Problems In The Office And Not In The Manufacturing Plant

It would seem that the employees are not involved or committed to the business. Also if there are team leaders/junior managers invovled are they not doing monthly/weekly appraisals - my teams in the past have always known that I would review their work with them regularly to see if there were problems, or if I could be of help.
Dear Aparna,
Why because if boss is their in the office they will be asking some information to their team members so the team members will be busy at that time So, they want to be free when boss is not their in the office.
You have to manage your team for work with peace fully not a force fully try you will get a success ,if it work then mail me on .
Bye & Take care
Naman Verma
Basically work should be done by the system not by the presence of Supervisor in any organization. So develop a system. Keeping engage & Target may be two out of your many tools.
Dear Aprna,
Iam a late comer into this conversation. But I think here the problem is not what has been discussed. In all these discussions you have not mentioned how you came to know that these people are not working when boss is not in office. I fear it is the boss himself have planted that seed into you. He want you to be his CCTV and report back. He is paranoid and has to be treated for that or he is taking you for a ride.
The reason for my deduction is this. Your organisation is not new and it is quite old. All these years it has been functioning like this and why a sudden reason for this action of matured employees. So there is something basically wrong here .Also check what happened to the old HR personnel before you as you are the sole HR person in the office. Talk to the person who was there before you and he will tell you the truth.
I am amazed at queries such as this, where full information of the scenario is not given even after seeking it. The person raising the query seems to be very busy and does not access the site on a regular basis. People ckeep commenting based their own assumptions about the scenario.
Hi Aparna,
I understand from your communication that, your so called company has only two level management i.e. Owner & employees. Normally if you really wanted to run the company then you have share the authority & responsibility with your staff. I mean you have to keep on sharing good things with your employees which keeps on encouraging them, at the same time if you are earning more you have give their share & keep on telling they deserve for it. Always keep on telling them that the company's growth is depending on them "more they work hard more they will grow". It is my personal experience that most of the family businesses are "Dukan's" not company & they don't even want to get into what you are talking about. Request your employer to create middle management & make them responsible for the workers performance, ask him ti keep distance with employees & their day-to-day activities & you will find drastic change.
All the best.
Dear aparna
First of all try to understand the reason why the workers are not sincere by studying the surroundings and take help from someone who seems to be sincere towards his work. Then implement HR solutions.
hello! dear
Aparna I wanna tell you why this type condition are faced by any company. Company have some target but when there is no compartment between worker means worker are just work for fixed salary and after some time you found that company are going down and you also. So never work for a company only you work for your own goal and I\'m sure never find this type problem, don\'t look other because without aim life is only movement and who\'s not working when senior people are not over there they never succeed.
Dear Aparna,

Your Organization is involved in tea-making, which has inputs from employees who are not very literate. The Organization is old and you are the only HR. Fin d out whether you are the first HR ever in the history of Company. If that is the case, you may well face resistance if you video-shoot/report about them. Many of the employees are firneds of the M.D. and willing to do whatever the Boss tell them.They think that obeying orders of Boss, even if it is his domestic work, is work for the day.In such Organizations, KRAs/KPIs/PMS wont help you. Never attempt desiging any HR Policy Manual; it wont work. Meet your Boss and explain to him that your concern is the growth of your Organization. Once he agrees, design a format prompting your employees to state their responsibilities; fine-tune them, show to your Boss, get it corrected and implement it (dont enforce your ideas initially) Once people get used to doing their work (after 6 months ormore), you may think of implementing Bio metric Time Attendance. Hope it meets your needs.Thank you.
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