Boss Will Not Give Me Experienece Letter - Need Advice!

Dear Ms.Kalpana,

This kind of situation is quite common for every individual who joins a start up company. As such co's run on single man ownership, it is quite common that they focus on every individual and wil face a great fear of loosing the individuals. Since you handle most of the key activities in the present office the boss would surely find difficult to loose you.

It is the same case with me too.... when i got an offer and the new co. wanted to join me with in 15 days..... I conveyed the same message to my boss...he refused to releive me and insisted on 1month notice inspite of me agreeing to pay the compensation........ but after 20 days he thought and was ready to relieve me with all the letters i want and also with a gift...............

On the other hand i conveyed my new co. about the situation and they agreed to wait for 10 more days....

So i suggest that you tel your new company clearly what is happening.... if they really need you, then surely they will wait for you....... be honest...and believe me a talented person will be hired by any best not worry and dont choose wrong path.........Remember that you had a better opportunity than the present one, if you miss it......

On the other hand submit your resignation to your boss and at the most you may need to pay your one month salary, and listen to his blessings :)) just kidding.... so go ahead... do not delay and proceed........


Salman Chaudhry
I also feel that the HR person in the other company where you applied at will understand if you explain to him that your current employer will not give you an experience letter. I had worked for one of the largest vertically integrated denim units in Asia. There management also had a policy of not issueing an experience letter as it facilitated employees in cashing their current job. However, we (HR) with great difficulty were able to convince the executive management to allow issuance of a basic two line experience letter.
this is very common situations umust have word with the organisation wher u are sppose to jion and tell them if they want to jion immediately then u have to put ur papers immediatly anf for that reason they will not give me no objection letter if u have any doubt u can check throug referral or any other way
Pooja Nagpal
Hi Kalpana,

You can discuss this matter with your new employer and join them, and the HR people will defiantly understand your concern.

Remember opportunity never come again & again.

All the best n tk care.
I totaly agree with Ram.. Like the new company has suggested to you use your leaves...take off & work for the new company.. i think they want to do the handing over properly... otherwise it will be difficult for you
Speak to your current employer regarding resignation.. i think you shouldnt reveal about why you are taking leave... and trry to extent your joining date..
Offer the new employer that you can come and work during weekends..
I think HR professional should complete the exit formalities in a proper way (E. Your new employer may allow you to join witout getting a proper reliving letter, but it may effect you in future.
Dear Kalpana,
It's really a confusing situation. It's better if you can manage 5 day's leave and then can serve the notice period as per rule. Thou it seem difficult but you require service certificate not only for this opportunity but also for your future opportunities that may arise.
If the above doesn't work, try to expain the scenario to the retail organization and convienced them to give you the time of 15 days notification.
If don''t find any option other than leaving your existing organization. Then directly go to your boss, tell that you got a better prospect and require the service certificate in lieu of which your salary may be retained by the company.
with regards,
I think as u are working since few months only and its a small organisation, and probably not much of exposure to lot of other HR things, u can lookout for the change, but think before joining, what are the responsibilities and roles u are been given in that retail sector. sometimes its better to be big fish in small pond than small fish in a large pond.
all the best, u urself will be the best judge, try and see what ur instinct says.
First thing is taking leaves and attending the training. Go for it, just consider it as training not as employment. Anyways after that you can really decide wether you should join the new company or not. Meanwhile talk with the new company about the nonavaliablity of experience letter and ask for more notice period.
Once you finished the training, then decide that wether you want to join the new company, are they insisting on experience letter, and about notice period.
Once you have these data with you, proceed further with continuing the job or resigning with the existing organization.
Also never consider experience letter and one month salary as a constraint.
All the best and regards,
I completely agree with ram, take pl if available work i the new org for 5 days u will also get an understanding of the new organisation. also as per rule if you have put down ur resignation, u should get ur exp letter, for not serving notice period he may deduct ur basic pay for that many days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but still has to issue the exp letter
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