When HR Resigns

Dear Shaitan,

You are doing what a Shaitan is expected to do - Rake up issues which no one else can.

But despite all the criticism you have got for posting a topic which pricks the HR people, I still believe you have raked up a very interesting issue -

The theme is not too uncommon-




Okay i will try and share my views on certain aspects raised by you on HR people :

- Deep down, an HR person is just another employee with his own aspirations, goals, expectations on money/carreer etc.

- He is managing people, the marketing guy is managing the stuff the company produces and the finance guy is managing the Dollars.

- A guy in Honda Motors may say the HONDA CITY is the best car in this universe but when he switches tommorrow to SKODA he would say OCTAVIA is the best.

So if an HR guy is working to stop Attrition in company X, he is doing what he is supposed to do. Tommorrow he may land up in company Y and pull all the good guys of company X into Y !!

--- While we can keep debating on the moral and ethical angles to all these issues the bottom line i feel is :

### Do justice to your job wherever you are. Looking for better opportunities is not a crime - Thats a universal phenomenon today. HR people are part of this same world. But they should try and practise what they preach. It helps. Maybe they would look more credible then.

Hi Friend,
You must be frustrated or had bad experience with HR thats the reason you are bringing out negative against HR.
Like any other profession, HR also faces same problems while leaving the company.
No company will leave HR so easy especially.
And we have to look for our replacement and then get relieve letters,unlike others who dont require to do.
Even though we have company letterheads with us, but still we can't do anything, because like any other person we also have employment verification.
So dont think that we are lucky enough.....
Hi Shaitan,
Tel me one thing...even Dept heads and other managers r also required to control attrition in their own teams....but does that mean, they shud not leave the company too?
there r many instances when so many HRs have taken back their resignations too. but u dont hear abt it coz HRs do not voice their grievances loudly like others.
when we ve a grievance, we do not go complaining al around the office. we tell only one or two ppl who r supposed to know. n if that doesnt work out only then we leave....coz no matter how much we try we cannot take decisions for teh top mgmt.
so i dont think its right on ur part to say that HRs shud not leave coz they r supposed to control attrition. its like saying doctors shud not fall ill coz they r supposed to cure.
n its a pity that u ve such a bad view on HRs. if u think HRs r a waste, y dont u try running a company without any HR or any of its processes or procedures....i bet u cant
Riyaz i reeally liked the way u conveyed the facts...
G8... i am fan for ur this post :D ...
its surprising to comment like this by an Hr professional. R we not human being need look for growth like others.
Regarding your content of saying selfish, attrition bla bla , u think if working for organization for 3 years or more with just average hike of 10 to 20 % during tenure with no further growth, or u can say monotonous job continuously,it's feel stucked ( if young and want to achieve big In career) definitely it wont be called attrition if some one works for more than three or plus.
One thing keep in mind is to see that there are no frequent jumps reflecting in the profile. In average of 13 years of Experience if u have changed 3 Organizations it ok. I hope u understood the point i want to express.
If any further query let me know ALL THE BEST
Payal Gade
Dear All,
After reading all post I would like to mention here that we should not entertain the post like this on the site wherein we are together to know good things and certainly not to pin point somebody’s inability.
If you look on the post Mr. Shaitan or earlier it was HR for HR...whatever...had posted you will find him commenting against HR.
I request Mr. Sid to kindly look into this matter and please throw out these type of people from the site as the time we spent on reading and commenting on such useless posts, I think we better can think something good which will help us in our profession.
I request all the HR professional of CiteHR to send the mail to Mr. Sid for requesting to take necessary steps to handle this matter. So hence forward no such person would dare to hurt us as well as will not show disrespect to HR profession.
My Dear Shaitan...
You raised a very good question... But before answer your question i would like to know, since how long you are working in your current organization and how many times you switch your job since you got your HR degree.
I suggest you to recollect all of them which insist you to switch your job... you can put them as reasons why HR switch the job.
My dear SHAITHAN Friend........
I haven gone through ur article and doubted on ur characteristics of HR.
Everyone has rightly replied..i.e. against u.
My dear friend this site is, of crs for CONFRONTATION but nt for rediculous arguments........ Pls. stop such kind of postings which is worthless and divert ur potential for positive one......
wishing u a positive thinking.

At this stage - it appears that we are all passing judgement on our friend and discussion provoker - Mr. HR for HR or Mr. Ravi or Mr. Shaitan - whatever he calls himself.

My guess at this stage is that in his past, he has worked in organizations where the HR processes were not strong enough or bent to unscrupulous activities on behalf of various individuals in the organization, or for the benefits certain individuals themselves. I am going by comments he has made w.r.t. resignations by HR staff, fraudulent usage of letterheads, etc.

His illusion of corporate life and fairness and justice has been shattered by these experiences. Perhaps the best way forward would be to accept that the world is coloured in different shades, including the one in which he sees it, and so must accept this. Else it likely that he will continue to be disturbed by thoughts of right and wrong, black and white. He also sees himself as a crusader for justice - and honestly, his HR knowledge is quite good, despite our opinion to the contrary.

I wish him all the best.

I totally agree with anisha..
even same (deduction of 1 month salary) happened with me when i was not able to give one month notice period in advance to my previous employer.
my request to mr. shaitaan is first try to understand HR professionals that why they are forced to take this step of resigning...........there may be several reasons for that.
Take care..
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