How To Improve My English Skill Fluently - DOC Download

English is the most popular language in the world. You can communicate in every part of the world if you know English. Billions of people on this earth are crazy to improve their Spoken English. Here are 5 world's best ways to improve:

1) Join Good Institute: This is one of the most important, easiest and the quickest method to improve English. If you have joined Good English Training Institute you can learn English quickly because your all the queries will be answered daily and Good English Training Institutes provide healthy atmosphere and best techniques. You must find good institute wisely which can solve your all the problems regarding English. Those people who don’t have time to join institute can purchase good English book from the market or visit and other good English training sites to learn the art of English speaking on line.
2) Read Newspaper & Watch News: Many readers would be wondering why I have said this. Reading English newspaper really helps you to enhance your vocabulary and sentence making which would be very fruitful for you while speaking. You must mark 5 difficult words daily and see the meaning of those words in dictionary to learn vocabulary. By watching news channel you can adopt the style, confidence and body language of newsreaders. You can also enhance your general knowledge which is also important with News Papers and News Channels.
3) Imagination: You must start imagining everything in English. While traveling or sitting alone you can imagine. Imagining everything in English will help you create English atmosphere in your mind.
4) Have Discussions & Debates: Start having discussions and debates on good topics with your friends or relatives today. It will fill a new energy in you and make you feel good. Good friends and relatives will always help you speak impressive and correct English.
5) Be Confident & Determined: If you really want to speak Good English you must be confident and determined to learn it. Many people lose hope of learning English soon but you should never do this just keep pumping yourself that youwill be perfect in English one day. To build confidence in you, you must talk to yourself in front of the mirror in English, call to customer services, write articles, have discussions and pray to God for giving you the powers to learn impressive English.
If you adopt these simple techniques you are really going to speak impressive English one day.
Best of luck :)
Dear all,
Thanks all the participants for their posts. PLEASE THINK VERY SERIOUSLEY ON MY SUGGESTION-
Believe me, it will work. I personally have improved my spoken English in such a way.
Let's name is nisar, cell no-09762166089, email id- [Login to view]
Thanks & start immediately
Dear Venkat,

Everything begins from the origin. Our origin is our family. Start talking to every family member only in English. As our friends said whatever it is think in English and try to express what you want to say in English.

Yr.grammer could be corrected day by day. For this you would require a good friend or relative who is good at grammer, vocabulary and he is always, if not, most of your time with you.

It is not true every body uses all the words say, in a day. Perhaps you can list out what are all sentences you are required to use frequently. For example, start like this -

1. At home -Getting from the bed - Good morning, where is the paste and my took brush, coffee is ready?, my dress is ready, where is my lunch pack etc. Leaving home - good bye darling, I will be back in the evening by 8 P.M., what you want me to bring from market, You want a cinema ticket, any medicine to be purchased etc.

2. Reaching office _ Hello every body, good morning, how was yesterday. Hum, my friend and so... why you did not call me up for yesterday's dinner at ...... Today I will give a treat at...

Where is the file I left/kept here yesterday."

Pickup such small, simple sentences which does not involve complicated or advanced grammer to start with. After familiarising such small things then you will learn how to converse with long and advanced English.

Your success is in identifying what are all wrong, grammatically, in pronouncing them, pass between words etc. If you would catch hold of some friends who would help you in this manner you will become a master over a period of say in a few months. Of course there is no magic which would help you to master English overnight.

As many friends said you will learn how to pronounce if you watch TV news,

If you write down whatever you could speak one by one and give those sentences to some one who know the language better than you, ask him to correct grammatical errors in those sentences, then you will correct them and speak better in due course.

To improve further - you have to learn some of the frequently used phrases, idioms, present, past, future tenses, how to & where to use vowels, active & passive voice, positives & negatives. That's all. Read all kinds of English materials, news paper, magazines, books, novels etc to learn how English is used in modern and day to day affairs.

After all it is the head ache of persons to whom you are going to talk,then why do you worry.

One best way should I suggest, make friends in LKG to 8th Std. select girls, (don't pick up boys they will spoil you), you will learn lots of English, its pronounciation (avoid ....words) very quickly. After all they are also learners like you, no matter both of you would commit errors, learning by committing errors is always good as you will never repeat such errors.

All the best.

Kumar, Bg.
Dear Friend Neelam Gupta,
Really your suggestions are Indeed useful for everybody to enrich their communcition skills towards English.
Thanks a lot for your precious suggestions and request you keep sharing your knowlege in this forum.
nura begum
I am basically from village where there is no english medium. Then also i am
trying to speak in english. Tell me what should i do?
Please help me out.
Dear Mr Venkat,

Already quite a few handy messages have come.

In the first place, going by the subject of your mail and taking a guess of your intent, the

subject could be written in a number of ways such as

1.0 How to improve my English?


2.0 How to improve my spoken English?


3.0 How to speak fluent English?


4.0 How to improve English speaking skills?


5.0 How does one speak English fluently?


6.0 How do I improve my fluency in English?

The reason, why I attempted many examples as above, is because a Grammar loving puritan might not endorse the title as it is stated in your mail. Some more combinations can emerge. Paucity of time restricts the list.

The idea is to give a you a glimpse of various possibilities that you can visualise.

Stephen Covey says "All things are created twice: first in the mind and then in actual." So any improvement first starts in the mind.When you get a thought, repeat it mentally regardless of whether it is grammatically correct or not.Write it ;you may detect a mistake. Correct it. Then speak correctly.

Always have confidence. Close friends will give constructive feedback, while the not so polite may

give sarcastic remarks. Both help us in learning.

Many great speakers in the World started as hapless novices. Forget the fear of failure. Failures are early days of adventure that you would relish, once you attain fluency and look back. At that time, you will find them more amusing more than anyone else!

Follow the Chinese proverb "I hear - I forget, I see - I understand, I do- I remember."

In simple words PRACTICE. Yes, PRACTICE systematically with all the inputs you have now.

Good Luck,

"No sentence will start with because because because is a conjunction"
Yes, being a tamilian, I am also familiar with it, the author of the statement is none but late C.N Annadurai.
Yet, if you follow then start with "Now that," meaning because and "for," meaning because
but note! while writing, you must insert comma and while addressing, give a pause. regards -vaidya from Tirupati
Good Evening Every Body!
Thanks all your valuable guidence for me. all you will expect me with good english fluency very short period.One again thank you so much to time spent for me.
[QUOTE=nura begum;1529192]Hi
I am nura.
i want to know about HEAD HUNTING
pls friends tell me what it means in recruitment process.
headhunting (observe no gap in between) means-Recruit or attempt to recruit personnel, especially from other companies
My Dear Venkat,
I shall help you to master English very easily and that too, the western way. If you ask my why I am so confident, I'd say, I am about to reveal to you the same techniques that I used to master my way of speaking. I was educated in a backward part of India, where none spoke reasonable english, but, by the time I completed my High school, I was enviously good in English, many have even asked me if I was from the US.
Answer to your question will become easy if you would tell me these:
1. How good are you in English?
2. How often do u use it/ need it?
3. Do you have friends with whom u can speak only in English?
If you wish to know how I did it so easily, call me, +91 860 66 11 555, Im Babu Navin here.
NB- You service is 100% free, haha.
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