europe until the early 20th century in the Balkan Peninsula and to the end of the Middle Ages in Ireland and the border regions of England and Scotland.[1] More recently, it has been practised in World War II and the Vietnam War.
As a practice, headhunting has been the subject of intense discussion within the anthropological community as to its possible social roles, functions, and motivations. Themes that arise in anthropological writings about headhunting include mortification of the rival, ritual violence, cosmological balance, the display of manhood, cannibalism, and prestige. Contemporary scholars generally agree that its primary function was ceremonial and that it was part of the process of structuring, reinforcing, and defending hierarchical relationships between communities and individuals. Some experts theorize that the practice stemmed from the belief that the head contained "soul matter" or life force, which could be harnessed through its capture.

" Don't afraid Ms.Nura. Seriously the "Headhunting" means recruitting persons especially from other firms/cos. Still U want in detail. If U R familiar with using MS word, then follow the following:

Open a new blank page in MS word
Type "Headhunting" (the word is not split pl.note)
Select this entire word by pressing 'Shift' key and browser key.
After selecting the word by pressing control key, press F7,
U will see on the right side of the screen a portion showing dictionary and
your word already typed, click on the right arrow mark, your meanings are ready on the screen.

The open secret is, like this U can see meanings of any word u want, simply follow above steps. Further, at the bottom of the right screen you will see 'Reference books' & Research sites' if U click on these U will see some more information on these type words.
Go ahead.
[QUOTE=eastculturalassociation;1532224]pls friends tell me what it means in recruitment the question in discussion.
Moreover, to know the meaning we need not circumambulate, download from and run in your pc. it will be saved in the desktop bring to down tool bar. Whenever, you come across difficult word select the word and open the wordweb you will have umpteen meaning and fix to nearest-thanks regards vaidya
Hi Venkat
as i can see , peeople have already given you some evry good suggetions.
along with that please watch english movies , English news channel and english music.
if possible try to sing along with the songs....trsut me it helps...
Shyam Agrawal
Dear Shri Venkat Ji,
You are on the right path. Go ahead. Continue your journey.
One day you will reach your goal. You will find your career fully
developed. Always keep the Lord with you. He will give you his
peace, his love and his satisfaction.
sudhakar m jadhav
Dear friends,
I want to resume for Mba fresher or hr shoud helpfull for me.please anyone help me.
and also i am looking for job in hr, i am mba fresher if any vacancy available in any organisation please inform me
sudhakar jadhav
sudhakar m jadhav
Dear All,
I want to MBA fresher resume or hr officer. it will helpfull for me. please anyone guide me or help me
and i am looking for job in hr. i am fresher,please inform me, anywhere vacancy available
viswanadh hr
thanks for the inspiration and one more suggestion that dont go in negative way be positive.if u want you can do it .think it is a need for you then automatically you only teaches to others
Can I say you one thing?????????
Try to speak in English as much as you can. Even though it is wrong don't mind... you keep on speaking and also learn some phrase to speak ,English will not come mere going to Spoken english class
when we put effort on each and everything then only we can face victory.
Put effort as much you can surely one day you will achieve
Wish you all the best!!!
Find someone to practice spoken English with you everyday and point out your mistakes.
If you can't find such a person then enroll for practice based English speaking courses.
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