Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I too received mails from Sudan, Nigeria, UK and even US and they will ask one about the details of name, address, bank account etc promising million dollars to be transferred to India for business.
Keep up on sharing and caring for knowledge.
Suri Babu Komakula
Dear Sruthi
Just ignore this and continue your process of work to get awareness on the HRM. This is not an issue to think.
Suri Babu Komakula
Dear Shruti,
Compliments of the Season!!!!
Tell me how many junk mails and messages do you get every day to your mailbox.
Have you ever given a thought to it and taken it personally or have you ever read them...
Then why this message its just some one who is not educated is wasting its time on this site cos he does not know the real use of this site..
Just relax and forget it..
i know their are people who will guide you to go to court and all that stuff for justice.. Do you have a time to go to court and spend your / Family's Hard earn money. Do you know the INTERNET browsing rules and regulations..
If you have given your data no net is only at your own will and own risk if someone misuse it then it will be only your risk..
So its better you just forget it and cont.. enjoying your life
Chill and Relax,
Rishi Budhadev
HI Shruti,Pls act deaf to such mail/ communication & pls ignore and dont disturb self as they do not fetch you regards,Arun
Dear Shruti
good morning
With respect to your request,
I come to know that
your too sensitive and too young.
don't get scared of such mails many people want to tease someone it is their habit.
you need to ignore them.
be bold have full confidence in your self. go +vely with your work, make yourself too busy in work, by that the diversions will be shorter.
A little request i would like to make
it is better to use e mails with proper user name. not what u r using mumbai2008
with best wishes
you should ignore such mails, these are common now a days.
Its disgusting to see people using this forms in a wrong way
Hi Shutri,
just ignore it.
any way dear all i need more information on the best way to utilise the Skill matrix
can any one help me i m new to Cite HR.
i m working for an MNC with 70 employees.
total Exp. 4 years
Vivek Solanke
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Dear Shruti,
No need to worry........
just ingore this kind of useless mail
and keep sharing the good things with good professionals.:?:
Hari Naudiyal
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