Graphology As A Recruitment Tool - Jpg Download

my handwriting is different in different situations. for example. if i am adding a comment to someones resume the handwriting is different, if i am writing a note its different, if i am sending a love note its different. so my question is how can my really personality be judged if i show up as a candidate coz in that situation i may have way different handwriting. Pls comment.
Dear Raaj,
Your every posting seems that you are not willing to go for detail.Every time when I read your posting it always left me half filled.
can you please go with some detailed posting, so that forum members showing interest on graphology can learn from you. You are certified and we should learn from you .Please provide informations on certification,how we can use graphology as a tool for recruitment. Its sure that we can't use graphology for mass hiring but when the hiring is limited how we can use. Please give an example and let the memebrs know how it is useful.
waiting for your next detail posting.
Dev P. Ray
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Dear Dev
I dont understand your comment on
EVERY POSTING DOES NOT HAVE DETAIL??????? WHAT DETAIL ARE YOU LOOKING FOR FRIEND ???????( pls refer to the trailing posts for every information )
Can i ask you, what information do you want.
Well its a science , which is evolving slowly, and their are very few people here in India , who are certified on the same.
Yes i can definitely Train and Teach everyone who is interested to do this course. This course cannot be learnt on the net. There are no presentations available.
However I started with a perspective and comment and was trying to generate awareness.
Graphology doesn't have either content validity or criterion validity. As far as i know there's no fixed set of standards for judging handwriting, it's open to subjectivity. In some cases, i would say, graphology works,but its rare.
In my view, the higher the position is , the less emphasis should handwriting get in the selection process. What I mean to say is that, it might be excellent for a direct selling person indicating his emotional stability but certainly not for the CFO.
Hello Raaj,

Thank you for opening up this interesting topic once again. In between I saw someone else coming out with this subject as a book, but did not hear anything from him since then.

Graphology is really an effective additional tool for HR Practioners if correctly used at the time of recruitment and then later on during employee performance monitoring and analysis and progression. I am telling you with experience and confidence because I developed interest in this subject in the 90s when I happened to work for an extremely busy project office filled with multinational work force. During that time, the computer age was just catching up and all the communications were mostly hand written. Each of the piece of paper coming in with requests for approvals and suggestions and grievances were telling more meanings and stories to it, when I started looking at them with a graphologist view point. Especially when it came to CVs and also complaint letters, and request letters. Also initial collection of letters or hand written papers, later on became a projection of each of those individuals personality. And I still continue this hobby.

To comment on your reply, regarding the signature querry of one of our member, an experienced graphologist can analyse an individuals personality only partially using the signature. In fact, if some one is using graphology, I suggest he combines the analysis along with numerology and other mehtods of astro analysis (wherever possible) and he can pin down the individual to almost 90% accurate level. Even a constant effort to deceive the examiners effort can be found out by experienced graphologist.

Good work, and I would love to be a part of your communication chain.


Ramesh Menon

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Dear Mr Menon
Thanks for your appreciation and the feeling is mutual.
Well you are actually right in your understnding about the entire thing.
You have hit the bulls eye.
By the way what are you handling in Gulf.
Hello Raaj Sir,
I'm currently pursuing MBA -II from Pune University. I'm interested in Graphology. Will u pls guide me as to which institute or professionals in Pune conduct this course & what is the duration of the same..
I'm really looking forward for this course, also i hav learned that it has a lot of scope....
Thanx & Regards
Shriya Karve.
Hi Ramesh,
Thanks for clearing our doubts! Graphology is a subject which is of great interest to me.But somehow i was in the dark....I still don't know whether there are any institutes offering this as a course!From the content of your posting ,it is evident that you have a good grasp about the subject.Not only as a person working in the HR area but also as a person with background in the behavioral area i would like to know more!
keep up the good work going!
Good thing you have given information about which I was searching for. We use so much of psychometric tools for selecting candidates like THOMAS PROFILING. Is the graphology gives the reports like.
Is it the Graphology is a tool which a candidate should under take certain tests or just hand writing and signature tells every thing. How will you confirm that your assessment is correct.(optimum). Please tell all the members of the forum about the certification or why can't you take the initiation to impart the knowledge for all with some live examples. Is there any sites which will give more information on this.
Your reply is valuable.
Dear Raj…….
I also do believe that human’s personality can be judged by his hand writing and signature and it can be one of the tools among others which HR Professionals have to use like mentioned earlier, i.e. body language, communication skills, problem solving skills….etc . Along with these another important area is face reading and thus judging personality by looking at the facial expressions and face itself.
But what if a person is expert of changing facial expressions or as mentioned by one of the fellows that writing doesn’t remain the same in all cases. How much effectiveness do you feel for both of these tools at that time.
Therefore, I believe that these could be the tools which add value in your assessment but these could be relied upon 100 percently even if a person is expert of these areas.
Please comment on the same.
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