Logic Questions - II From Raj

Q.16. White
Q.17.: He already knows it's an R, and still asks for the word
Q.18. Fire
Q.19. Corner
Q.20. Elm trees do not have acorns...not sure how you stuck them on it
.16. A polar bear walks one metre south, one metre west, and then one metre north, and is back at its original position. What colour is the bear?

Polar bear are always white

Q.17.: Here is a conversation held over a phone by Jerry and a salesman:
Salesman: How do you spell you name?
Jerry: J as in juice, E as in egg, R as in Rugby-
Salesman: I'm sorry? R as in what?
Jerry: R as in Rugby. Another R as in Read...
And the conversation continued. Can you spot something wrong with this piece of the conversation?

Salesman : I'm sorry? R as in what? ( If he understood that Jerry is saying R .. then why asking that again..??
Q.19. How could you place a box on the floor where nobody could jump over it?

By putting it in corner..

Am I correct...
5. by cooking and serving equal amount
6. he already put sugar in the coffee
7. Room light (electric lamp / bulb whatever)
15. by having an umbrella (when its raining - under the water.
Where must a referee be to blow the whistle?
in his mouth..
seems to be silly answer right???
Where must a referee be to blow the whistle?
in his mouth... seems to be a silly stupid funny answer right???
Raj, hope this could be the answer u r looking out..
12.none of the boys on the school's team scored any basket
ans: it was a all girls team so no boy scored a basket but girls did.
Hi !!
ANS: 12 :-oTHER TEAM didn't come to play the match..and team got a win without scoring a basket...
Raj plz tell me if it is correct or not...
Oye Gurrruuuuuuuuuuu..... there is nothing like a stupid answer.... In fact this particular answer is CORRECT.... thats what we were looking for. The refree has to be behind the whistle.
And Ady Dear, thats not how matches are won... but a good attemt though... qualifies very well for an OUT OF THE BOX thinking.
The answer is GIRLS' TEAM indeed.... Thats the one!
Good tries guys...
Beginners Level Questions... used for checking logical skills during selection process in companies.
(Especially posted for all those who wanted more challenges and demanded new set of questions from me...)

Q.1. A dog is tied to a 15-feet long leash. How can the dog reach a bone that is 20-feet away?
A:The leash was not tied at the other end.
Q.2. Last week, my uncle Ramesh was able to turn his bedroom light off and get into bed before the room was dark. The light switch and the bed are ten feet apart. How did he accomplish this?
A: it was day.
Q.3. My brother Mahesh says he is able to place a bottle in the middle of a room and by crawling on the floor, he can slide into it. How can this be?
A: Mahesh is able to place the bottle in the middle of room and is able to crawl on floor and slide into room. he didnt mentioned that he slide into bottle
Q.4. Last Friday I flew to Mumbai. It was a scary flight. bout an hour after getting onto the plane, I saw a very thick fog and then the engines stopped due to lack of fuel. Why didnt we die?
A:The flight was on runway only, it didnt flew
Q.5. A mother has 6 children and 5 potatoes. How can she ffed each an equal amount of potatoes? (Do not use fractions).
A:She boils the potatoes and crush them. now she cna distribute equally
Q.6. While eating out, my brother-in-law Joy found a fly in his coffee. fter taking the cup away, the waiter came back with a different cup of coffee. My brother-in-law got upset andreturned it, saying that the coffee int the second cup was the same as in the first one. How did he know?
A: it was colder
Q.7. You find shelteer in a mountain ldge on a windy night. When you go in, youfind a match, a candle, a sheet of newspaper, a torch, and some dry grass. You need to light the fireplace. What would you light first?
A:match stick
Q.8. A farmer has twenty sheep, ten pigs, and ten cows. If we call the pig cows, how many cows will he have?
A:ten only. calling pig cows wont make them cow
Q.9. Where must a referee be to blow the whistle?
A:Anywhere. There is no restriction in blowing whistle
Q.10. How much will a 33 degree angle measure when onserved under a microscope hat magnifies 1.33 times?
A: 33 degree only.magnifying will not change the angle
Q.11. Imagine you are a taxidriver, and you are driving a Tata Sumo. This taxi is meant only for senior citizen passengers. Your pasengers are an older couple, and they want to travel 6 miles. You a re a driving at 40 miles an hour with the tank one-third full, when, 2 miles into the trip, the tank is down to one-fourth full. Ten minutes, later, the trip is over. What is the name and age of the driver?
A:Name is My name and age is my age as I myself is the taxi driver
Q.12. My neighbour's son cam to me and told me this yesterday, "Four days ago, my school's basketball team won a game, although none of the boys on the school's team scored any baskets. Also, the other team didnt score against itself accidently (means, they didnt ball in their own basket by mistake). How can this be?
A:ir was a girls team
Q.13. A boy of 22 years was driving a scooter down a one-way street in the wrong direction. A policeman stopped him and challaned him. The policeman himself paid for the challan also. Can you find a logical explanation for this?
A:he was the father of the boy who was driving the scooter
Q.14. Why do black sheep eat less grass tan white sheep?
A:because it was not as hungry as white sheep
Q.15. How can yo light a match under water?
A:I can keep a vessel of water on my head and light the match. In that case i will be standing under water and can light the match
Q.14. Why do black sheep eat less grass tan white sheep?
Black sheep may be young one and cannot eat as much as white sheep
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