Jungle Rule In Office - No Policies Being Followed

Hi Vineet, Can see loads of suggestions pouring in. Not sure if this would work but just give it a try.But for this you need to do some groundwork keeping in mind that you are the only HR.
  1. Make a list of those who work in night shifts.
  2. Then check their grades/rankings and list out the heads/managers/employees etc. them draft a small chart-kind-of who's reporting to whom.
  3. Now, that you the list revisit their JO's/JD's.Then find a person working in the night shift(As Abdaz has suggested above) whom you can rely upon/or talk to the employees in night shift about their work(casually) what they doing, their productivity whom they are reporting etc. by now u'll have an idea and co-relate them to their JO's/JD's. Check if anybody is deviating from it(i.e if they are doing more than what is required from them which brings positive results to firm as a whole then fine n good but if its the other way around or if its really unnecessary for the firm;s structure then make a note of the same)
  4. Then check if the work is being distributed justly among all employees and none are kept with no-process to handle. The same applies with the unit heads/managers. if any decision has been taken in your absence or isnt being communicated to you or in anyway it has affected the HR roles than make a note of it (not necessary that all rules and regulations must be communicated to HR dept.There are some operations/process where the Managers/Heads have the right to decide). Just see if the HR role is really needed there. Else just discard it.
  5. Once, you have recorded all the above have a word with your senior or draft an email to your senior(if wanted to copy the other heads) pointing out just the decisions where the HR dept should be kept informed or so...and request you would like to have a small meeting or some norms to be brought in for the same. When you draft such an email just be careful in the way you onvey the message(also describe how it has affected the operations of the organisation with common examples pls dont point out anybody in person but as aprocess

Then, it all depends on the management if they wish to proceed with your request or not. If they do so then well and good..if not then just leave it to them...cos you have been proactive and taken all steps to prevent the consequences. Later, if they question you of anything, you can simply respond them that you have already kept them informed and you took necessary steps to do so.
Hi Asha
Lovely solution. I thin k working in two shifts is a better option ad long as you dont stayfar off from the office and u can devote more time to your newly married life.
Thanks all,
Actually the director is very much dependent on the project manager.
It was project manager only who brought the work to the company. He has good hold over the whole team.
If we implement SOP's in the system so as to monitor him, he 'll stop working which can hamper our work alot.
Neither he will work nor he'll allow somebody else to come up to his knowledge.
Our work domain is such that not many ppl in india are expertise of it.
So u can say that the MD is also regretting how to tackle the whole situation.
Good ppl with caliber are leaving the comapny. Only Project manager's referances stay back.
Talking regarding coming in 2 shifts is not possible at all.

It takes one hour commuting to the ofc. Even, I will be left with no time to spend with my family.

Well, I have thought of making a feed back form which the team members will fill, to take feedback of the PM. The employees are not required to mention their names.

Then the same can be presented to the Project manager in front of the MD saying that the whole team is not satisfied with you and are even afraid of u that if they'll not be gud to you they will be fired.

Keeping all these points in front of him and asking him the solution will help?????

I think then we will have a foundation to confront him. If we'll make any changes in terms of SOP's and putting somebody in the night shift, he can hamper the work.

After, speaking to him we can tell him straight way and even he''ll get to know that he is being monitored.

Please give your suggestions whether this can work out or just a unwanted thing.???

Or if there is any other solution please share.

I would suggest, make your Exit Interview process strong. Send highlighted reports to all HODs and take this as a discussion point.
It will give visibility and will demand action.
Sachin Khadilkar
subhra mukhopadhyay
I think you come twice in a week for a month then on the next month once in a week and after that sudden visit on any day. Make ur some man in this time on that shift
You can recruit night manager and maintain register for all incidents that take place in absence of you. The register will help you to control all your problems and incidents noted in register should be presented to top management above you.
Hi Vineet,
In my opinion the best thing will be to appraise the top management about these issues and seek their guidance in the matter. You have to take the seniors in confidence and discuss the matter with them. Unless top management supports or understands the situation there is little you will be able to do.
Umesh Sharma
i am surprised!!!! your employees have simply taken you for granted. The main cause for them to behave in this manner, is that there is no fear from superiors, they have misunderstood the power of HR in company.
I would also suggest you do not come down to any conclusions, you need to know the root cause of the problem and then act accordingly...
I think it is relevant from your end to hire 1 Hr professional for night shift who should be working under you so that your are been posted of each and every incident occuring during night shifts. I also feel that meeting can be arranged from your end with the project managers so that you can clear them with your intentions and verbal warning can be given so that if any such incident is repeated you are liable to take strict action agianst them (this will be apllicable only after finding the root cause and you find the project managers guilty)
hi vineet,
As a HR mgr,first thing u need to do is ,to build a good rapport with ur employees.And get their support too.
U ddnt mentioned ur team size.if it s a large,u may need supporting persons,and u can get a control too.
Divide ur working hrs with both the shifts...or , interchange ur working days with day and night..(As a married female,i can understand ur limits)..
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