Query:MBA-Part Time/Distance Learning Programe In HR (Is Not Acceptable)

Yes this is a problem area but at the end what count most is your background, experience in the relevant area, and your performance in Interview. At present no body is willing to loose a potential person due to shortage of relevant persons for the specified job.
Well friends,
It's really interesting situation.
I just finished my MBA (HR).
When I went for searching job I found that middle level companies prefer people with work ex. of admn. along with DLP degree rather than just MBA full time course.
Few companies may have different policies.
However what I feel is you are on right track and after an experience of more than 3 or 4 years degrees and certificates really do not play much role in corporate. Only experience and common sense helps..
Great luck ahead.
I Guess Wot Matters Is How U Potray Yourself Before The Panel,if They Feel U Good They Will Take U On Board;one Case Ought Not Be A Deterrent
You all made me confused...
I did BBA and after that i came to know that additional qaulification is must to get the best job. so I did DBM from Welingkar Mumbai (Part time) but after that i have been told during my interview with one of the company that they need MBA in HR. So i joined IIMM-Pune (DLP) MBA in PM & HR & now i m in 3rd semester.
But now i came to know through u guys that MBA in HR DLP does not work and ignored by the companys. i m having 5 years exp in the HRD Dept.
I think that i have wasted my time and money.
It is an important thing brought to notice. Many thanks for the same Joe.
I have had similar experiences too. After my degree, I have done my MBA through DLP too and have lost some desrving opportunites because of the prejudice against DLP MBA's.
We as professionals should keep in mind not to dicriminate basis mode of course, thats agreed upon. But paprt from that, What could be the potential solution to this discrimination?
Brandon 69
Hi All
Agreed, that once you have relevant experience of 2-3 years in HR, it does not matter too much if you did your MBA full time or part time (DLP);or even if you have a DLP PG Diploma in HR (as I do)....but, some companies have made this a mandate (a must-have eligibility criteria) that they would consider a person for an interview only if he/she has done it full-time.....they are so hell-bent upon this criteria that even if a guy has 8 years of experience and working in some other top-notch company, they (the company in question) would simply not consider him for the interview.
But fortunately not every top-notch company has this narrow-minded approach.
I myself have gotten into a Global giant in IT field, as HR Trainee, even though I did my PG in HR through Symbiosis.....Inshallah, I would continue to work in good companies......as I said: not every top company has this criteria so all we DLP ppl have hope after all :icon6:
..cos an MBA aint somethin that which can be gained through series of assignments or some theoritical concepts..it sure does have to mould & shape someone into a better personality all together! There lies the True essence of an MBA.period
No wonder MNC's hunt MBA grad's from a regular school than someone from a part time or DLP..Nevertheless true talent will always be appreciated and absorbed..So,If you know for sure you are a Great HR person..few corporate's fail to recognise your talent, consider them the loser..not you!
Chill :-P
Dear Joe,
This is true. one of my colleagues faced the same problem even after good experience. I think hands on exprienceis much more important than just doing regular MBA
Dear Members,
After reading this topic and your views, i have gone in to a dilemma. I am having 7 years of legal experience and was interested to do distance learning MBA program in HR. I was about to ask which instititue ( Symbiosis or ICFAI) is better for doing distance learning MBA program., but after reading views i have to be careful before chossing the distance learning MBA. How does Executive MBA rates over distance learning and comparing it with regular MBA's ?? I will appreciate if you guyz help me out on this ....
undoubtedly a deserving talented individual needs to have a chance albeit the mode of education...w.r.t discussions earlier like "why were part time courses intoduced!?", it is the gap between the industry & academia and the ignoranc of policy makers in the government which has led to introduction of courses without a purpose...
a recent survery by ASSOCHAM says that except the top 30 B-schools, rest all the institutions are not aware of the basics of national economy and GDP...
not all the MBA aspirants get into the top 30 b-schools..in that case the aspirant settles down to the part-time courses... unfortunately institutions which has to teach business are doing business with education!!
overall, there needs to be a change in the system and policies which is obviously not in our hands...
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