Urgent Very Urgent Please Help - Doc Download

Hi Lavanya,
I understand your problem very clearly. Now a days this is becoming a common problem and mainly when a person is residential engineer, he or she thinks that there is no one to question him or her. See firstly u have to see some main points.
1. How important he is to your organisation
2. Whether is absent ( LWP)
3. Discuss this with his seniors.
4. Put up the matter to your boss.
5. (The most important)Being a HR person talk to him , ask him if he has any problem , so that u can help him from the management side.Tell him that its affecting the others Morale
See if there is no difference taking place in his absence u can very well give him a notice. keeping in mind that his personal life balance is affected. Ask his seniors to talk to him.
- Nisha Pandey
Pramod Singh
Dear Lavaniya,
Nothing wrong it taking leaves...please keep following things in mind
Is Leave approved by his HOD.. If yes than you neednot need to bother.. if there is no sufficient Leavebalance make it LOP.. Further if he is on leave with out any information that it becomes a congnizable offence... Request you not to worry on same if all paper work has been done or the leave is approved..
Sitting here i dont know whats the HR role over there in your company.. But i personally feel there is no need to send any memo or warning letter to him.. Going ahead request you to speak to him and take note of his concerns.. Please see if he has any official issue ..
Any further help do let me know...
Dear Lavenya,
Please note that when ever a employee is required to work on weekends like Saturdays or Sundays, they are entitled to take comp off and during which period they should provide their contact Nos and email id when required to attend back to work.
There is a genuine requirement of a personnel required to be present in the Office then he/she must attend to call of duty. If the said employee continues to take comp offs frequently giving the same reason is unacceptable. In that case you can send issue him a show cause notice asking him to explain the same in case the reason provided him is genuine you can accept it or esle if his gone a please trip every time it is unacceptable and you can forward the same to you seniors to take suitable action against him.
First of all Can you explain me how the leave is sentioned in your company? or what is your leave policy?
We are into building construction and at the sametime we just setup a child-care foundation, Caring for the less privileged and neglected children in Nigeria and Africa.
We would be interested in reciving helps from individuals/corporate bodies who will be willing to make significant impact on children/kids in our foundation.
Interested persons can visit our website www.monsteininvestments.com for more details as you can also email us on our email [IMG]https://www.citehr.com/misc.php?do=email_dev&email=aW5mb0Btb25zdGVpbmludm VzdG1lbnRzLmNvbQ==[/IMG]
P Bajaj
Too many emotional outbursts.
Just be objective, and that you focus on the needs of the Company.
Welfare also needs to be objective, and not with a view to take the company for a ride.
Should you take care of the company's objectives, the response is sure to come.
Dear Lavnya,
Leave policy in most of the companies is well structured and free from misuses. The Problem which you had mentioned is quite common every where. Instead of sending warning letter to the concerned employee now you are getting a chance to close the Gaps of your Leave rules. You can think of implementing the following Guidelines:-
Please inform all the employees from top to bottom that Leave is not a matter of Right.
Leave can be allowed or disallowed at the discrition of the Supervisor based on the Job Exegencies.
Leave cannot be suffixed or prefixed with weekly off's or holidays.
In my company we have allowed the employees to Suffixed or prefixed the Leave with weekly off's or Holidays but not with both. Eg
In the last month Monday to Thursday were Diwali Holidays. Friday was a working Day and again Saturday and Sunday were Holidays. Here the employee can take a Leave before the commencement of Diwali holidays and come on Friday. In Case if he takes holiday on Friday then his leave will include entire week. as per the Rule.
You can also try something as above based on your Organisation's requirements and Business exegencies.

Dear Lev
I have pested a warni9ng fprmat for u. useful
Date :



Sub. : Warning letter

We are regretting to inform you that Management is not happy with your irresponsible work. You are continue absent on date to without any information as a result company suffer a production loss.

As you know Management is not entertaining any oral communication for this type of behavior. In past also you have done the mistakes, on that ground company is warn you and give you one more chance for improvement your work in future, if your performance will not changed, management will terminate you from service without any notice.

Kindly give the explanation in writing within two days for your irresponsible work.

Kindly acknowledge the latter as a token of acceptance.

Authorized Signatory

Pandurang More
Hai friend,Thanks for your query, hence it has been happening many organizations nowadays particularly when they are in freshers or junior personnel. Each and every company has follows some leave policies and procedures, here try to make him clear about it. In the same manner please ensure importance of his presence by a way of his career, productivity, overall performance and organizational objectives and goal.Hope it will clear your query.... Regards, RK
Many companies incorporate appropriate clauses into their leave rules in order to tackle such problems. In this case, you could amend the leave rules and stipulate that casual leaves cannot be clubbed with weekends and if done so, the weekends would also be considered as deductible from leave credit. In fact, as I understand it, even in Govt institutions this practise is being followed.
Mahesh T Nair
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