Can Be Sleeping In Lunch Break Is Misconduct?

Dear All,
Mr. P.S. Dhingra has rightly clarified the matter. I am agree with him.
Prakash Salunkhe
hello i am poornima after lunch hour employees should not sleep because the work get spoiled. if they are tired they can take rest in rest room thats the best an idea
Hello i am poornima, after lunch hour every one feels to sleep but the employees cant sleep the work will be spoiled so they can wash the face and proceed the work so that the sleep will be reduced. If they feel tired they can take rest in rest room thats the best idea
Dear Ravi,
If you are not able to provide him a lunch room or rest room, or not allow to sit any corner of the factory, what will you do? But as per law it is not admissible to sleep on his working area. Some of the modern factoreis having their own inner law as no body should not be allowed on their working area in the period of lunch or break time for some other reasons. You can understand in future when you get experience especially if you are in a plant. On humanity basis the small sleep will get you a good refreshment to work after the lunch. Even 5 minutes sleep will give good boost and reduce our tiredness which I did in my early days.
With regds,
Hopefully, the concerned company has either Service Terms and Conditions for employees or Standing Orders / Model Standing Orders in accordance with Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946. These documents should be checked thoroughly (including the wording of the clause) to ascertain applicability of charges of misconduct in this matter.
all the above comments are unanimous to the opinion that yes, one can sleep during lunch time. there is no dispute about this.
but with respect to sleeping at their working area, there are two things - if one is working in the machine shop(manufacturing area), then yes, he can do so.
if it is an office, there is nothing wrong, but this will not be in keeping the office decorum, in this sense it is not ok, but they can do so either in rest room or in the
canteen area. it is ok as long as they don't disturb others with their snoring!!!!!!!!
dr nagaraj
Just think if all the staff are sleeping on the desk during their lunch break as a matter of their time, and on emergency without any appointment any visitor visits the company. what will be your company's image ?
so it is not advisable to sleep in the office.
Hi Dr. Nagaraj,
I don't think you have seen all the posts on the issue, particularly my post at the 2nd page. Had you seen my views, you would not have declared all the comments to be unanimous on sleeping in the office. I have clearly stated that the same should be treated as a misconduct, the act being against the office/organizational decorum.
it is simple.
In the Employee's contract it is stated the working hours and then the break hours.
eg: Normal Working hours - 8am to 4:30pm (8.5hrs)
Lunch hour - 1pm to 2pm (1hr)
But, come the payslip, you are only paid 7.5hrs, which means that the 1hr Lunch break is not paid for, so whatever you do in this hour is totally up to you, unless stated otherwise in the contract like " no alcohol on working premises, no sleeping on working premises, etc etc"
hope this helps.
Hi Rea,

Funny to read your views! In other words, by discipline in office premises do you mean to say that had you been the owner or CEO of any organization you would have allowed anyone to do any non-sense act during lunch hours, to say, drinking alcohol, gambling, fighting, slapping, teasing or even sexually harassing female members by male members, involvement in anti-national activities, abusing loudly the management, and so many other things as per the sweet will of the employees, if all these things are not included in the contract? Do you think all these activities are legitimate to be done within the premises of an organization, if finds no mention in the contract or agreement of an employee?

Don't you feel that the members of an organization should have the sense of responsibility and some ethics that are not specifically written in their contract?

For your information, nowhere in the payslip or in any rules or regulations it is mentioned that you are paid for 7.5 hrs. In any document You can find the mention of lunch break, so that no employer may become inhuman towards his/her employees.

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