I Have Never Come Across Such An Idiotic Person In Life

Hi srikanth,
As of now you have got so many suggestions!!! but it all depends on your friend how he react but one thing is " Its all time taking process, as time goes on he will forget her" ask him to concentrate his mind on something as like his hobbies and other where he feel comforable doing it. And dont leave him alone for some time.
mukunthan. HR
love only is not a life. it's a part. He have someother things to Go on.. For this itself he got heart broken in the sense then how he can able to cope up the problems of the organisation as a HR.? as u r his friend make him clarify the life what it is? Take care:confused:
Hi Srikanth,

Its nice to have someone who is really close and understands a friend so much, its true at some point in our lives, we find ourselves in such a situation.

Well I just can suggest you to support your friend emotionally. just tell him how much potential he is and how much he is wasting his life sulking over a silly matter.
If he really loves this girl, let her free to her will. It would be foolishness to go behind, just think, we are just possessive, and does it any purpose.

I wish your friend was born before the Indian Independence, he would have laid down his life for the country than for one silly girl.
or would have joined the Armed forces and face the enemies in the Border. he would have felt the importance and VALUE of human life, Integrity & Sovereignty.

Anyway, with due respect to this girl, dont blame her or curse her, let her live her life.

Ask him to read some inspirational books of Great People.

"there is more in life, and what ever happens, happens for good."


Hi srikanth,
God grace he is very lucky, if he knows after marraige that she is that kind of girl think what will happen his total life will be miserable. it is jus a learnig that he should know before close to someone. Tell him that he should not feel for that women should feel she wont get this kind of person in her lifetime ask him try to concentrate his work within 2 months time he will be out from that feeling don let him free be with him and dont share the topic share something else generally.
M.Peer Mohamed Sardhar
I am Rough but Cant Help
Ask that person to Die
Is he a Man
Is he Mad fellow.

Let him Die instead of living like this,

I pity U for bringing this here as u could have told him this.

why fall in Love and Suffer.

Who are u to spoil the Soul which has been brought up by utmost care by parents.

Do u think abt ur parents before doing all these

Better do some other job instead of taking care of the guy..

Ignore him...

Wat a foolishness...

If he is not able to take decisions in life,,

How can he be Good HR Person who can guide and help others to take a decision

Let Us be Practical

I dont even What is the meaning of the Topic Employee cheated in Love....

Wat A GReat Waste of Time..

Put an End to this
Just tell him this "sacrifice your life for those who loves you back instead of wasting your life for those who has betrayed or ditched you".
Never Cry For Any Relation In Life
Because For The One Whom You Cry
Does Not Deserve Your Tears
And The One Who Deserves
Will Never Let You Cry.................
Treat Everyone With Politeness
Even Those Who Are Rude To You,
Not Because They Are Not Nice
But Because You Are Nice.......................
Never Search Your Happiness
In Others
Which Will Make You
Feel Alone,
Rather Search It In Yourself
You Will Feel Happy
Even If You Are Left Alone......................
Always Have
A Positive Attitude In Life.
There Is Something Positive
In Every Person.
Even A Stopped Watch Is Right
Twice A Day...................................
Happiness Always Looks Small
When We Hold It In Our Hands.
But When We Learn To
Share It,
We Realize How Big And Precious It Is!..........
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