Missed Taking Feedback Messup - T&D

Dear Sravani,
I am working with a German Multinational company as Asst Manager - HRD (Corporate). The positive part was you had immediatly recognised and accepted the fault. But whenever group communication is required one should be double sure about the content and addressee before sending communication.
But yours is not a major mistake rather I can see that you have a good attitude towards the responsibility.
I Suggest in future, you should always work with checklist and planner.
Cheers & be positive:icon1::icon1::icon1:
Thanks & regards,
Deepak Nayar
It would be heavenly if we could select the date and time when we let ourselves mess things up :)!
but since that is never ever the case, take it as a learning experience, for sure you wont make this mistake again.
Whatever u has done that was really your small mistake.

But its ok some times unknowingly it happens.

Time is a healer and people will forget this ……..so no need to worry

Just need to take a lesson from your mistake

Take Care
Dear Sravani,
Cool yar, u learn from ur mistakes, make sure next time u dont address seniors in an universal mail. Address seniors separately (individual Mail) and others in a group.
This will be good in case u do any mistake further also, but i hope this will not repeat.
Cheer Up and go-ahead.
Dear Sravani,
I wanna share this with you.. not too long back, there was a time when i used to make mistakes... n keep worrying abt.. this affected my present n my days to come....
i came across this secret...
What you think is what happens... thats the power of the universe..
Trust me, if u want that this should heal at the earliest, just come out of it...
What had to happen, has already happened, the steps that you took, could have been taken by many such people in such a situation...... its not as huge a blunder to affect you soo much.
Dont let it disturb you any more.
Try this:
Smile and say, "I promise myself, i shall be cautious next time and will not be in haste. I am fine now! I am feeling good now!" Look into the mirror and smile! Just laugh it out and ease yourself from this. Ask yourself "Wats next"
If you are unable to do this, you would be creating a lot of negative energies and wud keep imagining the worse to happen.... n trust me, it wud then surely happen. So plz, think of the good and come out of this!
Trust me, it works as magic! I am a witness to it!
Luv yourself! Watver has happened....Its simply ok!

Gud luck n keep smiling! Done let it affect u more:)Take care

Yes,i agree with Uniquenaga N others also .plz take this incident as a learning lession which may help in the future. and Be sure during correspondence with seniors or particular persons.
U may told to cs, ok sir, if u dont like it i will take care in future.
Mahesh Patel
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