Rule Of Late Coming To Be Continued In Rainy Season

Again, please stop making it a HR vs Employees issue. Since, your avatar makes it look like you are spiritual, what is right for you maybe wrong for someone else and vice versa. So please understand that she is in a dilemma and is asking for our thoughts on the same so she can evaluate from a 360 degree perspective before she takes a decision she feels is right for her organization.
Dear All,

each organisation has it's own culture, own rules, own processes, own history, own problems and will have to find it's way thru the problems. Good manager is the one who can provide best solutions to a problem in a given situation. Views and suggestions given to Ms. Yogita can not be copied and pasted and she will have use prudance and discretion.

However I have to share following views comments:

1. Is it very important, considering the nature of work, that employees have to be 'IN' on time? is it going to be a major loss for company? is time discipline very critical? It is very critical in certain process industries and mfg. industries. Imagine a situation where flights are delayed because crew is often late.

2. Half days CL for 4 Lates appears to be too harsh, thogh the definition of Late is not known ( is it 5 mins, 15 mins or 30 mins). In case of how many employees actually that half CL is getting cut? What is overall %age. Are the employees not punctual in general.

3. There is a possibility that employees are taking extra care during mansoon to reach on time and starting little early. But still there will be few occasions when local trains and buses are running very late and they will be late to office.

4. I suggest some relaxation can be given during particular months of mansoon. This decision needs to be properly communicated to employees in advance: a) Cut half days leave say against 6 lates instead of usual 4. or b) Ignore the Late Coming on those 4-5 draded days when it rains like a mad and transpot is disturbed.

Thanks & Regards
Why so much fuss, the policy already has 4 days allowed for coming late (the flexibility is in the policy itself). No need to be any more flexible. May be relax some dress code rules if you have (like leather shoes as they don't stand rains).
Hello Yogita
I am from Mumbai and I daily travel approx 50 KM by Local Train.
You can make provision of flexible timing for Rainy season.
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