Weird But A True Experience ---SUGGESTION NEEDED From SENIOR HR's

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I agree with you Shruti in most things you mentioned, except ONE.
You said: "there are two types of people one good and one Bad". People CAN'T be LABELLED that way Shruti. NONE IS 100% GOOD OR 100% BAD. Circumstances create situations for you to respond AND your nature [which, in turn, gets decided by one's upbringing in childhood, karma, etc] @ that point of time decide how you respond...which gets you the label 'good'--if your response is positive or 'bad'--if your response is negative.
A case in point is Ramalinga Raju [I don't know....kuch pichle janam kaa connection hoga mera iske saath-I seem to pick off a lot reg him to convey my points]. All know what he did reg Satyam, but not many know the good he did. An example is the 108 Ambulance service that's now running in many states....something that's saved lakhs of lives AND also had Dr. Abdul Kalaam too in it's Board of directors.
Now can we say he is 100% good based on this example? OR 100% bad based on what we now know of him? Got the point?

Dear Roshan,
Your experience although is really bad, as everyone suggests you really are a tough guy. Just be that way....Tough one. All your experiences, good or bad will let you learn something or other. Take the good and learn from the bad. And in all circumstances dont stagnate....just keep moving ahead.
As for career is concerned, take a deserving break and continue with your job search. You will get a good oppurtunity for sure...and very soon. Just wait for the right one.
Wish you all the best!!
Darshana Ghag
All said and done. But, what should be the answer when Roshan will be asked in an interview "why did you leave your job?"
Let's further help Roshan with this.
Hey Roshan, why are you holding yourself guilty ? I am sure anyone would have felt the same as you did. Do'nt crucify yourself. You did no wrong at all !
It is a closed chapter - now put it behind you. Does'nt matter even if you have to join consultancy - no big deal. It is important to rebuild your career from a scratch. Just keep yourself employable.
Since you need a corporate job and you have left your job under such adverse conditions, i could suggest you a few moves, but i would first need to see your resume.
As far your salary and PF is concerned, get legal help.
Be brave and do'nt take crap from anyone.
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