Pls Help Me???? Reg - PF And Gratuity Of My Husband

I'm extremely sorry to know about your difficulties. However we have to face whatever has to be. There is no escape. Pl.don't lose heart or panic. Have courage God will help U.
Now are your children minors or major ? It is better to include them also as climants in all your claims. If they are minors you can represent them as legal guardian. It will strengthen your case.
One more thing - Does your in-laws got any ancestral properties ? If yes issue a legal notice to your in-laws claiming your share of both income by way of rent every month and right to the property, even if by dividing them. Ask them to register in the name of your children, legal heirs.
So far as the service benefits are concerned keep sending reminders every week. If necessary register FIR against the in-laws seeking intervention of police and asking them not to harass you & your children.
thanks for ur concern, i have 20 months old girl. yes sir i am including her name in all matters. my husband passed away at the age of 30. in feb,2012.
if i come to my in-laws matter, they posses cultivation lands, plots, own houses around 2 - 3 crores, my father in- law is a government pensioner, still he working as supervisor in on manufacturing company.
my husband's elder brothers are well settled and working in reputed companies in abroad and they posses their own properties.
i will fight with my patience, if i loose it i will file the case against them, if they harass me like the same way.
dear forum,
i have one more problem, why god is testing me i dont know.
after my husband's death, i received death certificate yesterday. but i just came to know that in 3 mistakes in death certificate by govt officials who issued dc at karnataka ( death was happened in karnataka, we are from hyderabad)
one is spelling in name, second town name, third one is district name.
what will be next step, what can i do with wrong dc?? can i use that one for submissions with notary???
is there any way to get out of it.
i am really taking breath with all your above suggestions.
pls help me in this.
I am am working in engineerin company i am new in this field, and one employee is going to retired from company but i do not know how to calculate pension against pf
You have to submit an application for issue of corrected DC enclosing supporting documents. This is only a procedural matter it is not a difficult one. It could be done on the same day if you visit them personally with relevant documents. Pl. get it corrected and obtain atleast 5 copies of the DCs in original because U have to submit originals only to the Court, Employers, etc. Pl.take care. If U got difficulties let me know if possible I'll help in this regard.
dear sir,
somebody told me,that, if we once get the original dc it will be remains the same, if we go for corrections we can get only duplicates with some delay.
is it correct???
pls let me know sir.
what will be the procedure like any affidavits or anything else we have to do.
yes sir, major mistakes are appearing in DC.
-error in spelling of name,
-address at time of death mentioned as mancheri ( that is also incorrect)
instead of Gulbarga.
-in Permanent address district name is hyderabad instead of Adilabad.
above mentioned mistakes are there in DC
what can i do sir???
dear friend,
my husband passed away recently, he possessed atm cards at the time of accident. i did not receive any cards from anybody who were with him at the time of postmortem.
what is the procedure to withdraw the amount from my husband's account.
pls let me know at the earlier. one of my friends told me that, i can get death compensation from bank if he possess atm or debit card at the time of accident.
thanking u.
ATM card: Immediately inform the banker to block the ATM card as LOST and make it inoperative.
Bank A/c.
First of all pl.check with the bank whether he had included a nominee for that bank a/c. if yes, it's easy for you. Produce a copy of the Death Certificate alongwith an application to note his death in bank records and recognise you as authorised signatory for yr.husband's a/c. If he had included you as "either or survivor" signatory then you can operate this a/c. as joint signatory straight away. Failing all these there is no other go to obtain & produce the "legal heir" certificate and operate the a/c. Pl.visit the bank and take their advice.
Some bank a/cs. include arrangements for 'Group Insurance' or some Credit Card A/c. has that facility as a value added "Insurance" cover. U may trace the ATM card/Cr.Card opening documents and go thro' for further details & follow up.
I think these a/cs are opened in Karnataka?
Yes sir,
this account is of karnataka HDFC.
he did not mentioned nominee's name. not registered actually.
He lost his ATM cards, i already informed banker to block the card.
i have applied for Legal heir. so i think other than legal heir i can not do anything.
is HDFC paying any death compensation ???
thanks for ur kind concern sir.i am so thankful to u for ur support.
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