How To Get PF Without Concern Of The Old Company

Dear Baba Naresh
If I leave the company without informing to old office then the last day of working will be taken as our last working day. Or is there any proof of releaving letter is must(to submit with the form).
Dear sir,
I left the company in last August. till now i have not withdrawn my P.F. Is there any maximum time period to withdraw the P.F. Can I post the P.F form to the concerned P.F. office or i need to go personally.
Thanks and Regards.
S.Siva Gowri Prasad.
Dear sir,
I left the company in last August. till now i have not withdrawn my P.F. Is there any maximum time period to withdraw the EPF if i want withdraw without concern of the old company?. Can I post the P.F form to the concerned P.F. office or i need to go personally.
Thanks and Regards.
S.Siva Gowri Prasad
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