Quiz On HR Topics-Last Question On Hot Stove Rule By Lavanya

Hi Derek,
It is not Preethi. Name is Preet. Anyways no probs. I have already compared the Maslow's theory with HR topics. I have already accepted Seema's point also, Maslow didn't mention the HR topics or mgt topics in his mind. But his theory was interpreted with HR topics, which clearly I have mentioned. Hope this would clarify your point.
Hi Krishna,
Kindly post your replies at the earliest, as we have already told Seema to post her question.
seema singh
hi all,

Sandeep has answered it partially correct, but the basic fundas are not clear in that response.

Broad banding of pay structures started as a trend in late 80s and early 90s in flatter and more flexible organizations. Many positions traditionally covered by numerous seperate pay ranges were swept into a relatively few, very wide job classifications which is called as band. Usually, to simplify administration and toenhance a sense of common purpose and a single team atmosphere. By collapsing a number of narrower salary grades the organization reaps the benefit of low hierarchical order in organization structure and it may give the signal to employees that development is more important than worrying about promotions all the time. This promotes "paying for the person" rather than paying for the job.

Shadow ranges are these earlier narrow ranges which were sunk into wider bands. The shadows are necessary to keep in mind so that one knows where did this broad band originally came from.

Research indicates that Broad Banding if more often than not effective in improving career development/management.

So,...here we are..... I think preet can decide who should be the next one to launch a new question.

seema singh
Hi Seema,
In your opinion if Sandeep is answered the question correctly atleast partially, then he needs to get a chance to post the next question.
So Sandeep post your question.
Hi Sandeep,
Your time to post the question got over. Seema I think you need to continue with the next question.
seema singh
Hi all,
the next question is ..
"What is a competency? What can be the benefits of competency based HR management?"
This is an easy one i suppose...Best of Luck!!
hi derek
sorry! actually i don't know ur name i felt ur name preethi sorry boss..


Here is the Answer

1. A Competency is an underlying characteristic of a person which enables him /her to deliver superior performance in a given job, role or a situation.

2. Hayes (1979) - Competencies are generic knowledge motive, trait, social role or a skill of a person linked to superior performance on the job.

3. Albanese (1989) - Competencies are personal characteristics that contribute to effective managerial performance.

4. UNIDO (2002)- A Competency is a set of skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an individual to successfully perform a task or an activity within a specific function or job

5.Competencies are the human capabilities and work-related behaviors that provide a competitive advantage to an organization


It is the process of identification of competencies required to perform successfully a given job or role or a set of tasks at a given point time.

Benefits of competency based HR management?

Competency mapping aids in all core HR activities..

1 Recruitment & selection.

2. Training need analysis.

3. Performance appraisal.

4.Succession planning.

5.Compensation Management.

6. New assignment / Project allocation

Benefits of competency based HR management in points

1. Crystal clear clarity in the roles and responsibility of the employees ( through job analysis).

2. Reduced attrition rate due to reduced stress in the workplace.

3. Hiring mistakes can be avoided ( reduction in recruiting cost).

4. Increases the effectiveness of the training programs (accurate training need analysis).

5. Competitive work force can be developed.

6. Employees will be highly motivated ( Interest towards employee development by management)

7. Increase in the employee morale towards management.

8. It helps as tool for promotion, succession planning, job rotation and job enrichment plan etc..

9. Help organization “Raise the bar of performance expectations”

10.Helps teams and individuals align their behaviors with key organization strategy.

11.Each employee in the organization understand how to achieve expectation.

I Hope i have answered all the questions

Need more explanation?



seema singh
Yes, the answer given by our member "devanand" is correct. I really liked the definition part of it. The benefits cited are quite comprehensive. So, the next question goes to you.
Just one request- If you could cite an example from your experience, where you realized a significant differences in benefits gained at the organizational level by choosing to apply "compency based HR practice" over the existing / traditional practice, that would make it really interesting.
Hi seema
I am working in a automotive company as HR Executive- Competency Mapping and i am implementing the system in the organization..
And the process is still going on..Currently We have used in TNA, before it was done traditionally, By using the competency based TNA..
Employees are motivated and employees are getting required training...Lead to good relationship with manangement...
It's a very big process..i think i have done only a 2 % of entire project..
Thanks for reading
Hi All
Here is the next question..
You all must be knowing that projective technique is the tool or method used in the study and assesment of the indiviual in Behavioral Science.
Nowadays Behavioral science is getting more attention in the performance driven world...
So my question is
What is Projective technique? Different types of projectives techniques
What are it's advantage when compared to other Behavioral assesment tools like psychometric tests...
if possible briefly explain any one PI?
Please try to answer
Because i think as HR proffesionals we have to know something about Behavioral Science..
[b]Am i right[/b
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