i feel laws n rules do not apply heartbreaks.
heartbreaks r really unpredictable, sometimes they really make u alright n sometimes they can break u totaly.
so depending on the situation the result can be seen.
n this is not smthg like exception to the rule/law, there is no rule ... all cases r unique!
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
In cosmos everything is governed by laws. Whether or not we know those laws is a different matter. Not seeing law in nature is a state of mind.
yes i agree there r laws, but these laws r known to no one ... so how can anyone say that this law applies to a particular situation or not.
in physics, n chemistry i can still accept the presence n existance of laws ... this but in life ... definately not!
i guess i am in a state of denial, n am saying stuff contrary to wat everyone seems to say ... but am in a situation that forces me to say this. all that i have seem in the recent times in my life, tells me that "life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone" ... so no laws exist when u r in a mystery n no friends when u r alone!
am really sorry that i always say stuff that sad, grim n gray ... i guess i shud tk a break n come back when i have happy things to say! ...
btw, this site has really helped me a lot! i have never been so truthful to myself or to other ever! thanx to all the people here!
Hi Scare Crow ....

[ Sorry to have missed your post for so looong ...

Better late than never .. here are my inputs to the situation .... ]

Heartbreaks are a Unique Learning Experience in Life !!

They test you Emotionally and Mentally !!

You not only need to Cope with them but also need to Learn from them

I know it is never easy (or for that matter possible) to learn when you are in a disturbed state of mind but i guess i can still suggest something to you which can really help you .... some efforts will be required on you behalf ....

And yes ... Besides the LEarning Part ... its more of THERAPY !!

you may call it "shoOOony'a therapy" .... try it !!

A suggestion before the theapy -


See if you can catch hold of a close friend with whom you can TALK !!

Someone who can understand you and listen to you for long. Talk your heart out to him/her. A heart2heart talk is often a great therapy in itself.

Coming to shoOOonya'a Therapy !!

Start a DIARY !!

Yes .. I am actually asking you to write / type a Diary !!

This will you own personal memoir / record of you very deep personal feelings ... make it a point to write down your heart out into the diary.

Speak to the diary as you would have spoken to yourself or your friend in whom you could confide.

This Diary will play the role of your 'Friend' right now and in future ... over a period of time ... as you slowly migrate out of your depression/heartbreak .... the diary will provide you with precious insights into life and your own personality !! It will be a great thing for you to read.

Remember !! It is meant to be your personal diary adn it should be for your EYES only. This is to ensure that you can truly and completely and honestly pour your heart into it.

I am not sure if i have been able to communicate clearly to you the intent of the diary or its overall significance .... in case the idea appeals to you and you want to know about this further ... you can catch me on [Login to view] and we could take the discussion further off line on mail / phone !!

Take Care !!

and yes ... Keep smiling

(it might be difficult .. but not Impossoble)

. . . shoOOonya . . .

I read impossible as I'M Possible !!
dear shoonya,
i have sent you a personalised mail through your my official id.
waitin for some insights from your side......
A poetry piece which touched me
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin built there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
hi vishal,
i kind of agree with the diary idea
its a way of venting ur feelings
i like writing my diary
i religiously write my diary
if everyday isnt possible, i make time for it on alternate days
think abt it ok - 20 yrs frm now, u feelin low, u can read it. remember soo many lost memories...wonder if u cld redo thse things, smile with joy
sounds good na, for this u hav to strt writing :P
hav fun and do let us know wassup
hie sunaina....
till the day i saw & his personalised mail....i used to think that psychoz.... write diaries....but now i am thinking of starting this soon... let me see how sucessfull i will be with that...letz hope for the best
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Interested viewers my like to go through today's The Tribune, September 21,2005, page 15 to read an article "The 'broken heart' syndrome" authoured by Dr Harinder Singh Bedi former senior consultant of Escorts Heart Institute.
dear sir...
please refer to the origin of the topic...before posing the info....
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