Working Culture - Need Suggestion-Very Urgent

Discipline and Office Decorum should never be compromised. I think you should escalate the issue to senior management, probably the CEO. I am sure people at the top are quite sensetive to such issues and will take appropriate disciplinary action against the HR Manager and others involved. Your hierarchy in an organization should never stop you from speaking out the right thing and highlight incongruencies to senior management.
we need to start with an inward input - why jeans or any change is required. whats the mimimum tolerance accpetable. in modern world the emphasis should be more on the sharping the mental agility and bondage ( within a team and the organisation ) more than external gimmicks. a jeans should and cant violate a dress code. the very thought that its not part of a formal dress code is taboo or any such stereo type thoughts. concepts would be developed and spread in form of discussion to employees about decency, work culture etc ( eg should a person wear a jeans and expose the back of the body or the underwear than trying to implement a general taliban ban ). HR is the friend not a enemy - it needs to usher in new concepts and fun in the workplace so that there is always a healthy respect for each other than wasting time to incorporate ritual formats.
Every Change is resisted at first.
People will generally recognize your effort.
Then they will accept your opinions and respect them.
Remember, "Rome was not built in a Day".
Keep Mailing.
Chamu, I suggest you look up this site Change Management Learning Center - About Prosci You may get some ides.
Have a nice day.
Hey Chamu,
Very simple thing apply how u have been asked to change certain things in ur school days, you should start off that on every Monday all should come in formal dress code,make the code simple like tucked in shirt (plain or small checks), Formal pants, Leather formal shoes. For Ladies Neat Salwar Kameez or Saree. Both men and women should have the dress ironed.ID card should be displayed.
Start this on every Monday, take the approval send a mail to all mark a cc to CEO.
Then involve each team to streamline the cleaniness, soft skill training etc.
Everything you need to get the involvment of the Senior staff, you need to sell the idea to them then automatically all will follow suit.
Never Quit on filmsy ground, fight it out you will Succeed.
Have a Great time, Wish you all Luck.!
[quote=venkatesans;448094]Hey Chamu,
Very simple thing apply how u have been asked to change certain things in ur school days, you should start off that on every Monday all should come in formal dress code,make the code simple like tucked in shirt (plain or small checks), Formal pants, Leather formal shoes. For Ladies Neat Salwar Kameez or Saree. Both men and women should have the dress ironed.ID card should be displayed.
Start this on every Monday, take the approval send a mail to all mark a cc to CEO.
Then involve each team to streamline the cleanness, soft skill training etc.
Everything you need to get the involvement of the Senior staff, you need to sell the idea to them then automatically all will follow suit.
Never Quit on flimsy ground, fight it out you will Succeed.
Have a Great time, Wish you all Luck.!
Hi venkatesans
This is already been done by me , and even i got the approval from the Boss's , still its happening the same
suggestions pls
I fully agree with Samvedan. The most important thing is credibility and rapport. I think you have joined the company recently. First, take all the managers into confidence. Understand the current style of working. Take HR manager in confidence and have a good rapport built, as HR plays a major role. People dont accept chane easily. Try also giving reason for the chage. I am sure with all this you definately will have success in your job.
Dhriti Sharma
Hi Chamu,
Prasad has given good sugestion. But it is also very important to take your boss into confidence prior to implement any new process n practice.
The problem is the difference of culture of your prior organization and the culture of your present organization.It will take time but don't compare with your prior company or experiences.
Become friendly with your peers and then try to understand what they feel and then you can really convince them to adopt the changes.
At any point of time resigning is not the solution.Because you never know that if you are joining other company what kind of culture is their.
Best of Luck
Hi Chamu,
Change is the only constant thing. But it is the responsibility of HR to initiate the change in what may be...culture....practices...processes....If you try to instruct the executives then obviously they would shew you and ignore it. You have already got the answer from HR . The best way to spread change is to start with small gang. If you can inspire and change one person then..slowly it will spread. Try talking to one of the executive whom you think can be moulded and guide her/him.Im sure as a trainer you can tell them how important personal grooming this corporate all abt culture....and definitely can be changed.All the sure you will come out of it.
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