Need Some Inputs For Lateral Thinking - PPT Download

i dunno
i read it twice but sorry.... i hav no clue
r u sayin the board moved - thn no
hmmm....there is a theory involved shoonya, not einsteins, but look at the bright side..u r close..jus guess the right theory :P
hihihi ya..heard tht tooo
yup..i hope others join in too
gr8 goin shoonya too
Hai everybody,
Here is one test:
Nine Questions Quiz
1. What is the connection between Ben Corson and Roger Stoughton and riot control?
2. Who was Lady Creighton-Ward?
3. A maritime poser: Homo-Sapien ÷ Rent = ?
4. What 15-letter word contains the letter 'E' five times and no other vowels?
5. What is deoxyribonucleic acid?
6. What word ends with an S in its plural masculine form, but changes to singular feminine when another S is added to the end?
7. Why was Dr Who's 'Tardis' so called?
8. These very old iconic symbols were responsible for what modern system? - the Moon, the Sun, the planet Saturn, and the Anglo-Saxon gods: Thor, Tiw, Woden, and his wife Frig.
9. What do the words ALMOST and BIOPSY have in common?
Answers later!!
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