Husband & Wife Working In The Same Firm..wife Is Facing Problems Due To Husband

Dipal Shah
I feel now that you have done personal counselling for each of them seperately, now its the time that you should bring them together and have an discussion with HR and if possible any professioanal counsellor / trainer / coach.
Mention to them that HR dept has observed these romours and unnecessary discussions which may / are causing problems to orgnaization, organization culture and work environment.
You can hear to both of them and leave the decision to them on what next to do.... You be very clear that you dont want the organization and organizational culture to get affected because of any personal issues.
Dear All,
This is very common in the organisation and in our society. Both of them should me individually called and ask the problem they ae facing promising them not to disclose the points which they don't want. Half of the problem will be solved on cross questioning in aloofness.
Later, after discussing this with your considerate person, call both of them and discuss the problem what they are facing from each other. Put the emotional, and social reasons before them to come to reconciliation. Regular, counseling is required for few seating/days continuously to bring them to calm.
If there is some problem from a particular person in the oganistion, remove that person or the lady from that place.
Dear Shama,
Thanks for your resonse.
I can't get you.Change the position of woman.
You mean to say designation or place?
But I don't think by changing designation or place it will work out.
Kamal Amrohi
Hi, Mr. Kamrohi
As I got to know from the thread posted its very complicated situation, In my point of view, it has always a tedious job for an HR to satisfy both the husband and the wife if they both are in the same company. For the situation like this I think as many have adviced you should find the the specific one who is the real problem for the husband. Moreover they should both also be given some projects achieving together if possible. Because they can be the best solution if they talk together without anyone interrupting them. But what ever may be the solution you should hurry before it may cause degradation in productivity. Best of luck.
Dear Kamal Amrohi,
Firing should be given due consideration. Tell the situation to that male employee. let some body close to that male employee shall be grated having a word with him.
Again finally if you have decided to fire, you shall fire the female employee. I really wonder why this has reached the management with out proper discussion within the HR department...
did you mentiond "she will stop working with male collegues if you stop dealing with your female collegues" and still he is doing this means ,he doesnt want her wife to work.
counsel both the husband and wife at same time and try to solve there (since you have a policy on relationships you have to be family dispute manager too:P)
Dear Mahesh,
Well,that Lady is close to Management.
May be she might have discussed this problem with them,as the Directors are directly involved with the project unit.
Not sure!!!!!!!
Thanks for your response & to Bindu as well.
Kamal Amrohi
Dear Kamal Amrohi,
It would be little appropriate if you could extend the decision of termination and to look for a solution internally. Try to change the task & KRA's of that lady which doesn't interpretive her personal life..
It is kind of giving a chance and ask that lady to fix up a counseling for her husband with any psychologist.. Don't ignore it might help.. What I suggest is that don't leave chances because humans are good in regretting............ ;)
Best regards,
my dear 'Amit Mba' its nt the husband who is the writer, bt the HR of that compn., so dear, better u check dat.....
Dear Kamal,
I am not well experienced to suggest any thing. Then also i am discussing here. I read the problem of wife & Husband.
Their's is Love cum arranged Marriage. Means they must have understood well together. But After 5 years problem raised means, husband might have heard some bad words about his beloved one. So, he is saying like this. Insted of wife getting hesitation, ask her to understand the situation. Suggest husband to share the problem with his wife personally, why he is behaving like this.
If wife is not ready to lesten any thing from her husband, and want to continue with the same attitude, let her.
But ask husband to be close with his lady Colleagues, in front of his wife and let the comments come up on him, in front the wife.
Then she may understand the husband, once upon a time why husband said to the wife,to be careful with male Colleague.
God given only one life to be happy. Let it...
Please excuse me, if any mistakes are there in my words.
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