How A Person Can Live Happy, He Is Not Getting What He Deserve?

sreenirmal HR
Hey rohit, c'mon! Nothing is there to be nervous. You can prove your talents wherever you are! You first set your goal and work hard to acheive.
You should have faith in you. If you dont have trust in you, then who will trust you? Never loose ur self confidence at any cost.
Concentrate on ur present job and think how to succeed here and to climb up in the hierarchy. Be bold enough! Everything will be alright soon! All the best! I wish you all success!
One thing i would like to say you "We can acheive what we desire but god only should decide what we deserve!"
Dear Rohit,
I have gone thru all comments till now & would like to say, Please give your full information, like you have master's degree, but in which area you haven't told which can't be expect from a Master degree holder.
So, before presenting yourself in front of anyone try to watch yourself first that you are completely ready to present and capable to prove yourself properly. Try to find a job of your interest if you are not getting any job till then stick with the job which is in your hand. because change over change shows your irresponsibility towards the job.
First identify what you want Rohit!!?
Before taking a job, give it some thought, and once you take up a job Give your 100 %
to it..
hitro , i can associate with your situation as i was in same situation 3 months ago. i ll tell you what i did rather than taking all that work (data entry for a engineer), i deceided to quit and beleive me i am quite happy now (few of my colleages commited suicide recently).
so take my advise , if you have some money in hand to support you for 4-5 months. kick out your job and start looking for a job which matches your profile .
do what you love or start loving what you are doing , choice is in your hands .
all the best
Dear Mr Sharad,
Wow...I am really enlighted with your perception of life with the example. So rightly said and so true.
Aseem Sheikh
Pray About Everything and Worry About Nothing!!
We all must learn that worry,anxiety, and care literally have no positive effect on our lives. They never bring a solution to problems, and they prevent our growth in the Word of God.
Dear Rohit,,,
Well starting in the same phylosophical way I can tell you that God tries only those who are capable of,,, n whatever you do in your life it gives you a chance of learning something new.
Be positive in whatever you do as it gives more chances to win...
Apart from this calm down yourself, take deep breaths, think what all you want in your lyf n what is stoping you from doing that...
even if nothing works mail me your complete profile n your requirements,([Login to view]) I will love to help you out.
Dear Hitro1,

hey alwaz try 2 give 100% in whatever u do. also nvr forget dat knowledge,experience never goes waste so this will also help u in life in some or the other way.its an learning for u so enjoy the it positively and accept it as a phase of life.plz be selective from nxt time while accepting a job and avoid job hopping as much as possible.Prove urself dat u can be a good salesperson too as we all hv to sell urselves in this industry..dnt get upset b patient,think positive,trust urself and god,and go ahead..good luck.i hope ur mindset will change after everyones views.
people wants so many things in life. but never find it. it is your ability to give your self a chance once in life time, 80% is self effort, rest is destiny which you can never able to change it. commerce people do scientist is difficult that hobbies to convert into profeession. education is not every thing in life. what you learn is important. make a mentor who will help you in profeessional devlopment i am fin but in Hr job how you like it.
Please try to following few tips to be satified on any job.
1. Job satisfaction is purely psychological setup. To be happy/satisfied or not to be happy/dissatisfied is purely own thinking direction.
2. Always try to achieve five times more of what you can actually do normally or other feel you can do.
3. Always feel I deserve 20% of what others feel about you.
You will never be unhappy and ever prospering.
Treat all jobs equal. The same job shall be done by five people in five different ways. The ways of doing a job depends on the qulification, experience, aptitude and interest.
Eg. An automobile engine has gone out of order. The mechanic will try to put it back into operation in his own way. Wheras an automobile engineer will try to put back the same engine in a very systematic way. Please note they are doing the job of "puting the out of order engine back into operation". Simillarly, show interest in areas within the same job where you can attract the attention of your boss and where you can prove your mettle.
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