How to control social networking sites chatting during office hours?

Hi all
I think when an employee is hired by an organization, in effect his or her time is the primary factor offered to the organisation in return for a consideration. Therefore it becomes the responsibility of the employee to justify the actions which are time wastiing and unproductive. Periodic interaction by the HR with the employees emphasising the need for indulging in responsible behaviour would go a long way in minimising the wastage of time.
As many people have said above, it is not a good idea to ban social networking sites/chats totally. I do agree that there are some employees who waste too much time on these things, but an intelligent HR or a line-manager has the responsibility to find out what task can be given to each employee to increase his or her productivity. If the company decides to block or ban these sites completely, then also there is a negative effect, demotivation and lack of concentration towards work. Like it is said - everything is great in balance. As an HR, we should understand that the company doesn't pay employees based on time, but based on the work done or task achieved, hence performance should be the only factor to determine productivity.

Nowadays there are many teenagers who can multitask between sms/chats/fb/twitter and also win 'certificate of excellence' on his job. Such employees actually drive the projects much faster and in make better relationships with client via these sites. If social networking is blocked completely, all this social rapport with clients and vendors also gets destroys. Hence we are always aware of the concept of 'Performance based Pay' which the HR always has control of. Compensation is the motivation to the employee to do good work, and boring tasks assigned to employee leads to them accessing time-wasting sites.
Hi JD,
there is a solution to it .if you could clarify the industry that you are working in it would be easier to suggest a tailored solution.I had done a project for a client with a similiar situation.hear are a few tips.
before you begin bring down the hammer please collate actual data of loss on manhours which is easy.
there are 2 primary things (cell phones and office computer/laptops).Most companies block or monitor computer/laptops which offcourse are easy to break and surf the internet without the IT knowing.cell phones are harder to track. point to remember is social sites are commonly used to transfer company data.
please clarify the industry so as send you my analysis (no fee) or write to me at [Login to view]
I am not sure, what are you looking for. Is it the intention of use of mobile as mobile only or as smart phone, If there is no use of smart phone in your company ( Which is very difficult now a days), you may ban smart phones inside office premise, as many industries does. for example, many companies does not allow camera phone inside premises, All the mobile phones in which social sites can be accessed are smart phones having camera. Which may be banned.
But, Please remember that, it may give a negative impact of business also, You may need to analyze both situation and take appropriate action.
It is not a viable solution to ban or block anything within office premises - this is now an old school method or jailer methods. A not so intelligent HR manager will think things work fine after blocking things. A smarter HR manager will explain the benefits of not using any of these technologies, devices and sites "while working" - which means little fun is possible if and when there is no work or employees or workers have completed the task. Believe it or not, this is a very simple thing to understand by this analogy - A knife is used in kitchen, but it also has the potential to cut off a finger easily if misused. However, the same knife increases productivity and makes work faster in kitchens. It is here again the lack of awareness in the company which leads to problems while smartphones and social media exist.

It may be difficult to believe that in our small company of 125 employees, we have been given access to social media like fb, twitter, skype whatsapp, and even youtube. Smartphones are ofcourse allowed and we do have an internet firewall to trace all online activities and emails. We also have a lot of cctv cameras. Nobody has been yet caught of misconduct on IT policies - Our company simply promotes the performers and discourages bad-performance during appraisals and everything has yet worked fine all the last 8 yrs
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