Pf Query Doc Download - Xls

Dear Bharat,
Once again you cannot withdraw Pension. You get it as a monthly amount. This amount vests with RPF Office (Regional Providend Fund Office). After superannuation you fill Form 10D of PF&MP Act and submit it with RPF Office for the same.
One more thing I am Nilendra not Neeraj
Dear Sir,
This is K. Ravi Kumar from Hyderabad. i've some doubt regarding P.F.
Mostly Related to the Employers Contribution, according to the rule 12% from the employee and 12% from the employer.
Here i'm enclosing the salary slip of three members incling mine.
can you tell me the employer contribution practically.
with Regards,
K. Ravi Kumar.
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Dear Amit.
I have a query.
Some company deduct 24% from the employee salary.. is that fare..
Pls reply
Dear Ravi,
Your Basic is 4750
Employer Contribution: 12% of 4750 = 570(Since basic is less than 6500 so entire basic will be considered)
Further employer contribution is broken into following two components;
Towards Emplyee Providend Fund 8.33%
TOwards EPS (Employee Pension Scheme) 3.67%
Therefore 395.67 will go to Employee Providend Fund and 174.33 will go towards EPS (Employee Pension Scheme)
I hope it clarifies your doubt
Dear Sunil,
A company cannot deduct 24% from employee salary without the consent of the concerned employee.
Hello Friend,
PF cont 12% from emp and emr
and as well as pf salary depence on the employer choose i.e., Rs.6,500/- fixed but employer ready to pay higher wage salary ( Basic+ D.A ) it is depence on the individual Employer chance.
Hi ! As far as I know PF will surely be deducted if the company has a rule of deducting PF. Otherwise it again depends on the employees descretion whether he wants his PF to be deducted or not.
I, too , wanted to ask a ques. If any employee has joined in the mid of the month , should his PF be deducted for the whole month or only for the number of days worked. Please clarify.
Rajnish Sapra
Dear Neelima,
If any person join in the month of MID, his PF will be deduted on working days..
PF is deducted for number of days worked in a month.
Regarding PF deduction, if an employee is working for an organization where pf is not deducted and subsequently he joins a company where pf is deducted then its on the discrition of the employee whether he wants to join pf or not. But, if he has been working for a company where pf was deducted and subsequently he joins an organization where pf is deducted then he cannot discontinue his pf contribution
yes.. company have to deduct PF 12% from his salary.
It depends upon employer whether they have to deduct PF on Basic salary more than 6500/-. If they want they can decuct.
In this scheme both the employer and employee contribute 12% of annual income towards the fund. of this 24% contribution, 8.33% is given towards family pension plan. The remaining portion (15.67%) grows at a rate of 9.5% per annum. This return is guranteed. Also, investment up to a maximum of Rs.70,000/- per annum are not taxed.
My salary for the month of december'07 paid for 30 days as my employer deducted 1 day for excess EL. My basic salary per month is 15000 so for 30 days my basic is 14516. My employer has contributed Rs 755/- towards pf instead of 780/- i.e. 12% of 6500/-. Is it correct?. I think my basic for 30 days is 14516 so the pf contribution should be 12% on 6500/- i.e. 780/- can anybody clarify.
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